Chapter 4: Lies

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Mitch is still fast asleep when he feels Kevin gently shaking him awake.
Kevin: "Mitchy, it's time to wake up."
Mitch groans and buries his face into his pillow.
Mitch: "Five more minutes..."
Kevin: "Alright, but we gotta leave in an hour for our meeting."
Mitch: "Hm?"
Kevin: "Our meeting with the band. About our upcoming tour. Remember?"
Mitch froze despite not even moving. The meeting was today?! Mitch forgot that it was this soon.
Mitch: "Are we going through with the tour?"
Kevin: "I assume so. That's what the meeting's about."
Mitch: "Don't you think we need more time to plan a tour?"
Mitch uncovers his face and looks at Kevin in the eye.
Kevin: "Well, the set list will be pretty much the same from last year. Dre was in charge of booking the venues, so she'll let us know today if that worked out. If so, we'll probably start rehearsal soon."
Mitch: "But do you really think now's the right time to be touring?"
Mitch really didn't want to tour while being pregnant, but he couldn't let Kevin know that.
Kevin: "What do you mean? We're all young and have nothing holding us back."
Mitch: "We don't?"
Kevin starts to get suspicious. Why is Mitch acting like he doesn't want to tour? Something's up.
Kevin: "Mitch, is something wrong?"
Mitch: "No, of course not. Why?"
Kevin: "You're just acting kind of... strange."
Mitch: "Really, I'm fine. I'll get ready for that meeting."
Mitch gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. Kevin watches as Mitch walks off. Something definitely seems strange, but Mitch claims he's fine. Mitch would never lie to him, would he? Maybe Mitch was just tired and Kevin was being paranoid for nothing. "Yeah, that's gotta be it," Kevin thought.

A little later, the band's at the studio waiting for Dre to get there to start their meeting. Scott, Kirstie, and Matt are already there when Mitch and Kevin arrive.
Scott: "Hey, lovebirds!"
Kevin: "Hey, everyone!"
Mitch: "Hi, guys!"
Kirstie: "Mitch, are you okay? You look tired."
Mitch: "I'm fine, just didn't sleep well."
Technically that wasn't a lie. He's been really stressed about the pregnancy so he hasn't been sleeping too well.
Scott: "Well, you better get rested 'cause hopefully we'll be touring in a few months!"
Mitch: "Do you think Dre was able to book enough of venues on such short notice?"
Mitch was secretly hoping that she wasn't.
Scott: "Oh, I'm sure! Dre's awesome!"
Matt: "This is so exciting! My first time visiting Europe!"
Kevin: "Mitchy, imagine how romantic it will be. You and me sitting on a balcony watching the sun set, a glass of wine, just the two of us. We could even check out one of the beaches..."
Kevin pulls Mitch in for a hug as he's talking, so Mitch now has his head resting on Kevin's chest. Everything Kevin just said sounded great, except Mitch is pregnant and Kevin doesn't know that. At that moment, Dre walks into the room.
Dre: "Hey, everyone!"
Everyone greets her.
Dre: "So I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is we're gonna be gone for awhile because we're going to Europe! That's the good news!"
Kirstie: "Good news? I'd say great news! This is awesome!"
Scott: "We're going to Europe!"
Matt: "Best news ever!"
Kevin: "Mitchy, we're going to Europe! Isn't this exciting?!"
Mitch: "Totally! Can't wait!"
Mitch was faking it. How could he be excited? He now has to tour while being secretly pregnant.
Mitch: "When does the tour start?"
Dre: "The beginning of July!"
Mitch quickly does the math in his head and figures he'll be around five months pregnant then. Surely he'll be showing at that point. How's he gonna keep his pregnancy secret?
Kirstie: "I'll be counting down the days!"
Dre: "Rehearsals will start the middle of May. I'll let you know more details closer time."
Kevin: "This is awesome! I am so, so happy!"
He hugs Mitch again.
Mitch: "Me too."
He tried to sound happy despite lying.
Scott: "You know what? We need to celebrate! Let's go out for dinner together!"
Kirstie: "That's a great idea!"
Matt: "I know of this new restaurant that just opened up! We should check it out!"
Kevin: "Sounds good to me!"
Mitch is hesitant, but agrees.
Mitch: "Yeah, sounds great!"

Later at the restaurant...
The waitress comes to get the drink orders.
Waitress: "Hi, everyone! Can I start you off with something to drink?"
Scott: "I'll take a glass of wine, please."
Kirstie: "Make that two."
Matt: "Actually three."
Scott: "Do we all want a glass?"
Kevin: "I'll take one."
Waitress: "So five glasses of wine?"
Mitch: "Four. I'll just have a water, please."
Waitress: "Alright! I'll be right back!"
Mitch didn't know much about pregnancy, but he knew drinking wine while pregnant would be a bad idea.
Kevin: "Mitchy, are you feeling okay?"
Mitch: "Yeah, I'm feeling fine. Why?"
Scott: "Well, you normally never say 'no' to wine."
Mitch: "Well, since tour's coming up I don't wanna start any bad habits."
Everyone eyes him wearily, but no one pushes any further, not wanting to ruin their dinner.
Mitch: "Excuse me, I'll be right back."
Mitch goes to the bathroom and splashes his face with water, hoping that'll make him feel better. However, he starts to feel nauseous. He runs into one of the stalls and starts throwing up in the toilet. Once he's done, he sits there a minute before hesitantly joining the group again.

Once everyone's almost done eating, the waitress comes back.
Waitress: "Can I get anyone anything else?"
Mitch: "I'll take a to-go box, please."
Waitress: "Alright."
The waitress leaves.
Kevin: "Are you feeling okay? You barely touched your food."
Mitch: "I'm fine. I'm just not that hungry. I had a bigger lunch. Plus, I wanna stay in shape for this tour coming up."
Scott: "That makes sense. I should probably go on a diet soon."
Kirstie: "But that means no more pizza!"
Scott: "Oh! I might have to re-think this!"
As Scott, Kirstie, and Matt engage in conversation, Kevin eyes Mitch with worry.
Kevin: "Are you sure you're okay?"
Mitch: "Kev, I'm fine."
Mitch squeezes Kevin's hand reassuringly. Kevin wanted to believe him, but Mitch had been acting weird recently. Maybe it was nothing. "Mitch would never lie to me, right?" Kevin thought.

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