Chapter 12: Same Mitch

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A/N: hey, everyone! Thank you so much for being patient with me as it had been two weeks since I last updated this story. I was having a rough week, but everything's going much better now. Then when I thought I might actually be able to update last week, I got sick and honestly didn't feel like doing much of anything. So I had obviously decided not to update last week, but I'm feeling much better now and I'm really gonna try to stick with my schedule of updating once a week. Again, thank you for being patient with me and enjoy the chapter!

Tour has officially started now!
The band is in England ready for their first show.
Everyone is of course so excited, even Mitch! However, he's been getting kind of annoyed with his band mates. It seems like someone's constantly asking him if he's okay or if he needs anything.
Mitch understands that they have good intentions and that they're concerned about him, but he just wanted to be treated normally. Just because he's pregnant doesn't mean he can't do anything by himself. However, because they're also his best friends he decides not to say anything to them as to not upset them.
Why should he get disturbed with them for caring?
Everyone's currently at the venue running through the show when Mitch gets thirsty.
Mitch: "One minute, guys, I gotta get a drink."
The rest of the band, being the overly concerned friends that they are, immediately think that something's wrong.
Kevin: "Is everything okay?"
Scott: "Is the choreography too much?"
Kirstie: "We can still change it if you need."
Matt: "Or you can sit down for it."
Mitch: "You guys! I'm fine! All I said was I needed a drink! You don't have to freak out over my every move!"
The band falls silent as they realize that maybe they have been acting a little over the top with Mitch.
Mitch: "Look, I'm sorry. I know you all mean well and are worried about me, but I just wanna be treated normally. Well, as normal as it gets for a pregnant man. Can you all just treat me like the old Mitch?"
Kevin: "Honey, you're the same Mitch as before, nothing changed that. And we're all sorry. Perhaps we've been a little... overly worried about you, but it's only because we love you so much and don't want anything to happen to you or the baby."
Scott: "And, Mitch, you need to realize that this is hard on us as well."
Mitch: "I don't see you five months pregnant with a baby."
Scott: "No, but my best friend is, and I would never forgive myself if something happened to either one of you."
Kirstie: "This is the first Penta-baby, Mitch! We're just as new to this as you are!"
Matt: "And because of that I guess we have been overreacting a little."
Mitch: "A little?"
Matt: "Okay, a lot, but we can tone it down!"
Mitch: "I like that you're concerned, but you don't have to treat me like I'm made of glass."
Kevin: "Mitchy, we promise we'll stop overreacting. We're not gonna freak out anymore."
Scott: "Yeah, we're sorry."
Mitch: "It's alright. Let's get back to rehearsal."

A few days later...
Tour started a few days ago and is going great! Everyone's having a blast touring Europe again and love performing for their fans.
Thankfully, the fans haven't seemed to notice anything different about Mitch. No one had said anything or made any social media comments about Mitch's sudden weight gain. This, of course, was a huge relief for Mitch.
However, tour has only begun, so Mitch knows that he's not out of the woods yet.
Besides all of this, the band hasn't been as overly-concerned about Mitch. They still worry about him, but don't wanna drive him crazy by asking him if he's okay every five minutes. They understand that all Mitch wants is to feel normal, so they want to do everything they can to make him feel that way.
Mitch is extremely thankful that his friends are acting normal again.
However, despite all of this, there is something that Mitch is hiding; these past few days he's been really tired and having strange stomach cramps. He'd been traveling a lot and not sleeping the greatest, so that could explain the tiredness.
As for the cramps... they're not severe, just minor, and they come and go at random, especially after performances.
Mitch hadn't told anyone about all of this, not even Kevin. The reason why is because he knows everyone would freak out again.
Mitch had been reading up on pregnancy, and learned that stomach cramps actually can occur during the second trimester, so he assumed that this is all normal and that there's nothing to worry about.
Yes, he felt guilty about keeping this from Kevin, but why worry him over nothing? They were touring after all and that was supposed to be a joyous time.
Mitch didn't want to ruin that. 
Everyone's currently in their dressing rooms getting ready for a show. 
Mitch and Kevin, being married, share a dressing room and everyone else gets their own.
Mitch and Kevin just finish getting their costumes on when Kevin remembers something.
Kevin: "Oh, shoot. Scott said he wanted to ask me something before the show. I'll be right back."
He leaves the room.
Not long after, Mitch starts feeling the cramps again. He leans forward and rubs his stomach, trying to get them to go away. Right at this moment, Kevin comes back.
Kevin: "That wasn't much. Scott just said that..."
He looks up and sees Mitch bent forward holding his stomach.
Kevin: "Are you okay?"
Mitch: "What? Oh, yeah, I was just making sure that my shoes were tied."
Kevin: "They're slip-ons."
Mitch: "Oh, then no wonder they weren't tied!"
Kevin senses Mitch's weird behavior.
Kevin: "Are you sure you're okay?"
Mitch: "Really, I'm fine. You have nothing to worry about."
Kevin isn't convinced, but decides to drop the subject.
Kevin: "Alright. Show's in five minutes."

During the show...
Everything's going great so far.
Everyone's at the top of the stage and ready to walk down the stairs.
There weren't many stairs. Maybe about half a dozen. Because of this, everyone was confident that there wouldn't be any problems.
However, they couldn't have been more wrong.

That was when it happened.

Mitch fell from the top of the stairs.

A/N: cliffhanger! Sorry for anyone reading who hates those. Like I said at the top, I'm gonna try to get better at updating every week, so the continuation will hopefully be out next Monday! Again, thank you so much for your patience!

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