Important A/N

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Hello everyone! I know I haven't been updating near as often recently and I'll explain why.
I just got done with a lot of dance performances which took up a lot of my time rehearsing. Although those performances are done now, I'm currently looking to get a job and if I get one soon that will be even less time that I'll have to write here.
So with that being said, I have decided that I'm going to be taking a break from Wattpad for the rest of this month as well as the rest of the summer. I'm hoping to return to writing in September, so hopefully that all works out!
I'm really sorry about this, however I think it will be best this way all around because now I'm not rushing to write chapters and therefore if I have more time to write then you guys will therefore get longer, more interesting chapters. I hope you all understand why I decided to do this and once again I am very sorry about this. Thank you for supporting me this far and I hope that you'll continue to support me in the future!
That's all for now, so I'll be back in the fall!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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