Pilot Pt 1

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  Walking in and clocking in as normal,
Y/n went to her locker to put her things away, saying hi to Garret and Cheyenne as always.

"Hey Y/n, I heard we're getting two new employees today." Garrett wheels  over to you, "Really? Wanna make a bet on who gets on Amy's nerves first?" Y/n smirks as she puts on her employee's vest, while walking out of the break room with Garret.

"Oh of course, I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't want to."


"The American superstore. One-stop shopping for everything you could ever want or need. Do you want to be thinner? Fatter? Happier? Sadder? Are you looking for friendship? Or solitude? Or even love?"

"Gosh Garret your announcements are getting even more creative by the day. " laughing to myself while working the checkout in front him. "I gotta find one way to make this job interesting."
Sandra then comes walking over to us in a rush "Guys! There's a rumor going around that one of the new employees made fun of Amy." As the customer leaves and I turn of the checkout lanes light, and it seemed that Garret and I had the same idea, "I'LL BET ON HIM!" Garret says a slight faster than I
"Aw man, that's so not fair" Whining while I lean on the counter. "Well you better have your money ready for me toots" Garret then gives a sly smile towards me while Sandra, who has a confused look on her face walks away.


As we settle in the break room Garret and I notice the two new faces in the room. 'I wonder which one of them managed to get on Amy's nerves already' Before I could ask Amy, Dina starts the meeting.

"All right, campers, listen up. I've got an important announcement. This is your garden variety generic decongestant, and this is crystal meth, okay?" Holding up two different things but all I could think about was where the hell she got crystal meth?
"The tweakers use this, to make this. So stop selling them this, so they can't make this." Cheyenne replied saying "That guy told me he had a really bad cold." "Ohh yea I saw that, he did look ill in her defence" sarcastically shrugging my shoulders. "He was buying 35 boxes, Cheyenne. That should have been a red flag okay? Use your noggin." Glenn then takes over, "Let's thank Dina for that helpful tip of the day." Everyone just starts clapping in response "Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that she's walking around with a bag of crystal meth?" Garret looks around to see if anyone is as concerned as he is. "I mean it's Dina" I take a sip of my coffee and give him a slight shrug.

One of the new employees leans in to talk to Amy, 'maybe he's the one who got on her nerves.' Glenn then takes back my attention.

"Anyway, I am so proud To welcome two new angels to our Cloud 9 family. Why don't you introduce yourselves?"   The guy from earlier stands up clearing his throat, "Hello, everyone I am Jonah. And I am.. I am excited to be working here, it's gonna be fun so..-" the other new employee stands up proudly, " My name is Mateo Fernando Aquino Liwanag, and I'm here to make something of myself. Spread my wings, Whoo! See how far I can fly. Thank you!"  He seems like the type to actually work, we need more people like that here.

Then said Jonah continues "Yeah, I, too would like to see how far I can fly." Breaking the silence he received "Okay.." makes him look over at me while sitting back down.

"Now I used to end these meetings  with some wisdom from the Good Book." Pulling out a bible " But then someone reported me to corporate." "Heck yeah, I did. Look, I'm a Christian too, but in these four walls, my Bible is the employee code of conduct." Dina fires at Glenn "We all thank you for it." "Yea your welcome." I pray for you, Dina." "I pray for you too Glenn."

After their little banter "So to welcome our new employees.." pushing something on his phone, the theme to Jurassic Park plays. "Welcome, welcome to cloud 9."
Garrets sarcastic comment fills the break room "This is my jam." I can't help but laugh.


Working at the electronics counter I see Jonah walk up to Amy, probably trying to fix his mistake from earlier.
What catches my ear leaves me in shock ".. Right, like how hookers don't like to be kissed on the lips"
I slammed my head down into my arms that are resting on the counter to stop from bursting with laughter.

After Amy gives Jonah something to do on the electronics compartment, he walks over to where I'm standing in he attempt to make small talk. "Hey uh, I'm Jonah and from your tag I'm guessing your name is Y/n? Or do you not like strangers knowing your name too?" "Mh funny, but no my name is Y/n, unlike hookers though I do like to be kissed on the lips" sending him a wink, as he goes red, he gets all embarrassed while scanning some things "so you heard that, cool.. oh hey, I think I got it down" he says to Mateo who just walked up "No offense, but you're my competition, so I'm kind of actually rooting for you to fail. Okay, thanks. Bye."

At this point I start to notice the amount of people rushing around electronics with tons of items in there carts 'What is going on? Is there some new trend going around?' I run over to Amy and Glenn "Something's going on, if you haven't noticed, people are stocking up on electronics like it's the first telephone to ever be invented"
"Could it be a race riot?  It's so hard to tell in the early stages." Giving Glenn a weird look I notice Amy looking behind me at Jonah, then walks up to him, 'Damnit Garret there's no way I'm winning this bet now' groaning from the thought of losing more money to him again, I join Amy. ".. You're only discounting everything 25 %, right?" "Yeah, scan, reassign, yes, override, yes, reprice..-" "ugh idiot" muttering to myself while running to the front of the store and attempting to stop people along the way.

"Attention shoppers, due to an employee error, very expensive electronics are pricing out at 25 cents. This mistake is beint corrected, so.. Stock up quick! Go, go, go, go!"

"What an amazing announcement Garret" rolling my eyes at him while trying to help Frank the security guard keep everyone from leaving.
"Yes, you better hurry up girl! You better get that TV." He responds leaving me with a smile.

Standing next to Frank, blocking the doors from costumers he yells "Stop, stop! Please, I'm begging you!"
A guy tries pushing past the two of us "Sir! You can not leave!" "Listen lady, You're going to have to kill me to take these away!" Knocking me over on my wrist.

"Y'all don't want to do this please!" The next thing everyone hears is a gunshot. Apparently Dina shot a gun at the roof of the store. "Sales over!"


"There's no need to identify whoever it is whose fault this was. We can all learn a lesson here." Glenn says making it quite obvious ok whose fault this was, "would that lesson be not letting Jonah reprice inventory in the future?" Mateo comments "I second that." Agreeing with Mateo, raising my right hand while Garret wraps my left with a bandage.
"It might be, yes. All right. Punctuality..." Jonah turns to look at both Amy and I whispering 'Im sorry' then Amy gives me a look that I can't help but laugh at.

"Hey.. do they allow employees to date supervisors?" Jonah asks Garret, and obviously I can't help but over hear "I don't know. Why?" "Just curious." Garret turns to me giving me a confused face wondering why he would ask that, then I tilt my head towards Amy and that's when it clicks in his head.


"Hey! Y/n, What's-your-name, check it out" catching both of your attention you walk over to see Jonah stacking soda cans into a sad emoji face. "Ah, I was wondering what was taking so long to stack a few cans." Taking a picture of it you respond "You gotta admit it looks cool" "thank you, I just.. I wanted to reiterate how sorry I am about before- "
"And when a customer wants a can of ginger root beer and the whole thing  collapses on top of them, how are you gonna feel then?" Jonah just points to the emoji soda's in silence "Hah, now that would hilarious." You say while the both you walk away.
"I was just trying to have some fun" Jonah tries to explain catching up, "This might be a cultural thing, but the less screwing everything up you do, the better." "And the less work the rest of us have to do" you add on.
"You talking about the cans or the pricing thing?" Jonah asks like it isn't obvious "You see, the fact that it's your first day and there's already more than one option of things you up is not a good thing." Interrupting Jonah before he can say something else you let Amy know it's your break time and walk away leaving the two alone.

After your break you try joining Cheyenne in attempting to give Dina a make over.


Took you Long enough (Jonah x FEM reader)  EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now