Mannequin Pt1

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Keeping this short, I am so sorry for not updating. I do backstage for my schools musical and it finally ended, so I'll probably have more time to write more. Also had no clue on how to include Y/n in this chapter, so I was really dreading it.

During break, everyone could be found sitting in the break room minding there own business. Jonah, Garrett and Y/n sat at the same table, where he decides to eat the loudest chips in history.

Now with everyone's attention, "This is nice huh? Taking a well-earned break with my coworkers. I feel like I'm finally fitting in here." Y/n looking up from her phone, clearly annoyed that the silence was interrupted, "Nobody was talking for a reason you know."

He seemed to tense a little at her remark, until Amy chimed in. "You don't get to decide when you're fitting in. we'll let you know."

"I'm just saying.. I'm getting used to it, not getting used to standing all day though." "That's not a problem I have to deal with." Garret said, "yea well, lucky you my friend." Everyone in the room now had his attention with that. Once he realized what he said Jonah became a stuttering mess. "N-not lucky- not lucky you. I' don't think you're lucky.." Garret being one to tease him "So you think I'm unlucky?" he said while taking a sip of his drink.

Mateo joined in " Its funny that you say your feet hurt, because I swear every time I see you, I feel like you're sitting."

"Try doing this running on little sleep, or 6 months pregnant like Cheyanne" Y/n added, leaning back in the uncomfortable chair she was sitting in. It was clear she was tired. Jonah leaned in, and almost whispered, "I've been meaning to ask you about that actually-"

Before either one could talk more Amy agreed, "Yea seriously, that's brutal." Jonah then turned to her surprised. "I didn't know you were pregnant?" Garret and Y/n exchanged a look towards one other, as if to say he messed up with that one. " I was at 19, then I had my daughter. I'm not now but thank you for thinking I am." At this point it seemed like everyone was ganging up on Jonah.

Before he could say anything else Garrett kept telling him to eject in the conversation. "I just didn't know you had a child, I think that's wonderful. Really, I'm in awe of single mothers, so-" Y/n kicked his chair, making him stop his sentence to look at her.

"I'm married." Amy said with a smile.

Garrett loving this drama in all honesty, "Ooo! should've just ejected, man."

"Why are you in awe of single mothers?" Cheyanne joining in. "I just think Its-It's very brave to have a child, Especially at your age." "Well, I didn't set out to have a baby. Came from sex." She said, probably assuming Jonah didn't know. Everyone seemed to nod to that, while Y/n slightly chocked on her energy drink. "Right. Sure. uh, but you bravely made the decision to go through with it."

"Maybe she didn't?" Earning Y/n a quick glance from Jonah once again. "Well I couldn't get a ride to Planned Parenthood." "If you ever need one in the future.."

Now Glenn was adding his 2 cents in, "Jonah, I'd prefer if you didn't offer to shuttle our employees to the abortion clinic." "No, I-I meant rides in general." He wove his arms around, which seems like a thing he likes to do while talking. "what if it was just for a pap smear?" Dina asked. "They recommend one a year, but I like to go extra. Make sure everything's up to code." She said while patting herself around her vaginal area, earning a couple weird looks.

"ok, I'm fine with you driving your coworkers anywhere, except the abortion clinic." This starting an argument with Dina. "Damnit Glenn! You cannot talk about your personal feelings on abortion in the workplace."

Y/n checked the clock, and gathering her things to start working again. "Thanks Jonah, you got Mommy and Daddy fighting." Tossing him a playful yet serious look.


Garrett and I were standing in front of a mannequin display. "I mean its kind of unbelievable, right?" "Yea.. its almost creepy." The mannequin we were looking at had a very striking resemblance to Jonah, who was also standing with us. "Uhh, I don't see it." Jonah being in denial about it though. "Now I get why you looked so familiar, remember Y/n?" "Oh my gosh, I almost forgot about that. You see last week Garrett wouldn't stop scrolling social media because he swore he knew you from somewhere."

"Yea, at first I thought you were this white dude at my middle school who wore his pants backwards like Kris Kross, but nah, you him." Garrett said. "ok but its a mannequin of a Caucasian male, if that's what you see when you look at me.. then that's on you."

"No dude, it genuinely looks like you, Its the eyes, and the expression that just screams.. 'JONAH'" Making sure to pause and wave my hands in the air like I was imaging a billboard Infront of me said his name. "Hey Amy, doesn't this mannequin look like Jonah?" Garrett had called her over to get more opinions on it. She took a second to look at it. "Yea, although Jonah's face looks more punchable then that." Gasping "You are so right!" Amy laughed then walked away.

"Ye-yea ok, I don't see any of that. To me it looks like, I don't know Tom Cruise?"

That defiantly got a laugh out of Garrett and I. "Hah! You think you look like Tom Cruise? And what? I look like Denzel Washington?" "Yea and I look like (Celebrity you resemble:)? Come on Denzel lets finish working." "ok (Celeb name:)"


984 words

ending it shorter because its a school night sorry. I'll most likely write more tomorrow.

Sorry again for the long wait.

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