Chapter 5: First Ultrasound

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A few weeks later, Mitch still hasn't told Kevin about his pregnancy. He's been hiding his morning sickness from Kevin and has been trying his hardest to act normal around him. He knows he needs to tell him soon, but he's too scared that Kevin will freak out about the fact that his husband's pregnant. Would he still love him despite how unusual the situation is? Mitch tried to shake these thoughts out of his mind as he got ready to leave the house.

He was going to his first ultrasound today to find out how far along pregnant he is, as well as if the baby's healthy. He also wanted to learn more about male pregnancies, like what he should avoid and how labor will go.

As he's putting his jacket on, Kevin walks by.
Kevin: "Hey, Mitchy! Where are you going?"
"Shoot," Mitch thought.
Mitch: "Um, I... I didn't tell you?"
Kevin: "Tell me what?"
Mitch: "That... that I'm going to Kirstie and Sarah's house."
Kevin: "Oh. You weren't gonna say "bye" to me?"
Mitch: "Of course I was! You just beat me to it!"
That was a lie. Mitch was trying to sneak out of the house. "So much for telling him that I'm pregnant after the appointment," Mitch thought.
Kevin: "Oh, okay. So what are you going to Kirstie and Sarah's for?"
Mitch: "I just wanna visit Sarah. We haven't seen each other recently."
Kevin: "You do really it's nine o'clock in the morning? I didn't think Sarah was a morning person?"
Mitch: "She's not, but she said she'd wake up early for me! She loves me so much! She's the best cousin I could ask for!"
Kevin: "Okay, well, I guess I won't keep her waiting. See you later! I love you!"
Mitch: "I love you, too! See ya!"
With that, Mitch leaves.

Kevin becomes really suspicious now. Ever since getting back from their honeymoon Mitch hadn't been acting right. Could it be possible that Mitch really is lying to him about something? At first Kevin never would've thought that Mitch would do that, but now the possibility seems more probable.
But why?
Why would Mitch lie to Kevin?
What could he be hiding that he doesn't want Kevin to know?
Is it something Kevin did?
Kevin knew that if he wanted their marriage to last, he had to get to the bottom of what was going on...

At the doctors office...

Mitch is sat on a table rubbing his stomach as the doctor enters. The doctor is a middle age woman, probably around the age of Mitch's mom. She has long, brunette hair tied back into a ponytail and is wearing glasses.
Doctor: "Hello! How are you doing?"
Mitch: "Okay, I guess."
Doctor: "Male pregnancy... in all of my years in this work, I've never seen something like this before."
Mitch: "Never? No man has ever been pregnant before?"
Doctor: "Well, I've actually heard of cases, but never saw one in person. You have nothing to worry about, dear. Both you and your baby will be just fine."
That made Mitch's feel a little better, but he was still nervous.
Doctor: "So, have you been feeling any different?"
Mitch: "I've been having some morning sickness and stomach cramps. I've also been really tired."
Doctor: "That's all normal to be experiencing. I'm gonna ask you to lay down on the table and lift your shirt up please."
Mitch does as she says and flinches when she spreads a cold gel on his stomach.
Doctor: "Sorry it's cold."
She then gets a strange looking object and places it on Mitch's stomach. Immediately the screen beside the table turns on and is completely black. The doctor moves the object over Mitch's stomach then stops when a tiny, white dot appears on the screen.
Doctor: "Do you see that dot there on the screen?"
Mitch: "Yeah, what is it?"
Doctor: "That's your baby."
Mitch squints his eyes as he stares at the screen in disbelief. It didn't even look like a baby!
Mitch: "That's the baby?"
Doctor: "Sure is! I know it doesn't look like anything right now, but it'll grow fast!"
Mitch can't help but let a few tears fall as he continues staring at the screen.
Doctor: "Do you want a minute alone?"
Mitch only nods and mumbles "mmhm."
Doctor: "Alright. I'll be back."
Once the doctor leaves, Mitch starts crying. He already knew he was pregnant, but just seeing the baby on the screen made the whole situation much more real. He couldn't believe that little dot was inside of him growing. He wished so bad that Kevin was here beside him. He still didn't know how to tell him about all of this. He did know one thing for sure; he has to tell Kevin soon.

After the appointment, Mitch was so overwhelmed with his thoughts that he decided to go to the only place he knew of for peace...

The beach.

He walked quietly along the beach before he found his and Kevin's secret hideout. He smiled thinking of all the memories they had shared there. Now this time he was here alone.
As he sits down on the tucked away portion of the beach, he pulls out the ultrasound picture from his jacket that he had gotten earlier that day. He smiles looking at now and Kevin's baby. The doctor told him that based on the ultrasound, he seemed to be around two months pregnant. He lays the picture on the ground and lifts his shirt up. He's surprised to see that he already has a very tiny baby bump. He places a hand on his belly as he starts talking.
Mitch: "Hi. I don't know if you can hear me or not, but this is your daddy talking. Or mommy, whichever you prefer. I can't believe you're inside of me!"
Mitch rubs his stomach as he looks out at the ocean.
Mitch: "I want to tell your daddy about you so much, but I'm too scared. I know you don't understand, but this isn't really a normal situation. I'm so scared he'll think I'm a freak. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be telling you this. It's not your fault I'm in this mess."
Mitch takes a deep breath.
Mitch: "I promise. I'll tell him soon."

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