Chapter 79

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I was just doing my everyday normal workout when I felt an immortal so I turned around to see Amanda.

"Hey, welcome back," Amanda said and I smiled, jumping down from the bar. I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek, laughing.

"Yeah, I am thinking of going back soon so I am glad that you decided to show your face," I said and put on a shirt, expecting to see Duncan with her, but I didn't.

"I heard you and Methos are besties," she said and I looked at her and rolled my eyes, drinking some water.

"Yeah, whatever."

"I heard what happened to Abraham. It isn't your fault."

"Yeah I know, I still just feel really guilty about it. He was there because of me, I dragged him along with me."

"He made the decision, not you." She hugged me and I nodded, knowing I couldn't be sorry for everything all the time. Amanda went upstairs and I stayed downstairs, cleaning and making myself useful as I felt the immortals and heard the sneeze.

"Kit, what the Hell are you doing here?" I asked and hugged him, Kit laughing and looking around the place.

"Well, I wasn't originally going to stay long, but now that you are here, I might stay for longer," he said and I laughed, realizing that upstairs was off limits for him. Kit and Amanda had a falling out a long time ago and if they were seen together then that would be Hell for everyone watching.

"Well, Kit, I have a place that has a lot of gamblers and they have horrible luck, so if you ever need an opponent then I know a few who like to spend big money."

"Thanks Maria, I could always go for a game of poker." I smiled and put my hand on his back, walking with him, but he was just confused.

"There is this really nice bar and I would LOVE yo catch up," I said and he laughed and agreed. Kit was so easy to manipulate into doing whatever, he was so forgetful and... tame. I looked back at Duncan when Kit wasn't paying attention and winked, taking Kit to my car where we drove down to Joe's bar.

"So, Kit, how has life been?"

"Oh, Maria, I have had the worst luck ever. Ever since the Double Eagle burned down and I lost my lucky coin, everything has been so rough."

"I am so sorry, Kit, I wish that had never happened to you." Amanda was a Bitch back then, but then again she did win that place fair and square.

1888: "Kit O'Brady, this is Maria Enache," Duncan said as I turned around to see Duncan and another immortal. I smiled and he took my hand, kissing it and I looked around the casino.

"So, you are the owner of this place. That must be fun," I said and Kit laughed, taking me to the window seat and I sat down, looking at the people as they walked by.

"It is quite fun, and if I must be brutally honest, this place gives me such good luck."

"Does it now? How does that work Kit O'Brady?"

"Oh, please, just call me Kit. If you must know, do you see that coin up there? That is where the luck comes from. I haven't lost a poker game in a very long time thanks to that coin." I laughed and he looked back at me and he sat down in front of me.

"Where are you from Kit, if you don't mind my asking."

"Not at all. I was born in 1796 in Ireland and I was... I was lynched in 1832 and became immortal." I felt really bad for the man, even though I had just met him.

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