Chapter 3: Huge News

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Two weeks later...
It's Thursday now and Mitch is still sick. Every morning since he and Kevin got back from their honeymoon he's thrown up. At first the couple just brushed it off thinking he caught a bug or something in Bora Bora, but the longer time went and Mitch showing no signs of improvement started to worry the couple.
It's morning now and Mitch is currently in the bathroom throwing up. Kevin's right beside him comforting him.
Mitch: "I think it's over now."
Kevin: "Alright. Mitchy, I really think you should see a doctor. I'm not trying to scare you, but I don't think you're getting any better."
Mitch: "I agree. I thought whatever this is would be gone by now, but it clearly isn't."
Kevin: "It would make me feel a lot better if you'd go get checked out."
Mitch: "You're right. I'll go to the walk-in clinic later. Hopefully it's just something viral that'll run it's course."
Kevin: "Yeah, hopefully that's all it is. Do you want me to go with you? Because I kinda promised Matt that I would give him a beatboxing lesson today-"
Mitch: "No, Kevin, that's okay. Go to Matt's. I'll be fine."
Kevin: "Are you sure?"
Mitch: "I'm sure."
Kevin: "Okay, but call me as soon as you leave the clinic and know what's up."
Mitch: "I will."

Mitch is sitting in his car in the parking lot of the clinic crying. He's been like that for half an hour now. It was half an hour ago when he found out the biggest news that would change his and Kevin's lives forever:

he was pregnant.

Mitch didn't understand how this was possible. He's not a girl and never was. Sure, he's really feminine, but this? This is just crazy! Would he be okay? Would the baby be okay? Sadly, none of the doctors at the clinic were trained in this kind of thing, so none of them were able to give Mitch many answers. Although they did advise him to go to an OBGYN.
Mitch didn't know what to do. He already knew he wasn't gonna have an abortion. But how could he be a pregnant man? Tour's coming up in a few months, how will he manage? Was he even ready to have a baby? Was Kevin ready to have a baby?
Mitch was interrupted from his thoughts by his phone ringing. He looks down to see who it is; Kevin. Great. Mitch wipes his eyes and clears his throat before answering the phone.
Mitch: "Hello?"
Kevin: "Hey, Mitch, I was just making sure that everything's okay. It had been awhile since you left."
Mitch: "Oh, yeah, everything's fine. You know how these places are. You always have to wait forever."
Kevin: "So I'm guessing you were seen?"
Mitch: "Yeah..."
Kevin: "And everything's okay? What do they think is wrong?"
There was no way that Mitch could tell Kevin that he's pregnant over the phone. He didn't know if he could even tell him face to face right now. Mitch figured he had no choice but to lie to Kevin.
Mitch: "Oh, you know, what we thought it was, just something viral. It must be a really nasty case of whatever."
Kevin: "But you'll be okay?"
Mitch truthfully didn't know how to answer that. Would he be okay? He already told one lie, what's one more?
Mitch: "Yeah... yeah, I'll be fine."
Kevin: "That's a relief. You probably just caught something in Bora Bora."
Mitch: "Yeah, that probably is where it happened..."
Kevin: "Alright. Well, if everything's fine I'll let you be on your way."
Mitch: "Okay."
Kevin: "See you at home, Mitchy. Love you!"
Mitch: "Love you, too. Bye."
With that, they both hang up. Mitch felt awful about lying to Kevin, but what choice did he have? There was no way he was going to tell him that he's pregnant over the phone. That's something that needs to be done in person. But how? How could Mitch tell Kevin that he, a man, is going to have a baby? Their lives were about to change forever and Mitch didn't know how to handle it.
Maybe it was because he had a million thoughts racing in his mind, but in that moment Mitch decided not to tell Kevin about the pregnancy. He knew he would eventually have to, but for now he needed time to let the news sink in.
With that, Mitch decided to drive home despite not wanting to see Kevin right now. He knew that sounded terrible, but he hated lying to Kevin and feared that he would find out that he's hiding something. Mitch already felt guilty about the entire situation and didn't wanna lie anymore than he had to. Although he guessed he had no choice now but to go home.

At home...
Mitch enters through the front door and is immediately greeted by Kevin.
Kevin: "Mitchy! You're back!"
He pulls Mitch in for a hug.
Mitch: "I wasn't gone for that long."
Kevin: "But it was too long without my husband!"
Mitch chuckles.
Mitch: "You're so cheesy."
Kevin: "Am not! Come on. Let's relax on the couch."
They head to the living room and settle down. They sit down on the couch with a blanket pulled over them. Mitch has his head resting on Kevin's shoulder.
Kevin: "So the doctor said it's a virus you caught?"
Mitch froze.
Mitch: "What?"
Kevin: "The doctor. They said you have something viral?"
Mitch: "Oh, yeah, yeah, I do."
Kevin: "Did they prescribe any medication?"
Mitch: "Medication?"
Kevin: "Yeah, to help you feel better?"
Mitch: "No, they didn't."
Kevin: "They didn't? That's... strange."
Mitch's heart rate began to pick up. "He knows," Mitch thought.
Kevin: "You know, I know something that might make you feel better..."
Mitch: "Really? What?"
Kevin: "Take a guess..."
Kevin repositions himself so he can start kissing Mitch's neck. Mitch catches onto what Kevin's saying and panics. He can't have sex! He's pregnant! Would it even be safe to do that? Mitch didn't know and he wasn't gonna take any chances.
Mitch: "Kevin, I can't."
Kevin: "Honey, if it's because you're sick, I really don't mind. Let me make you feel good."
He kisses Mitch's neck again. However, Mitch immediately jumps off of the couch.
Mitch: "No, I can't. I'm just... not feeling it."
Kevin: "Oh, okay."
Mitch: "I'm gonna go get a shower."
Kevin: "Alright."
Mitch walks away leaving Kevin very confused and worried. "Mitch has never said 'no' to sex before," Kevin thought. He definitely found it very strange, however just decided to blame it on the sickness. "He'll be back to normal in a few days," Kevin thought.

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