Chapter 2: Returning Home

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About a week later, Mitch and Kevin are back on a plane ready to return from their honeymoon. Everyone's sat down as the plane takes off.
Kevin: "That was the most beautiful place I've ever seen! No better place for us to spend our honeymoon! Although, anywhere would be perfect as long as I'm with you, Mitchy! My husband!"
Mitch: "Yeah."
Mitch seems distracted.
Kevin: "Mitchy, are you okay?"
Mitch is silent as he just stares out the window.
Kevin: "Mitch?"
Mitch: "What? Oh, I, um, I don't know. I'm not feeling the greatest."
Kevin: "What do you mean?"
Mitch: "I just don't feel right. Like I'm gonna get sick."
Kevin: "There's an air sick bag here if you need it. Have you gotten airplane sick before?"
Mitch: "Never. I don't know why this time would be different."
No sooner did Mitch get his sentence out before he became really sick and started to throw up in the sick bag. Kevin starts rubbing Mitch's back, a little unsure of what to do.
Kevin: "Hey, it's okay. Just get it all out."
Mitch stops vomiting and catches his breath.
Mitch: "I don't feel good."
Kevin: "Let's get you back to the bathroom."
Kevin helps Mitch up and leads him to the bathroom, ignoring the disgusted looks from some of the other passengers. Once inside the bathroom, Kevin throws away the sick bag as Mitch drops to his knees in front of the toilet and starts throwing up again.
Kevin: "Honey, it's alright. Just relax. You'll be okay."
Kevin gets down beside Mitch and again starts rubbing his back.
Mitch: "Thanks, Kev."
Mitch wipes his mouth with some toilet paper before flushing the toilet.
Mitch: "Thank you for always being there for me. I'm feeling better now."
Kevin: "That's good. And we're married now. I'm gonna always be there for you!"
Mitch smiles.
Kevin: "Come on. Let's get back to our seats."
The pair get up and head back to their seats.

In L.A....
Kevin and Mitch return home after a long flight. When they open the door to their house, they're shocked to see a big 'Welcome Home' banner along with all of their band mates inside.
Scott, Kirstie, & Matt: "Welcome home!"
Mitch: "You guys! You didn't have to do this!"
Kevin: "You really didn't! But thank you!"
Scott: "It was no problem! I'm just glad that Mitch gave me a house key!"
Kirstie: "So how was Bora Bora?"
Kevin: "Oh, it was beautiful! I've never seen a prettier place!"
Mitch: "We got so many pictures for you guys to see."
Kevin: (whispers) "Well, of the outdoor stuff..."
Kevin wraps an arm around Mitch as Mitch smirks.
Matt: "Whoa! Kevin, I can't believe you said that!"
Kevin: "I can't believe you heard that..."
Scott starts laughing hysterically.
Scott: "Kevin! I wish you could see the look on your face!"
Everyone else (including Mitch) starts laughing.
Matt: "It's priceless!"
They continue laughing.
Kevin: "Go ahead! Laugh all you want, but I'm married now."
Mitch: "That's right! We can do whatever we want!"
Scott: "Well, clearly!"
Scott continues laughing.
Kirstie: "We're glad you had a great honeymoon."
Mitch: "It was great! Although anywhere would be great with Kevy."
Kevin: "Aw..."
Mitch and Kevin lean in to kiss.
Kirstie: "Aw, you two are so cute!"
Mitch and Kevin both smile as they wrap their arms around each other.
Kevin: "So when do we get back to work?"
Scott: "That's actually something we need to discuss with you. While you were gone, Dre, Kirst, Matt, and I had an idea that we wanna share with you."
Mitch: "What is it?"
Scott: "Well, we were thinking about doing a European tour this summer!"
Mitch: "Really?! I love Europe!"
Kevin: "When would it be?"
Scott: "Possibly around June or July."
Mitch: "That's really soon."
Kevin: "Yeah, only four months away. Will we have enough of time to get a show together?"
Scott: "I know we're not giving as much notice as usual, but Dre really thinks we'll be able to do this! As for the show, we're planning on doing pretty much the same set as our last summer tour, so that won't be a problem."
Kevin: "Wow, this is definitely a surprise!"
Mitch: "Yeah, but a good surprise!"
Scott: "You don't need to make a decision now. We don't know if this tour will even happen for two more weeks."
Matt: "We're gonna meet up with Dre two Friday's from now. As long as we're booked for the venues we need, it's Europe, here we come!"
Kevin: "Hey, I'm always down to tour!"
Mitch: "Same here! And Europe's so romantic... we'll have the best time there!"
Kevin: "Mm, I'm looking forward already!"
The two kiss.
Matt: "But none of that on the plane or tour bus."
Mitch: "Like we said, we're married now, so we can do whatever we want!"
Matt: "Not in my presence!"
Kirstie: "Matt, you still have your girlfriend, right?"
Matt: "Yeah."
Kirstie: "So I guess from now on you two won't be kissing or hugging or anything around us, right?"
Matt: "I, um, well... Mitch and Kevin know I was just joking!"
Mitch and Kevin start laughing.
Kevin: "Yeah, we know not to take you too seriously! So our meeting about tour will be two Fridays from now?"
Scott: "Correct! Dre will let us know exactly which countries we'll be performing in, assuming everything works out fine."
Kirstie: "There's nothing to worry about! Things always work out fine!"
Scott: "But if for any odd reason something comes up that we're not able to do the tour, just call Dre and she said she'd try to work around it."
Mitch: "Sounds good to me!"
Kevin: "I'm excited already!"
Kirstie: "Me too!"
Matt: "Me three! Let's just hope that nothing comes up in two weeks so that this tour will be able to happen!"

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