Chapter 10: Team

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A/N:  late upload, but here it is! Enjoy!

Rehearsals have been going on for quite awhile now. However, Kirstie and Matt have been getting frustrated with Mitch. Throughout rehearsals he's been running off and getting sick, yet he claims he's fine.
It didn't make sense.
Mitch hated being sick. Why is he not going to a doctor or taking medication or anything? And why does Kevin not seem that concerned? His husband has been sick for over a month now. Why isn't he worried about Mitch?
Those aren't the only things Kirstie and Matt have noticed.
The choreography isn't that hard, yet Mitch had been asking Lindsay and Craig to change some of it. And Kirstie and Matt would never say this to him, but Mitch had been gaining some weight. This was especially strange because Mitch had been throwing up so much and really hadn't been eating too much.
Yes, Kirstie and Matt were worried about Mitch, but they were frustrated that he didn't want to do anything to help himself.
Tour will be starting in only a month. They were already behind and Mitch definitely wasn't helping matters at all. When one member is sick it affects the entire group. In order for this tour to happen, Mitch will have to get his act together.

And soon.

Currently, the band's in the studio learning choreography when Mitch starts to feel unwell again.
Mitch: "Can we take a break? I'm not feeling too well."
Matt and Kirstie exchange looks of frustration. They had been trying to play it cool with Mitch, but this is when they both have had enough.
Matt: "Oh my gosh, Mitch, you can't be serious! Another break?! We've barely done anything!"
Kirstie: "Yeah, what is your problem? You've been sick for how long now and you're not doing anything about it! We're all trying to put this tour together, which is stressful enough as is, and you're not helping one bit!"
Matt: "Are you trying to keep this tour from happening? Because you're doing a good job at it! This may not be important to you, but it is to the rest of us!"
Kirstie: "So stop fooling around and actually work with us!"
Mitch is almost in tears at how harsh his friends are being.
Mitch: "I'm not fooling around..."
Matt: "Yeah, you're just sick and don't wanna do anything about it."
Kirstie: "If something really is wrong, then you need to go to a doctor. Otherwise, you need to stop faking this."
This is when Kevin has had enough.
Kevin: "Enough, you two! I don't wanna hear anymore from you! Yes, this is hard on all of us, but it's especially hard on Mitch! You have no idea what he's going through, so stop pretending that you do! I want you both to prepare for a tour while being pregnant! Let me know how easy it is for you!"
Everyone is silent as they process what Kevin just said. Mitch runs away in tears, Kevin following him after giving Kirstie and Matt a glare.
Matt and Kirstie in shock just watch Kevin run off as Scott stands there awkwardly.
Kirstie: "Did he just say 'pregnant?'"
Matt: "I think he did..."

Kevin finds Mitch in the bathroom leaning over the toilet throwing up and crying.
Kevin: "Mitchy..."
Kevin gets on his knees behind Mitch and wraps an arm around him.
Kevin: "I am so, so sorry."
Mitch: "I didn't want them to find out like that."
Kevin: "I know and I'm sorry. I just couldn't stand hearing them talk to you like that."
Mitch flushes the toilet and turns around to lean against Kevin's chest, Kevin wrapping both arms around him.
Mitch: "I guess we need to tell them about the baby now?"
Kevin: "Yeah, I guess so. Are you ready?"
Mitch: "I'm scared. What if they'll still be mad and not accept this?"
Kevin: "Mitchy, they're still our friends. We've known them for years now. You and Kirstie go way back! They just acted out of anger. They still love you! I think they're gonna be really happy to find out about the baby."
Mitch is silent for a moment as he thinks. He then nods.
Mitch: "You're right. Let's do this."
They get up off of the floor and leave the bathroom.
When they see him, Kirstie and Matt immediately apologize to Mitch.
Matt: "Mitch, we are so, so sorry. We had no idea!"
Kirstie: "Please forgive us! We feel awful!"
Matt: "Even though we didn't know what was going on, that's still no excuse."
Kirstie: "We never should've said those terrible things to you. We really are sorry!"
Mitch: "Guys, it's okay. I forgive you both."
Kirstie: "Thank you, Mitchy!"
She gives Mitch a big bear hug.
Matt: "Now, Mitch, I gotta know... you're really pregnant?"
Mitch nods.
Kirstie: "Oh my gosh! This is amazing! Congratulations! You're both gonna be parents!"
She hugs Mitch tighter before letting go.
Mitch: "Thanks, Kirstie."
Matt: "I just don't understand..."
Kevin: "None of us do. All I can think of is it's a miracle!"
Matt: "Wow... I can't believe this! Mitch is having a baby!"
Mitch: "Mitch and Kevin."
Kevin: "Yeah, I played a big part in this."
He wraps an arm around Mitch.
Matt: "I'd say! How far along are you?"
Mitch: "Four months."
Kirstie: "What?! You're in the second trimester already?!"
Mitch: "Yeah, we really wanted to tell you and Matt sooner, but I was too scared."
Kirstie: "Mitchy, you know you can trust us both."
Matt: "Wait a minute. You just said 'you and Matt.' What about Scott?"
Scott: "Oh, um, I might've been the first person Mitch told about the pregnancy. Not that it's a competition or anything!"
Kirstie: "What?! You knew our best friend was pregnant and you didn't tell me?! How dare you?!"
Mitch: "I asked him not to. I needed advice on how to tell Kevin and went to Scott. I'm just surprised he listened!"
Scott: "Hey, I've got your back!"
Mitch: "Speaking of which, I'm gonna need you guys' help with hiding the pregnancy during tour."
Matt: "I completely forgot about tour just now! You're gonna tour pregnant?"
Mitch: "I'm gonna have to. Now do the baggy costumes make sense?"
Matt: "They make perfect sense! Good thinking!"
Kirstie: "Don't worry. We'll help keep this secret."
Scott: "Nobody's gonna find out!"
Kevin: "I promise, we'll all make this as stress-free as possible for you."
Kevin kisses the side of Mitch's head.
Mitch: "Thanks, guys. You all really are the best!"
Scott: "Hey, we're a team and teams work together!"
Kirstie: "So from now on if you feel sick or tired or anything, just take a break. We've got you!"
Matt: "We're here to help!"
Mitch starts to tear up.
Mitch: "Thanks, guys, I love you all so much! I'm sorry, pregnancy hormones!"
Kevin: "Hey, it's alright. We love you, too."
Kevin leans in and kisses Mitch on the lips.
Kevin: "So much."

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