Chapter 8: Confrontations

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A/N: sorry it's a day late! Enjoy!

When Mitch returned home from Scott's house, he was surprised to find that the house was empty. Kevin was nowhere to be found. Mitch just assumed he was at Matt's house practicing a song or beatboxing or something.
Once Kevin gets home, Mitch is gonna do it; he's gonna tell Kevin about the baby. Yes, Mitch is still scared, but his talk with Scott really helped.
"Of course Kevin's gonna be happy about becoming a dad," Mitch thought, "he loves kids!"

A little later, Kevin is also back from Scott's house. He's currently standing outside at the front door. He's decided he's gonna do it; he's gonna confront Mitch.
Kevin takes in a deep breath as he realizes that if his suspicions of Mitch cheating are correct, he could lose Mitch today. He blinks away a few tears as he second guesses whether or not this is a good idea, but realizes that their relationship can't be based on lies any longer.
After taking another deep breath, he enters the house. He finds Mitch in the living room sitting on the couch fiddling with his fingers. He jumps when he sees Kevin.
Mitch: "Kevin, I'm so glad you're here. Listen, we need to talk."
Kevin: "Yeah, I think we do. Let me go first."
Kevin sits down beside Mitch. Mitch becomes nervous not knowing what Kevin wants to talk about.
Kevin: "How could you do this to me?"
Mitch is very confused and startled at the sharpness of Kevin's voice.
Mitch: "What?"
Kevin: "You know what. How could you? How could you keep this from me for so long?"
Mitch's eyes grow wide in fear. Did Kevin already know about the pregnancy? But how did he find out?
Mitch: "Kevin... I don't know what to say... I'm sorry. I should've told you sooner!"
Kevin freezes as Mitch basically confirms his suspicions... Mitch was cheating after all. It felt as if someone had ripped Kevin's heart out of his chest. Kevin tries to keep his composure as he continues the conversation.
Kevin: "So you are?"
Mitch just looks down, not saying anything. Kevin seemed pretty upset and angry. Was he really not happy about the pregnancy?
Kevin: "I can't believe this. I can't believe this! Why would you cheat on me?"
Mitch snaps his head up, looking very confused.
Mitch: "What are you talking about?"
Kevin: "You with this other guy. What's his name?"
Mitch just stares at Kevin, not knowing what in the world he's talking about.
Mitch: "Kevin, what other guy are you talking about?"
Kevin: "The guy you're having an affair with!"
Mitch looks confused and offended.
Mitch: "What? I'm not having an affair."
Kevin's face softens as he just looks at Mitch. Mitch looked genuinely honest. Was Kevin wrong about the whole cheating thing?
Kevin: "Wait... you're really not cheating?"
Mitch: "No! Of course I'm not cheating on you, Kevin! I love you so much! It hurts me that you think I would do something like that!"
Mitch starts crying as he finishes his sentence. He didn't understand why Kevin would accuse him of cheating.
Kevin: "Mitchy... I'm sorry. I really am. I just thought that was the only explanation, and I was upset, and I'm so sorry."
Kevin pulls Mitch in for a hug as he's apologizing. Something felt off about Mitch, but Kevin couldn't place a finger on what it was...
Mitch: "Explanation for what? And what gave you this crazy idea that I was cheating?"
They pull away from their hug.
Kevin: "Well, you just don't seem to wanna spend time with me anymore. We don't talk much, you're always leaving the house, and not to sound needy, but we haven't had sex in, like, two months! What happened, Mitch? Why are you so distant from me?"
Mitch becomes guilty as he realizes he was the one who gave Kevin the cheating idea. Looking back, Mitch can understand why Kevin thought that.
Mitch: "Kevin... I'm sorry. I never wanted to give you that idea. The truth is... I'm pregnant."
Mitch looks down during those last two words. An awkward silence fills the room as Kevin processes what Mitch just said.
"I'm pregnant."
This couldn't be possible. This shouldn't be possible! Mitch is a guy! He can't get pregnant, can he? Mitch looks up as Kevin has been silent for awhile.
Mitch: "Kevin..."
Kevin: "You're joking, right?"
Mitch: "No, I really am pregnant! I wouldn't lie to you about this, Kevin!"
Kevin: "But how is this possible? You're sure you're pregnant?"
Mitch: "I'm positive. I went to the clinic and took a pregnancy test, then I went to an OBGYN and got an ultrasound. Both confirmed it. I have proof."
He shows Kevin the ultrasound picture. Kevin stares at it with tears in his eyes.
Mitch: "Are you... happy about this?"
Kevin nods as a few tears fall.
Kevin: "I don't understand how this is possible, but I am! I'm so happy! Shocked, but happy!"
Mitch sighs in relief.
Kevin: "You're pregnant... you're having our baby..."
Mitch: "I am!"
Kevin lays the ultrasound picture down before pulling Mitch in for a loving kiss. Mitch kisses back and they stay like that for a few seconds. When they pull apart, they rest their foreheads together.
Kevin: "How far along are you?"
Mitch: "Two months."
Kevin: "Mitch... why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Mitch: "Because... I was afraid."
Kevin: "Of what?"
Mitch: "I was afraid you'd think I'm a freak and leave me."
Kevin: "Mitch, you know I would never do that. I love you too much for a baby to scare me away! How could you think I would leave you so easily?"
Mitch: "Maybe the same way you thought I would cheat on you."
Both are silent as they realize they haven't been trusting each other recently.
Kevin: "Wow."
Mitch: "Yeah."
Kevin: "I guess we've been lacking trust recently."
Mitch: "I'm sorry, Kevin, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have kept the pregnancy hidden from you."
Kevin: "It's not just you. I'm the one who got you pregnant. Plus, I was the one who jumped to conclusions then accused you of cheating. I'm sorry."
Mitch: "So we're both to blame."
Kevin: "Yeah. Let's never become that distant again."
Mitch: "Good idea. And from now on we go to each other when we have a problem. No more secrets."
Kevin: "Sounds good."
They kiss again.
Kevin: "Mitchy, do you have a bump yet?"
Mitch nods as he pulls up his shirt to show Kevin his growing belly. Kevin places his hands on Mitch's bump in disbelief.
Kevin: "There's really a baby in there..."
Mitch: "There is!"
Kevin: "Hi, in there. This is your daddy! I love you so much already!"
Mitch: "We're gonna be parents..."
Kevin: "We are..."
Kevin kisses Mitch's stomach.
In that moment, everything was perfect for the couple. However, that moment would only be short lived...

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