Chapter 7: Cheater?

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Kevin was thinking. Mitch definitely hadn't been himself. It's almost as if Mitch had been trying to avoid Kevin. For what reason, Kevin didn't know. Ever since getting back from their honeymoon, something had been different between the two of them. It's almost as if Mitch had been hiding something from Kevin that he doesn't want him to find out.
Kevin doesn't understand what could've happened. He already knows that Mitch had been lying to him about where he's been. A quick phone call to Sarah confirmed Kevin's suspicions that Mitch never went to her's and Kirstie's house.
Where could Mitch be sneaking off to and why is he lying to Kevin about it?
Another thing Kevin noticed is Mitch doesn't want to have intimacy with him anymore. Don't newlyweds usually have intimacy, like, all the time? Yet for Mitch and Kevin, they haven't done it once since getting back from their honeymoon.

Kevin couldn't help but wonder if he was that bad that now Mitch doesn't want to have sex with him. He and Mitch used to be so close and so in love.
What happened?
What changed so drastically that now it's as if Mitch is avoiding Kevin?
Kevin had one thought of what could be going on, but refused to think about it, fearing it could be true. Tears welled up in Kevin's eyes as he imagined what would happen if his thoughts were correct. He loved Mitch so, so much. He couldn't lose him. He would do anything in his power not to lose Mitch.
But how?
How can he keep Mitch when Kevin doesn't even know where Mitch is right now?
Calling's pointless. Mitch would just lie to him. Maybe he needs some advice before talking to Mitch. Maybe Kevin needed someone who he not only trusts, but who also knows Mitch as well as he does. Someone like...


Later that day, Kevin knocks on Scott's front door. Scott quickly answers, looking confused. Mitch had just been there to tell Scott he's pregnant. Why would Kevin be here now?
Scott: "Kevin? What a surprise!"
Kevin: "Scott, we need to talk."
Kevin's face was stern and serious. "Did Mitch already tell him about the pregnancy?" Scott thought.
Scott: "About what exactly?"
Kevin: "It's about Mitch."
Scott froze before hesitantly speaking.
Scott: "Mitch? Is he okay?"
Kevin: "I don't know. That's what I wanna talk to you about."
"This isn't good," Scott thought. Kevin seemed angry and a little upset. Did Mitch take Scott's advice and tell Kevin about the pregnancy and now Kevin isn't happy about it? That didn't seem like Kevin, though.
Scott: "Yeah, yeah, okay, come on in."
Kevin follows Scott into the living room where they both sit down.
Scott: "So what's going on-"
Kevin: "I think Mitch is cheating on me."
Scott stares at him shocked. That came out of nowhere. What was Kevin talking about and where on earth did he get this idea?
Scott: "What? What are you talking about?"
Kevin: "I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out! Our honeymoon was great. I've never felt more in love and I thought that Mitch felt the same. It was when we came back that Mitch became very distant. He barely talks to me anymore and it's as if he tries to avoid me. He's been sneaking out of the house, Scott. Sometimes he lies to me about where he's going. Just the other day he told me he was going to Kirstie and Sarah's house, yet Sarah told me he never showed up. And here's the weirdest part... Mitch doesn't wanna have sex with me anymore. Isn't that weird? When have you ever known Mitch to say "no" to sex? Any time I try to get him turned on, he almost seems to panic and rushes away. Is it because of me? Am I that bad of a husband that he's going out with other guys now to get what I can't give him?"
Kevin is full on crying by the time he's done talking.
Scott, on the other hand, is silent as he realizes what's happening. Mitch had been so worried about hiding the pregnancy from Kevin that he accidentally gave him the idea that he was cheating on him. Obviously, Mitch isn't having an affair, but how can Scott convince Kevin that? It wasn't Scott's place to tell Kevin that Mitch's weird behavior is because he's pregnant.
Scott: "Kevin, I know you're upset, but do you honestly think that Mitch is having an affair?"
Kevin: "I know it sounds crazy and so unlike Mitch, but what other explanation could there be for all of this? Believe me, I've tried to think of another reason, but I have nothing! This is the only logical explanation."
Scott: "Kevin, have you actually talked to Mitch about this?"
Kevin: "No."
Scott: "Why not?"
Kevin: "Because if it's true, then I lose Mitch for good. I can't bear the thought of losing him! I love him so much! It just makes me so mad that he would do this to me!"
Scott: "Maybe he's not cheating. Maybe there's another reason for all of this..."
Kevin: "Like what? I know how crazy this sounds, Scott, but you gotta believe me! I don't want this to be true either, but I need you to trust me!"
Scott: "Kevin, I do trust you. I'm just saying that you're a smart guy. Don't jump to crazy conclusions while your emotions are running high. I understand that this may seem like the only explanation right now, but there could be another. I trust you, Kevin, but I also trust Mitch, and I know that he would never ever do this to you."
Kevin: "So what are you saying?"
Scott: "First, I think you should go for a walk to clear your head. Then I think you need to go home and talk to Mitch."
Kevin: "You're right. I need to get to the bottom of this for once and for all."
Scott: "But, Kevin, take it easy on Mitch. You don't know what he might be going through."
Scott knew that Kevin taking his anger out on Mitch wouldn't be good for Mitch nor the baby. Kevin nods as he stands up.
Kevin: "I will. Thanks, Scott. You're a great friend."
Scott: "Hey, no problem."
Kevin: "I'm gonna go for a walk, then I'll talk to Mitch. See you later, Scott."
Scott: "See ya, Kevin."
"I hope this goes well..." Scott thinks.

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