Just a Walk

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I'd managed to avoid Max and Charles for the whole of qualifying, it wasn't until i was back in the media pen with Lewis that i saw both of them. Max was on one side whilst Charles was on the other both of them stood watching me intensely just like they had done the day before. It just made me feel so uncomfortable all i wanted to do was to get out of there as quickly as possible. To my relief Lewis got through his interviews very quickly and i was finally able to make my escape. I decided to go back to my room and spend the evening watching Netflix and eating. For once i didn't feel like i needed to have a drink. 

I woke up the next morning to banging on my door again and this time I was furious, I looked at my phone and saw that it was 5am. I couldn't believe my dad would wake me up like this again. I got myself up from the bed and stormed towards the door "What now" I shouted as I opened it. Charles was standing in front of me with a smug smile on his face. "Good morning to you too" he chuckled. "Do you know what fucking time it is" I was furious with him all I wanted was to slam the door in his face, but his smile grew wider which softened my mood slightly. Still not enough for me to be happy that he'd woken me up though. He leaned against the door frame and just continued to smile, not saying a word. I was starting to become inpatient and i just wanted to go back to sleep. "What do you want Charles" I snapped at him. His expression changed and he straightened himself up, i think he could tell that i wasn't the slightest bit impressed with him. "Come for a walk with me" was he actually deluded, surely, he could have waited an hour or two to go for a walk and why did i need to go. "Not a chance in hell, I'm going back to bed" i turned and walked back into the room leaving him stood at the door, he had another thing coming if he thought i was going anywhere at this time of morning. Before i knew it Charles was right behind me, he wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me up "you can either get dressed and come with me or I'll carry you outside dressed like this" he laughed smugly. I tried my hardest to move myself out of his grip, but it was useless he was too strong for me. "Fine" i shouted and he instantly put me down. Reluctantly i quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth, i was in no way wanting to impress anybody so i threw on some shorts and a vest, putting my hair up in a messy bun. As i came out of the bathroom Charles was standing by the door waiting for me, he didn't say a word he just looked me up and down and smiled. "Well don't just stand there, you wanted to walk so let's walk" He didn't say anything he just opened the door and signalled for me to go first. 

We walked around in silence for a while until eventually he stopped and just stood there staring at me. I hated the quietness and i had to say something to break it. "What do you want Charles" a smile flashed across his face. "I think you know exactly what i want" he said as he placed his hand on my waist and pulled me into him. "I'm not having sex with you here" i replied shoving him slightly. He chuckled and moved in closer "Thats not what i mean" he said softly. I knew exactly what he meant. He wanted there to be more between us, more than friends or friends that had sex. Our faces were so close to each other, eventually Charles' lips touched mine. The kiss was soft and gentle i couldn't help but melt into it. "but" I started to mumble against his lips, and before i could continue he pulled away and sighed. "You don't want to get involved with anyone, yeah you've said that, but don't you think it's a little too late" I couldn't deny he had a point it was clear we weren't just friends; we'd gone so far past that now. I started to walk off trying to ignore the conversation but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back "Kace i genuinely can't figure out what it is that you want, What are you so scared of" I decided to just be honest, it wasn't doing anyone any good just hiding my feelings constantly "I don't want to get hurt again Charles" His expression softened. "Thats not going to happen". I wanted to believe him but in the back of my head i remembered that i never doubted Max and ended up being hurt so badly. I couldn't let that happen to my myself again. Charles didn't say anything, he just took my hand, and we started walking again. Charles let go of my hand just before we got back to the hotel. "Have a think about what you want okay" he said as we walked inside. 


The race was going so well for Charles, he managed to maintain his lead up until the 27th Lap when his engine gave way. I knew he would be so frustrated with the outcome, i just wanted to go and check on him but i was stuck in the Mercedes garage. Eventually i built up the courage to ask my dad if i could leave. "Does Lewis need me for the post-race interviews" My dad looked down at me, he looked pissed off to begin with but then his expression changed, and he shook his head indicating that i could leave. I smiled at him and whispered thank you before quickly heading out of the garage. Luckily because the race still hadn't finished the Ferrari hospitality was quiet and no one seemed to notice me walking in. I got to Charles' drivers room and knocked on the door, Charles opened the door and a smile instantly appeared on his face. "I wanted to come and cheer you up" i mumbled, he quickly pulled me inside and closed the door behind me, before i could even say anything else he pressed his lips against mine. "and how are you going to do that" he said as he pulled back. "Well I've been thinking about what you said earlier" I paused briefly, and he raised his brows in anticipation of what i was going to say next. "I do want to see where this could go" He leaned in and kissed me again our tongues moved around each other. Charles lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and went over to the couch sitting down on it. Neither of us pulling away from the kissing, it just intensified. He went to take off my top but i pulled back and grabbed his hand stopping him "can we just keep this between us for now" i said cautiously, i didn't want him to be annoyed with me but he just smiled "it doesn't have anything to do with anyone else" He said as he reached up and pulled my face in to kiss him again "Lets get out of here" he mumbled against my lips.

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