Magazine Profile Pt 1

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I was talking to Sandra in the break room waiting for the run down for the day, until Dina bangs her hand on the table to get our attention for Glenn.

"Oh, okay! Today is a very special day because "Stratus" is doing a profile on our store."

The only ones that were excited about this was Glenn, and Mateo. Glenn was trying to hype us up about it, but no one said anything.

Jonah then opens his big mouth "What's "Stratus"?" "Um, only our internal corporate magazine!" Mateo responds as if it's common knowledge, which I guess it would be for someone whose worked here for longer than like a week. "Who even reads magazines anymore, the only good ones are filled with fake drama and sexy models." I say sitting down in the closes chair.

Cheyenne nods her head in agreement, "oh! Did you see the one with Chris Hemsworth?" "No but you should totally show me later."

Ignoring us " 'magazine' isn't totally accurate, its more like misleading propaganda." She took a magazine from Mateo, opening up while Glenn defends them. "No, it's not!" Reading from it " "minimum wage is maximum fun!" " "It is!"
"Yes Glenn, cleaning up vomit for like 10 dollars an hour is super fun" sarcastically replying.

Jonah now has the magazine and continues to read from it, " "Work it off, A guide to injuries on the job." "
"Oh, that is a super fun read."

It's like everyone has a magazine now, " Ooh, there's a jingle-writing contest. Bo could enter that. If he won then he could stop dancing for his mom's friends."

"Its my responsibility to show the reporter around. So, please, let's put our best foot forward, okay?
Cheyenne that means no falling asleep in the bedding department."

"I get tired, Glenn. I'm pregnant!"
Chey points to her stomach, "Not today, you're not!" Why is he always so cheerful? "That's not how that works Glenn."

"Uh, oh, and Sal, I'm gonna need you to take the creepiness down to a two, okay?" How about a zero. "Garrett, I love those nicknames you come up with for me, but some people might see them as insulting, so why don't you get them out of your system now?" Garret sets his cup down getting ready all of his best nicknames, "Glenda, G-nothing, Glengarry, Glenn Loss, Glennema, Glenntil soup, TransGlennder." Completely unfazed by the insults " oh that's a new one!"

Dina chims in with a request, "You got to keep this reporter away from me. I hate them, my school paper once misidentified me as a scoliosis victim. The joke is, my spine is perfect, okay? I can bench 160." Looking at Jonah when she says this next part, "165 in the right situation" taking a sip of my coffee, "that's impressive Dina."

"Ok! Lets get out there and have a newsworthy day. Do it for the old, uh.. G-spot! See? You're not the only one who's good at nicknames."


Standing at the customer service with Jonah as he talks to Garrett about the reporter, I just mindlessly scroll on my phone zoning them out.

"-And getting a black guy in a wheelchair is like their holy grail or something." Is what caught my attention, setting my phone down. "Woah woah woah woah. You trying to say being blacks a disability?" "Wow Jonah." He starts to stutter around and tries to prove why he isn't racist. "I..I have lots of..-" "what?"
"I listen to Drake. I..-" "Drake?"
"No, no, no. I watch B.E.T.... sometimes.." Garrett just looks at him with a seemingly mad face, which I can't help but giggle at. "I'm messing with you, dude."
"Okay" sighing, "Good, thank God, I've never watched B.E.T"


"Y/n, you know fashion right? Cool come with me I need help giving Glenn a make over."
Amy just came out of nowhere, startlingly me to where I throw my phone and act like I was putting chips on a shelve the whole time. "Wait, what?" She speeds off with Mateo and Jonah following her. "Uh ok"

Mateo goes to find a tie, Jonah looks for an undershirt while I hand Glenn a different darker blue blazer from the one he had on before.
And after he changed he comes out, to stand by the mirror so Mateo can give him the tie.

"You know, I have to say, most everything works on him. I guess that's one benefit of having zero character." We all study Glenn, "I wouldn't have put it that way, but yea he has a point. About everything working on you that is" giving him a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, Mateo, Y/n."

"You look good, Glenn. Just remember to maintain eye contact, give a good, firm handshake..-" give compliments. And try making some jokes.-" "And smile a lot!" Mateo and Amy both giving Glenn tips to make a good first impression. "Why does it feel like our first child going in for an interview?" Wiping a fake tear away with a smile.

"You'll be fine." Amy reassures him before Jonah ends up adding, "Uhmm.. hmm." "Ugh what now, you already changed his undershirt like five times man!"
Rolling her eyes "Do you have something you'd like to say, Jonah?"

"It wasn't five times, for your information it was three. And yes. Glenn, a reporter doesn't care about how you look. They want to hear your big ideas."
Now Glenn looks worried "Ideas?" "Okay. You know what? It's not "The New Yorker". It's "Stratus" and they just want some nice photos, and a quote saying how great it is to work here." Putting on his tie for him, Amy tries to calm Glenn down. "Jonah, I think Amy's right. I'm going to stick with a firm handshake and an enthusiastic "Howdy-Do!" "
Jabbing Jonah in the side, "yea man, let him do his thing." He side eyes me and just raises his hands in defeat.

"Exactly, and maybe don't say "Howdy-Do" "
"Roger dodger."
And with that Glenn was already for his first day of 3rd grade- sorry the "Stratus" interview.


1019 words

Took you Long enough (Jonah x FEM reader)  EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now