Chapter 4/13

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All day long my heart trembles like a leaf.
All alone at midnight, where did that beloved go?”


~8 Days After Ranboo's Disappearance~

I jump back from my project, that has been in the works for a week now, because of a small flame being produced from where I had been working. I groan as I spawn in a water bucket into my hand. I dump the whole thing onto the small piece of machinery before dropping my head onto the desk harshly. I then hit my head against it again, and again, until I could feel a sharp pain going through the front of my hard head. I sit up and softly rub my hand over the pained skin.

"Don't you think you need a break?" I jump at the sound of someone talking behind me. I turn, half expecting - more like hoping -  that my husband would've been stood just outside the door. But instead of my dear husband I see Jack Manifold himself. "I got back this morning, and you were in the same spot when I walked by." He walks into the building.

"I'm fine Jack. Just go back to your precious life." I then turn back to my now ruined, by fire and water, machinery. This is the fourth time, today, that I ruined the small gadget. I bend awkwardly in my seat and begin to dig through the box of scrap metal that's under my desk. Jack then kicks the box further under the desk, out of my reach. I look up to look at the other's face.

"Have you even fed Micheal? Even checked up on him?" He asks as if he was accusing me of something. Of what? I have no idea and honestly don't even fucking care to find out.

I groan and I drop my head against the desk again. "Puffy or Foolish check up on him, he's fine. Can you leave me be now?" He takes a while to respond and I let myself hope that he will just drop the topic.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I feel him shove my shoulder. So much for leaving me alone. What gives him the right to lecture me about parenting? Did he magically get a child in the time he's been gone that gives him the privilege to judge me about this? "Not even caring to check on your own child? That's a new low, even for me." He continues, there's so much anger in his voice. It makes me wonder if I'm really the reason he's so angry.

"Adopted son." I correct him without really thinking. I mean it's the damn truth. It's not like me or Ranboo fucking gave birth to him, we just took claim on him. I look up to make direct eye contact with the other for the first time in weeks. I notice how tired he looked, if the bruises under his eyes didn't give it away it was the lack of life his eyes had. I would've thought he was dead if I wasn't actively scolding me like I was a young child. Hopefully he's taking care of himself properly, knowing him he probably isn't-

  Jack hits the top of my head, it was only a tap but it still pissed me off. "Yes, yours and Ranboo’s adopted son. Which the last time I talked to you, was the most important thing in both of your lives."

You know what, screw caring about his well-being. "Well I don't see Ranboo caring for Micheal either. Figured we can both pull a shitty father card." Not to mention shitty husband. Eight days, eight fucking days that Ranboo hasn't cared to even message me. Eight days of Micheal asking over and over where his other father is. Days of me not being able to give a straight answer to Micheal, then him getting mad because he's too smart for his own good.

"What do you mean Ranboo? Ranboo is probably the best father around, he--"

I abruptly stand - nearly headbutting Jack because of how close he was - and snap. "Then where the hell is this oh so perfect father, huh? Because he hasn't come to see his son in over a week. And hasn't even messaged to see if Micheal is breathing! Or if I'm okay! So if that's your definition of a good father, man I feel for your fucking childhood." I watch as his mouth falls open, as if he was trying to figure out what to say, his mouth then snaps closed. "Just leave me the fuck alone." I stand as I push the chair away from the desk. Not caring about my failed gadget anymore.

"Where Did The Handsome Beloved Go?" (Bee Duo) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now