Chapter 40

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I must make this quick,

There is an immortal who is after you and Duncan,

His name is Louis and he is in Bordeaux

He is a cannibalistic immortal who eats the dead bodies of mortals,

I am sorry to inform you of this,

But I feel you are the only one that can stop him,

Connor MacLeod,

"Hey, Joe," I said as he walked in on me packing up my bags.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"I have to go to Bordeaux, there is an immortal there who is eating humans... I have to kill him, Joe. Connor just sent me the note," I said and handed him the note, zipping up my suitcase. He nodded and looked around.

"I was... I was wondering if I could come with," he said and I looked back at him and laughed. Seeing as he was serious, I sighed and put my bags down.

"No, Joe, that is too dangerous." He looked behind him and I felt Richie.

"Maybe this will help," he said and Richie came into the house. I ran up to him, wrapping my legs around his legs as I jumped up and kissed him. I hugged him tighter than anything and felt so much happier that he was there.

"Richie, I missed you so much," I said and he laughed and so did I.

"I can tell. Now, if you would like, we could stay here... or you could take some company with you." I sighed and looked him in the face. He did his puppy dog eyes and I rolled my eyes with a smile and jumped down.

"Alright, but STAY out of trouble, please. I just have to tell Duncan where I am going, and then we are on our way." I got in the car and everyone else filed in and I drove us to the barge where Duncan was not. I entered and Maurice was there instead.

"Hey, Maurice, it is nice to see you. Where is Duncan at?" I asked and he turned around and smiled.

"I have no idea, but he left me in charge of the barge. I can make my infamous dish of-" I laughed and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Not today, Maurice... just tell Duncan I am going to Bordeaux... please." He nodded and I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, just to make him blush. I left the barge and got back in the car, driving down to Bordeaux. It took some time but we did eventually get there and I got out to see a huge hotel. I walked with them inside where I paid for the rooms. I set my stuff down and Joe walked in and sat on the bed.

"I made a few calls and I got this file," he said and handed me a file. I sat down and read through it, to which I recognized the immortal right away. I closed the file and began to feel sad.

"What is it, Maria?" Richie asked as he sat down next to me.

"I know him," I said and began to flash back.

1679: I ran and ran for miles trying to get away from Romania, but I couldn't. I had just killed another man and was caught by some guards. I ran into another immortal and he got out his sword, to which I tried to stop, but wasn't fast enough so I slipped on the wet grass and fell.

"Hello Bloofer Lady," he said and you could hear a horse in the background.

"Where are you going at this time of night?" He asked and the guards rushed up behind me.

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