Shots and Salsa Pt 3

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Y/n had just went back to putting items on shelves


Finally on break, Y/n was sitting at one of the tables in the restaurant portion of the store, working on homework. Y/n still had a few more years of college due to dropping out the first time.

Thankfully just as she needed a break from her homework before going back to work, Cheyenne and Jonah were getting on their breaks and came to join her.

"Heyyy Y/n, what's up!" They both sat down around the table. "Not much, just finished homework." Jonah gave a shocked look. "Y-you're still in highschool? I took you for someone much older."

Giving him an offensive glare, "You think I look old?" "O-oh! No no, I mean you just gave off a more, I guess mature vibe. I assumed you were out of college or something. And I mean you do look pretty young so it makes sense if you were still in highschool" Jonah got all flustered and was quickly trying to correct his comment.
Cheyenne snorted "Gosh Y/n, you can be so deceiving. She's in college still cuz she flunked out. " she said the last part in a hushed voice.

Jonah turned to look at Y/n as if questioning her about it. Rolling her eyes in a playful manner,
"Hah yea, didn't work out the first time around. Second times better than the first hopefully."

"Oh well whats your major?

Before Y/n could reply, Chey got excited and answered for her. "She's a fashion designer! Isn't that rockin?! She's really good too. Got my homecoming dress from her last year and it gorgeous!" She then got her phone out to show Jonah pictures of her.

"That and theatre production, obviously I like making the costumes for plays or musicals. Sometimes I do get dragged into the musical but it's fun."
Jonah had finished looking at the pictures, "That's actually really cool. I didn't take you for a fashion or musical type of person."

"Maybe get to know me and you'll figure out what type of person I am, my breaks over now but it was nice chatting. Talk to you later Chey."
Y/n smiles off at the two and heading to break room.

Jonah was trying to figure out a way to bring up a conversation with Cheyenne. "Soo are you in any musicals?" Cheyenne just gave him a look, "oh uhm I'm gonna go see what Mateos doing." Without saying anything else she upped and left him there.

Garret made his last announcement for the workers with morning shifts.

"Attention shoppers, it's 2 o'clock. All associates working the morning shift, it is time for you to leave.
If you are leaving, I hope you learned that no good deed goes unpunished, but, also, no matter bad a day you had, at the end of your shift you get to clock out and leave the job at the door..

Anyway, this does not pertain to most of you, Soo green beans are on sale for 89¢."

There's nothing like leaving the store to Dina singing in Spanish in the middle of it.

529 words

Soo sorry for not updating for so long. Holidays ofc kept me busy and my finals or coming up. (Not like I study) And I know this chapter is short but I kind of just wanted to end this episode, I couldn't think of any other ways to get our two to interact so I came up with the break thingy. 😅

I'll try to post more.

Happy 🆕 Year!

Took you Long enough (Jonah x FEM reader)  EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now