Chapter 6: Scott's Advice

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Mitch can't take it anymore. He's been pregnant for two months and hasn't told anyone. He feels like he's going crazy, but doesn't know what to do about it.
He wants to tell Kevin, he really does, but he's too scared. If Kevin rejects him, he'll be without a husband and be stuck raising a baby by himself. He knows Kevin loves him, but will that still be true when Kevin finds out that his husband is going to have a baby?
Mitch needed to talk to someone. He needed advice on what to do. So he decided to go to the person he knows best in the world...


Mitch walks up to the front door and knocks. Mark answers the door looking surprised.
Mark: "Mitch? Hi, what are you doing here?"
Mitch: "Is Scott home?"
Mark: "Yeah, he is."
Mitch: "Can I talk to him?"
Mark: "Of course, come in."
Mark steps aside allowing Mitch to enter. Mitch stops in the living room as Mark goes to the entrance of the kitchen.
Mark: "Babe, Mitch is here."
Within a matter of seconds, Scott is also in the living room.
Scott: "Hey, Mitchy!"
Mitch: "Hey..."
Scott can sense that Mitch is nervous.
Scott: "Uh, is everything okay?"
Mitch: "I need to talk to you..."
Mitch looks over at Mark, who is just standing there awkwardly.
Mitch: "... In private?"
Mark gets the hint and decides it's best to leave.
Mark: "Yeah, no problem. I'll be upstairs if you need me."
Scott: "Alright."
With that, Mark leaves.
Scott: "Have a seat."
The pair both sit down side by side on the couch.
Scott: "So, what's going on?"
Mitch covers his face with his hands and starts crying. Scott just watches him in shock.
Mitch: "Scott, everything's a mess! I don't know what to do! I can't stand being this distant from Kevin! I can't take it anymore!"
Scott: "Mitch, what's going on with Kevin? Is everything okay between the two of you?"
Mitch: "No, nothing's okay because I can't be honest with him! I want to, Scott, I really do! I just can't!"
Scott becomes very confused and a little worried.
Scott: "Mitch, what did you do?"
Mitch is silent as he wipes his tears.
Scott: "Mitch, what's going on?"
Mitch: "If I tell you, you have to promise me you won't think I'm a freak."
Scott: "Mitch, you're really scaring me. What's going on?"
Mitch: "Scott, promise me."
Scott: "I promise. Now tell me what's going on."
Mitch: "I'm pregnant."
Scott just stares at him in a state of shock. There's absolutely no way this could be true, right?
That's not even possible, is it?
Although the look of fear, worry, and anxiety on Mitch's face told Scott otherwise.
"I knew I shouldn't have told him! He thinks I'm a freak now!" Mitch thought.
Mitch: "Scott?"
Scott: "Yeah?"
He still appears to be in a bit of a daze.
Mitch: "Just... say something."
Scott is silent for a few more seconds before speaking.
Scott: "Are... are you sure?"
Mitch: "Yes, I'm sure. I have proof."
Mitch pulls the ultrasound picture out of his jacket to show Scott. Scott looks at it intently and in disbelief.
Scott: "How far along?"
Mitch: "Two months."
Scott: "Two months? And you haven't told Kevin yet?"
Mitch shakes his head.
Scott: "why not?"
Mitch: "I'm too scared! This isn't a normal situation, Scott. When Kevin and I got married, we promised to love each other for the rest of our lives. That was when things were normal. What if now that I'm a pregnant man Kevin won't love me anymore? What if he'll think I'm a freak like everyone else will?"
Scott: "First of all, I don't think you're a freak at all. Second of all, Kevin loves you so, so much. I know he won't think of you any differently."
Mitch: "But what if he does? Plus, we never discussed having kids. Maybe he won't be happy about the pregnancy."
Scott: "Mitch, are you happy about the pregnancy?"
Mitch: "I am, I just wish I knew that Kevin was also."
Scott: "You know how to find out if he is?"
Mitch just looks at Scott.
Scott: "You tell him."
Mitch: "But I've been lying to him for two months now! He's gonna be so mad."
Scott: "I'm no expert, but I think the longer you wait, the angrier he's gonna be that you didn't tell him sooner."
Mitch sighs, realizing that Scott is right.
Mitch: "You're right. I'm gonna tell him. I'm still scared, though."
Scott: "You have no reason to be scared. I know Kevin and I know he's gonna be ecstatic! The fact that you're carrying his child is gonna make him love you even more!"
This makes Mitch smile.
Mitch: "Thanks. I'm lucky to have a best friend like you."
Scott: "And I'm lucky to have you!"
Scott pulls Mitch in for a hug.
Scott: "Now before you leave, you need to tell me more! When did it happen?"
Mitch smiles.
Mitch: "Bora Bora..."
Scott: "Your honeymoon?! You didn't waste any time!"
Mitch: "Well, in our defense, we weren't really trying to have a baby."
Scott: "Yeah, I figured. How have you been feeling? Are you showing yet?"
Mitch: "Honestly, I've been feeling horrible. I get sick almost every morning and I've been feeling so tired. I haven't been sleeping well, but that could just be from stress."
Scott: "Mitch..."
Mitch: "I know, I know, I'm gonna try to stop stressing."
Scott: "Has Kevin not been noticing you getting sick?"
Mitch: "Mm mm. I've learned to puke quietly."
Scott: "Mitchel..."
Mitch: "Yes, I know, and I will tell Kevin, I promise. As for your second question, see for yourself..."
Mitch pulls his shirt up, showing that his once-flat stomach now has a tiny bump.
Scott: "Aw, Mitchy..."
Scott places his hands on Mitch's stomach.
Scott: "I can't believe there's a baby in there!"
Mitch: "I can't either. It's so hard to believe."
Scott: "Kevin is gonna be so happy, you know that?"
Mitch nods.
Mitch: "Yeah, he will be."
Mitch smiles thinking that maybe, just maybe, things will work out okay.
Mitch: "He will be happy."

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