Chapter 2/13

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Where did the handsome beloved go?
I wonder, where did that tall, shapely cypress tree go?”


~4 days after Ranboos disappearance~

    I lift my welding helmet off of my head as I turn down the flame. I look over the two sheets of metal that are now melted together, good enough I suppose. I pull off my gloves and decide that I’ve done enough work today.

I walk out of the warehouse, only to see that the sun was already setting. Hm, didn’t think I was working for so long - I've been working since before sunrise. I suppose that’s just what happens when you’re alone. In the past Jack would help with my projects, even if he just just sat there on his ass, but he hasn’t been coming around anymore. Which is fine, we all have our own lives and I can’t expect everyone to pause their lives because I’m feeling a bit lonely.

    I unlock my front door and walk into the warmth of the house, even though it wasn't much warmer than it was outside. I take off my boots and coat as I usually do. Then head to the fridge to get something to eat, before I could open the fridge a yellow paper caught my eye. Ranboo must’ve been around, I mean the fruit bowl is filled which Ranboo usually fills every couple of days since Snowchester can’t grow things like that. Though Ranboo gets them from the Arctic, maybe it's because I haven’t tried. I grab an orange from the bowl and grab the piece of paper from the counter. I unfold the bright paper and quickly skim my eyes over the paper, it’s messy handwriting - too messy to be Ranboo’s.

"Hey Tubbo! I came by and you didn't open the door. So I broke in! (Don't be mad.) I brought you and Micheal food! Micheal ate both servings. (Sorry) But I filled up the fruit bowl! I noticed it was empty the last time I came by. Hopefully I catch you next time!
                                 -Love Captain
                                           [Puffy :) ]"

    I guess it makes sense that Puffy came by, she’s been doing that a lot more recently. I think it’s because she has more downtime. I throw the note into the nearest trash.

Maybe I should check on my child, sounds like a responsible thing to do. I begin the climb up the ladder to Micheal’s room. As soon as I poke my head up I’m greeted with a squeaky toddler wrapping his arms around my neck. I smile wide and finish my climb with a protective arm under Micheal so he doesn’t lose the battle with gravity. “Hey my little dude. How was your day today?” He then starts to speak quickly, giving a long recap of what he did today. It consisted of hearing a loud bang, Puffy pushing a plate of food to him, then the two going over word flashcards, then playing with his teddy, then finally taking a nap that he just arose from. “Sounds like you had a busy day.”

He nods happily. “It was fun! Uncle Puffy is dumb, she almost broke the door thing on the window trying to get in.” I better check on that, knowing she probably did. “Is Boo here?” He asks, with the widest puppy dog eyes he could manage, how dare he realize how to manipulate his parents with his cuteness.

“No Micheal, I’ll ask him to come around though?” They haven't been around for a couple days, not since our tea party. It’s pretty normal for him not to come everyday, drop off the face of the earth for a day or two then come back around as if no time had passed. It’s nothing abnormal for me to go days without seeing my co-parent, doesn’t mean that I— Micheal, doesn’t miss him.

“Yes!” He says quickly, I then give him a certain look, “Oh! Yes, please!” he corrects with a wide smile.

“I’ll message him in a while.” Micheal then points up, up towards my hair. “What?” There’s a large smile on his face as he continues to gesture towards my hair. I tilt my head slightly downward so that he can see my hair. I wasn’t expecting a hand to form around my left horn. I scuff as I realize what it is he wanted. “You just love that ring, don’t you?”

"Where Did The Handsome Beloved Go?" (Bee Duo) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now