Mannequin Pt2

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Last chapter Jonah stated he looked like Tom Cruise, because of a similar looking mannequin. Which may or may not lead to something..

A lot of weird stuff happens at this store. I just had to unwrap a child who was being wrapped up in a hose..
And that's definitely not the weirdest I've seen since working here.

After bringing the boys to their parents, Garrett came up to me.
"Hey, Y/n. You know how that mannequin looked like Jonah?" Turnin to face him, "Well yah. What about it?"
"I was thinking we could use it, dress it like him and do all sorts of weird, funny shit with it to make him embarrassed."
"You had me at 'dress it like him'. This is one of my favorite ideas you've come up with so far!"

He comes up with a lot of fun games to play throughout our shifts, but this'll be a good one for sure. "Ooo Gare I have an idea already!" "We'll do yours after mine" and with that we set sail for the break room.


Everyone was laughing in the break room, because Garrett's first idea was to make it look like 'Jonah' was on a break. So we, we being Mateo, Amy, Garrett and I that is, were dressing the mannequin up.

Gare was the first to notice Real Jonah walking in. "OH! Hey, man. Meet our new employee. Jonah, meet Jonah."

"Oh- he's got-- you put my clothes on him. Funny. And the name tag, and.. Everybody thinks he looks like me?"

I was messing up the hair on the mannequin as Garrett responded. "Eh not exactly. You're a bit more like, 'Hey, it's me, Jonah, I like to eat croissant."  He says in a weird Jonah voice while moving its arm.

"Is that something I say?" He was laughing but only because we were.
"Sounds like something you would say." Amy chimes in too, "yea or 'Have you seen this documentary? It will change your life!' " In between laughing " I love this Jonah voice you guys are using." He looks up at me and finally sees me messing with the hair.
"Is my hair really that messy?" "Nah, we just didn't know how much gel you use."

The others continue to say funny Jonah things in weird voices and all he does it laugh it off.  Until Amy says something about bananas and he rants about, while also moving the mannequin.

Nobody was laughing now.


The amount of children left unattended in this store is weirdly high.

Seeing Jonah with a to-go back cart, re-shelfing things, I figured it would be a good Samaritan thing to do by apologizing.

"Yo man, sorry if we got under your skin or anything. We're just messin with you." He kept walking, but kept talking "No yea, I get it. I probably shouldn't have reacted. I'm still new and I don't want to be seen as the sensitive one, don't want to make it my thing." Giving a confused look, "Your thing? What do you mean?" Amy had come around too, probably to also apologize and had heard what he was saying.

"Well, you know, like, Garrett's the cool one. Glenn's the nice one. Cheyenne's the perky, sweet one. Carols the on that's always saying "hashtag" everything."
Amy was curious about hers, "which one am I?" " Uh the, uh responsible one." "The responsible one?"
I had zoned out, because I was wondering what one I was to Jonah. So after Amy left I asked.

"What about me?" He looked back at me, and I cocked my head to the side waiting.
"Uhm, I'd say like, the pretty and flirty jokey one. Like you always joke around about stuff, you know?" It seemed like he didn't want to offend me.
"Mh like, that I can't be serious in serious conversations? And you think I'm pretty?" Question him with a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk on my face.

He looked a little flustered now. "W-well no, but to me it seems like being in serious conversations would make you uncomfortable so you joke a lot and brush stuff off. N-not that you can't be serious, but it doesn't seem like your thing."
Listening to him talk about 'my thing' got me thinking, and made my smile falter a bit.

"Mh ok, makes sense."


Garrett, Mateo and Cheyenne were gathered in the woman's dresses section giggling or take pictures of something, which caught Jonahs attention. Making his way towards them, he noticed what they were looking at.

Before them stood Jonahs lookalike mannequin, in a pink silk nightgown looking dress. His hair was done too, put in pigtails with little bows that matched. Practically to stunned to speak, Mateo spotted the real Jonah first.

"Well isn't it the pretty lady himself!" Making Garrett and Chey turn to look at him too, giggling more seeing his face. Cheyenne pulled him over to get a closer look and took a picture of him. "What do you think? You look so cute with bows! Oo you should let me do your hair!!" Coming back from cloud 9 :-> "this was your idea?" Pointing towards the mannequin.

Garrett then spoke up, "Actually it was Y/ns, we didn't even see her do it." Shrugging off the fact that she didn't tell him what her plan was. Jonah now looked confused. "How do you know she made this?" "Oh she made it a couple weeks ago. Her cat completely tore up her, I think its called a tailors dummie, so she asked if I could basically be her model till she gets a new one. I couldn't though so Bo ended up helping. Which took a loooot of convincing. Oh maybe it would actually fit you Jonah!"

Mateo practically died of laughter from that. "I would never want to see him in a dress. Let alone less clothing then what he has on now." Jonah looked a little offended, but seemed a little worried too. "I'd like to think that Id look decent in a dress ok. A-and where is Y/n? You'd think she'd want to see my reaction to it right? Especially since she made this herself."

Cheyenne shrugged before walking off with the others. "She said something about it not being super serious to worry about and that she had work to finish." As they walked away Cheyenne muttered something about wanting to show her Jonahs reaction.

Even though it's been a good 5 minutes since the three left, Jonah still stood there look at the dress. Almost not wanting to take it down. Crossing his arms and swaying a little he muttered, "I'd look good in a dress."

Words 1124
Jonahs dress

Feel free to change itAlso I really have no excuse for not updating other than no motivation

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Feel free to change it
Also I really have no excuse for not updating other than no motivation. (._.)
Sorry 🙏

Took you Long enough (Jonah x FEM reader)  EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now