Chapter 14: Paris

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A/N: hey everyone! I wasn't sure if I would get this out today but here it is! Here's some Mevin fluff for you! Enjoy!

It's been about a week now since Mitch had gone into the hospital. Overall, things are going really well.
Mitch needs to use crutches though because it's too painful for him to walk without them. Other than that, he's been doing much better as he's also been getting more rest. He still gets tired easily, but that's to be expected as he's still touring.
Luckily, no shows needed to be cancelled due to Mitch's injury. The band explained what happened to Mitch's ankle and the fans were very understanding. Mitch was able to perform the next few shows sitting down and obviously didn't do any of the choreography.
The band, especially Mitch, is very thankful to have such caring and understanding fans.
So far no one has found out about the pregnancy yet, which is another thing that the band was grateful for.
Right now the band is staying in Paris, France as they have a show there tomorrow night.
They currently have the day off, so everyone's busy enjoying the beautiful city.
Scott, Kirstie, and Matt are all out exploring on their own as Mitch and Kevin are back at they hotel.
As much as he wanted to, Mitch decided against leaving the hotel room and checking out his favorite city because of his ankle. It would be very hard to explore Paris using crutches, not to mention being pregnant as well. Plus, Mitch was supposed to be getting plenty of rest, so he found it best all around to just stay in.
Mitch was currently laying in bed awake beside Kevin, who was busy doing something on his computer.
Mitch: "I hate this. We're in the fashion capital of the world and I can't even go shopping."
Kevin: "Mitch, you know what the doctor said. You need to get plenty of rest."
Mitch: "That's what I've been doing all morning. And I was referring to my ankle. I wish I could get around easier."
Kevin: "Hopefully in a few days we'll have a scooter like Kirstie had when she broke her ankle for you to use."
Mitch: "But in a few days we won't be in Paris."
Mitch sighs.
Mitch: "I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I know I've been a lot to handle recently."
Kevin: "Mitch, you don't need to apologize. You've been through a lot lately. And I chose to marry you. I chose to take care of you and I chose to love you."
He leans down and kisses Mitch on top of the head.
Kevin: "Unconditionally. So you never need to apologize to me. I'm happy to be here for you. There's nothing I'd rather do."
Mitch: "You really are the best. I love you so much."
Kevin: "I love you, too."
They lean in and kiss. When Mitch tries to get a second kiss, Kevin pulls away.
Kevin: "Hang on a sec. I just had an idea."
Mitch: "Which is?"
Kevin: "Close your eyes until I tell you to open them."
Mitch: "What?"
Kevin: "Just trust me."
Mitch complies as Kevin gets out of bed and starts gathering stuff from around the room. Their room has a balcony, which has a gorgeous view of the city. Kevin gathers stacks of blankets and pillows and takes them out to the balcony, creating a little nest with them.
Kevin then leads Mitch out to the balcony where the two get comfortable amongst the blankets. They end up ordering room service as they watch the sun set beyond the Eiffel Tower. It's definitely a breathtaking view.
Mitch: "This is perfect."
Kevin: "Better than shopping?"
Mitch chuckles.
Mitch: "Even though I was upset earlier about not being able to get out, I'm actually glad that I wasn't. The truth is as long as I'm with you it doesn't matter what we do. Just having you right beside me is the best thing I could ever ask for."
Mitch cuddles into Kevin's side as Kevin smiles.
Kevin: "Same here. I know how much you love Paris and I wanted to make it special for you. That's why I set all of this up out here. I just wanted you to enjoy yourself and for you to be happy."
Mitch: "How are you so perfect?"
Kevin: "I don't know about being perfect. I just love you and wanna see you happy."
Mitch: "I am happy. Not just because I'm watching the most beautiful sunset in the world in the most beautiful city in the world, but because I'm with you. Saying 'yes' to marrying you was the best decision I've ever made."
Kevin: "And proposing to you was the best decision I've ever made. It's still hard for me to believe that we're married and have a baby on the way. It feels so surreal."
Mitch: "I know. Like a dream come true."
They lean in and share a slow, sweet kiss.
Mitch: "This baby is going to be so loved."
Kevin: "She already is. She's a miracle."
Mitch: "And to think that in less than four months we'll get to hold her."
Kevin: "I can't wait!"
Mitch: "Me neither. We really were meant to be together."
Kevin: "I never had any doubt. To some extent, I always knew you were the one. I love you so much."
Mitch: "I love you, too. I always have and I always will."
They lean in and share another kiss.
Maybe Mitch spraining his ankle wasn't such a bad thing to have happened!

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