Chapter 9: Costumes

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Things have been going great for Mitch and Kevin! Mitch had already told Kevin that Scott knows about the pregnancy, and Kevin was fine with that. He knew Mitch was in a tough situation and needed someone to talk to. Other than Scott, no one else knew about the pregnancy.

Right now, it's morning time and Mitch and Kevin are still in bed sleeping. Mitch is the first to wake up and surprisingly doesn't feel sick. He gives Kevin a kiss on the nose, waking him up in the process.
Mitch: "Good morning."
Kevin: "Mm, good morning, Mitchy."
They lean in and kiss.
Kevin: "How are you feeling?"
Mitch: "Surprisingly really good. This is the first morning in awhile that I haven't felt sick."
Kevin: "That's good. And how's the baby?"
Mitch: "Good."
Kevin places his hand on Mitch's stomach.
Kevin: "It's still so surreal that you're pregnant."
Mitch: "I know."
Suddenly, the couple jump as they feel a strange movement.
Mitch: "What was that?"
Kevin: "Mitch... I think that was the baby!"
Mitch: "That was the baby?!"
Kevin: "I think so!"
Kevin puts his hand back on Mitch's stomach and soon feels the same movement again.
Kevin: "Yes, that's the baby! The baby's kicking!"
Mitch: "Oh my gosh! That feels so weird!"
Kevin: "Weird, but amazing!"
Mitch: "We really are having a baby!"
Kevin: "We are! We're gonna be parents..."
They smile before leaning on and kissing.
Right at that moment, the alarm clock goes off.
Mitch: "What is that going off for?"
Kevin: "Oh, we have rehearsal today..."
Mitch: "Rehearsal? Oh my gosh, tour's still happening?"
Kevin sadly nods.
Mitch: "Kevin... I'm gonna be five months pregnant then..."
Kevin: "I know."
Mitch: "How am I gonna hide the pregnancy? I don't want anyone to find out. I mean obviously we'll have to tell the band, but I don't want the public to know."
Kevin: "Mitch, you're the one carrying this baby, so it's your decision who will know about it. As for tour... I don't know how we'll keep it secret then. I agree that it would be best to keep it from the public, but I don't know how we'll do it."
Mitch: "Do we have to tell the band right away?"
Kevin: "Again, that's your call. Personally, I think we should tell them soon."
Mitch: "Soon, but not now."
Kevin: "That's fine. I'll support you no matter what."
Mitch: "Thanks, Kev. At least Scott already knows."
Kevin: "It's probably killing him keeping something this big to himself."
Mitch chuckles.
Mitch: "Probably."
Mitch places a hand on his stomach.
Kevin: "Still kicking?"
Mitch: "A lot!"
The two smile as they lean in and kiss again.

At the studio...
Everyone's getting ready for the first day of tour rehearsal as Dre walks in.
Dre: "Hi, everyone! Before you start learning choreography, I have some costume pictures for you to choose from!"
Kirstie: "Ooh! Are we getting measured?!"
Dre: "Yes, you are!"
Kirstie and Matt yell "yay!", Kevin and Scott pretend to act excited, and Mitch just stands there looking worried. Mitch's stomach is already showing and he knows he's gonna be significantly bigger by the time tour starts. Kevin and Scott already know what Mitch is thinking, but pretend to go along with Kirstie and Matt's excitement as to not appear too suspicious.
Dre: "So here are your choices..."
She shows the band costume pictures on her phone. As she's scrolling through, Mitch can't help but notice how tight some of them are.
Mitch: "Dre, are there any... looser costumes?"
Kirstie: "Looser?"
Mitch: "Like baggy."
Dre: "Mm, I think so. Let me look."
Kirstie: "Why a baggy costume for tour?"
Mitch: "I've just been into baggy clothes recently."
Kevin: "Plus, I think baggy costumes would look so dope!"
Scott: "Yeah, definitely!"
Matt: "When have you two been into baggy clothes?"
Kevin: "Hey, we like baggy clothes!"
Scott: "Yeah, we always have!"
Kirstie and Matt eye the trio strangely as Dre shows them a picture.
Dre: "This one's a little looser fitting than the others."
The costumes are black and gray with lots of sparkles. They're not really 'baggy' but are bigger than the other options.
Scott: "They actually look really nice!"
Kirstie: "Definitely! Look at how sparkly!"
Matt: "I have to say they do look good!"
Kevin: "I agree! I'd even say they'd be perfect! What do you think, Mitchy?"
Mitch eyes the costume and debates whether or not his pregnancy would be easily shown when wearing it. It definitely wasn't skin tight, and there did seem to be a lot of extra material. "Maybe this is the perfect costume," Mitch thought.
Mitch: "Yeah, I think it's perfect!"
Dre: "Then it's settled! This will be your tour costume! All I need is your measurements and then I'll get them ordered! Who wants to go first?"
Kirstie: "I do!"
Matt: "I wanted to!"
Dre: "You can both come with me. It won't take long."
With that, Dre, Kirstie, and Matt walk off leaving Scott, Mitch, and Kevin by themselves.
Kevin: "I think that costume will work well for you, Mitchy."
Scott: "Yeah, I don't think anyone's gonna notice."
Mitch: "I hope not. Right now there's no problem, but I'm gonna be five months pregnant wearing that. I'm definitely gonna be bigger then. I hope the costume is really, really loose."
Kevin: "Honey, we'll do everything we can to keep the pregnancy hidden from the public."
Scott: "We won't let anyone find out."
Mitch: "Thanks, you guys. This pregnancy's gonna be hard enough, so I don't want the stress of the public asking a million questions on top of that. Can you imagine if the public knew about a pregnant man? That would be a nightmare!"
Kevin: "We're not gonna let that happen."
Dre: "Next!"
Scott: "Who's getting measured next?"
Mitch: "I'll get it done and over with."
Mitch walks over to Dre to get measured. He holds his breath as she measures around his stomach, but breathes a sigh of relief when she doesn't notice anything.
Dre: "Alright! You're good to go!"
Mitch: "Dre, would you mind ordering the top a size bigger than what I need?"
Dre: "Sure, is there a reason for that?"
Mitch: "Well, our last costumes were pretty tight. I just don't want that to happen again."
Dre: "Got it. I can do that. No problem!"
Mitch: "Thanks."
Mitch walks back to Kevin.
Kevin: "At least the measurements are done."
Mitch: "Yeah, but now we need to learn choreography..."

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