Chapter 11: Grandparents

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A/N: again, sorry for the late chapter. Enjoy!

Mitch and Kevin are currently sitting in the waiting room at the OBGYN.
Mitch hated this place.
Don't get him wrong, he loved seeing his baby and knowing that everything was going well, but he absolutely hated the waiting room.
He felt so out of place there.
Despite him and Kevin sitting discreetly in a corner, he still felt like he was the center of attention. After all, he was a pregnant man sitting in a room full of normal, pregnant women. He could always hear people whispering and looking out of the corners of their eyes at him. Then there were also people who would just stare at him like he had three heads.
Mitch had dealt with being judged most of his life, but this just felt different. There are plenty of other gay people in the world, but that's not the case for pregnant men. Mitch had never even heard of a pregnant man before he became one himself. He couldn't help but wonder if he was the only one to ever exist. This was the first time in his life where Mitch had felt truly alone.
Kevin could sense his husband's discomfort and places his hand on top of his.
Kevin: "You okay?"
Mitch: "Everyone's staring."
Kevin: "Hey, they're just confused. I'm sure none of them have ever heard of a pregnant man before."
Mitch: "You're defending them?"
Kevin: "No, I'm not saying they should be staring, I'm just saying they're probably really confused."
Mitch: "Right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. My emotions are just a mess."
Kevin: "Mitchy, you're carrying a baby right now. Believe me, you have reasons to be a mess!"
Mitch smiles.
Kevin: "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
He places a gentle kiss on Mitch's lips.
At that moment, the nurse calls them back. She leads them to a much smaller office where they wait for the doctor.
Kevin immediately notices that Mitch isn't as tense now that they're alone.
Kevin: "You feeling better?"
Mitch: "Yeah, now that I'm away from everyone."
Mitch places a hand on his stomach.
Kevin: "How's the baby?"
Mitch: "Kicking a little."
Kevin places his hand on Mitch's stomach to feel the baby kick. He smiles upon feeling the movement.
Kevin: "You know, you're probably far enough along to find out the gender if we want to. Do you wanna?"
Mitch: "I don't know. You know I don't care about gender. Although I guess it would be nice to know that way we can say "he" or "she," not "it.""
Kevin: "Same. So you wanna find out?"
Mitch: "Yeah, let's find out!"
The doctor soon comes in. He asks Mitch a few questions before getting the ultrasound.
Kevin is currently holding Mitch's hand as the doctor scans the screen.
Doctor: "Everything's looking good! You are far enough along to find out the gender of you'd like."
Mitch: "Yes, we want to."
Doctor: "Alright."
The doctor zooms in on the screen.
Doctor: "And it looks like you are having a... girl! Congratulations!"
Kevin: "Mitchy, we're having a girl!"
Mitch: "We're having a daughter!"
Kevin leans in and they kiss.
Kevin: "I can't wait to meet her!"
Mitch: "I know, I love her so much already!"
Doctor: "Would you like a copy of the ultrasound picture?"
Mitch: "Yes please!"

At home...
Mitch is looking at the ultrasound picture when he realizes something.
Mitch: "Hey, Kevin?"
Kevin: "Yeah?"
Mitch: "We haven't told our parents about the baby yet."
Kevin: "Oh... our parents..."
Mitch: "Were you not planning on telling your parents?"
Kevin: "Well... no."
Mitch: "Kevin, they're your parents. Don't you think they deserve to know that they're gonna have a grandchild?"
Kevin: "Mitch, you remember how they treated us when we told them we were dating. My dad flipped out! And they weren't even at our wedding. I've tried calling and texting them, but they want nothing to do with me. So even if I wanted to, I probably couldn't get in contact with them anyhow. And I'm never showing up at their house uninvited again, that's for sure."
Mitch: "I understand that, but don't you think you should at least do the right thing and tell them? If they don't wanna talk, then fine. But I think you should at least leave a voicemail or at the very least text them."
Kevin: "Mitch, I think right now we should just worry about your parents."
Mitch senses that Kevin really doesn't wanna talk about his parents anymore so he decides to drop the subject.
Mitch: "Okay. Oh! I know! We should FaceTime them!"
Kevin: "Sounds good to me! I'll get the computer!"
The pair set up on the couch with the ultrasound picture right beside them.
It only takes a few seconds for Mike and Nel to answer.
Nel: "Mitch! Kevin! Long time no see!"
Mitch: "Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!"
Kevin: "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Grassi."
Mike: "Kevin, call us Mike and Nel! So how are you both?"
Mitch: "We are really, really good!"
Mitch and Kevin look at each other and smile.
Nel: "Oh, that's right! Tour's coming up, isn't it?"
Mitch: "It is, but there's actually something else going on as well..."
Mike: "Does it involve you two?"
Mitch: "Oh yeah!"
Kevin: "Definitely!"
Mitch: "We know we should've told you this much sooner and we're sorry for that."
Nel: "Mitch, you're scaring me..."
Mitch: "Don't be scared! We'll just tell you what it is now! On three?"
He looks at Kevin and Kevin nods.
Kevin: "One, two, three..."
Mitch & Kevin: "You're gonna be grandparents!"
Mike and Nel look shocked.
Nel: "I'm gonna have a grandbaby?!"
Mike: "Are you adopting?"
Mitch: "Not quite... you see... I'm pregnant!"
Nel and Mike are silent as they try to process what Mitch just said.
Nel: "You're what?"
Mike: "Are you two messing with us?"
Mitch: "No, no, of course not! I really am pregnant!"
Mike: "Mitch... that's not possible."
Mitch: "I didn't think so either, but it is! I'm really gonna have a baby! Look!"
Mitch stands up and pulls his shirt up revealing his growing belly to his parents.
Mike and Nel look shocked as they start to believe their son. Tears are even forming in Nel's eyes.
Nel: "Oh my gosh..."
Kevin: "It's true!"
Mitch: "And we have more proof."
He shows his parents the ultrasound picture.
Mike: "That's real..."
Mitch: "That's your granddaughter."
Nel: "Oh my gosh... I'm gonna be a grandma! I'm so happy! Congratulations!"
She lets a few tears fall.
Mike: "This is amazing! I can't believe this at all! You're pregnant! How far along are you?"
Mitch: "In the second trimester. Doctors estimate I'm in the fourth month."
Kevin: "Your son's amazing. He's even gonna tour while being pregnant!"
Nel: "Mitchel Coby, you be careful and do not injure yourself or the baby in any way during tour!"
Mike: "Your mom's right. I'm glad you're feeling up to touring, but you need to be careful. Pregnancy and touring are hard enough by themselves."
Mitch: "I know, but I can do it! I'll be extra careful! Plus, I have the best husband in the whole world!"
Kevin: "Don't worry, I'll take good care of him."
Mike: "We trust you, Kevin. You too, Mitch."
Nel: "But please be careful!"
Mitch: "Mom, don't worry, I will!"
Nel: "Good, because you're carrying my grandchild. Oh, I'm gonna be a grandma! I can't wait!"
As they continue talking, Mitch and Kevin are relieved that at least one set of their parents are excited about this.

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