Ch 24

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Cain suddenly sat up, pain lacing his every joint. He glanced at Fives who laid beside him for the first night since Cain was released from the med bay. He didn't stir as Cain got up to use the refresher, suddenly feeling lighter. He felt as if he could hear more, smell more, as if his senses had suddenly amplified.

He reached the refresher and glanced himself in the mirror and froze. His hand slightly shaking, he reached up to his ear. It was abnormally long and pointed. He then looked at his teeth, looking for a sign that canines had changed and were like how Sephinroth's were. They indeed were.

Cain took a few steadying breaths before he froze again, thinking of Obi-Wan. What happens if he had changed too? Cain tried to calm himself but ended up grabbing a hooded jacket and racing out the door.

He quickly found Obi-Wan's quarters and rapidly knocked on his door. A very weary and half-asleep Obi-Wan answered the door. Cain kept to the shadows as best he could and flipped the hood up on his head, his ears not doing much justice.

"Are you okay?" Cain asked. "Don't feel any different?"

Obi-Wan rubbed at his face. "No. Why?"

Cain hesitated. "I thought I heard something loud coming from your quarters. I'm glad you're okay. I hope I didn't disturb you too much."

Obi-Wan nodded and shut his door, it whoosing closed. Cain breathed a sigh of relief.


Cain carefully made his way into his quarters, hoping that Fives hadn't woken up. He opened the door and hoped the lights he saw that were on was a malfunction.

"What happened? Are you okay? You suddenly ran out," Fives said from a stool at the bench. No, the lights were not a malfunction.

Cain mentally swore. "Look, I'm not going to keep this from you, but something has happened. I don't know what, but I've... changed?" Cain explained, hesitating. "You really, really can't tell anyone about this. This is strictly between us. No one else."

Fives walked over to him. "You're wearing a hood?" He gently pulled the hood back.

"Surprise," Cain said weakly with a forced laugh. "Turns out I'm not human."

Fives stared at him with wide eyes, laced with curiosity. "What the kriff are you then?"

"Elvish it turns out."

"What about your sister?"

"Yet to see if it affected her too."

Fives pulled Cain into a hug. "I don't care what you are, I still love you."

Cain tightly hugged him back and buried his face into Fives' shoulder.

"Don't Elves have magic?" Fives whispered.

"Yeah. Sephinroth gave me a quick rundown about the types and how common they are. Fire is the most common, but is said to be the most beautiful. Earth, like manipulating the ground and the air and things that have come from it, is the second most common. Lightning, what Sephinroth and his side of the family possess, is the third most common. Water, mostly healing, is the second rarest. Void, as in manipulating darkness, creating darkness and overall being darkness is the rarest and apparently only has two recorded cases in history. That's all I know about them. I don't know what my family must have," Cain explained. "I don't even know the extent of Elvish magic."

"Well, we have Senator Irealia Yesek to ask, don't we?"

Cain huffed. "I 'spose we do."

Fives noticed Cain was beathing in deeper. "You're taking some big breaths."

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