Chapter 1

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The first day
September 1 2019
Okay, just walk in and you'll be fine.
Oh who am I kidding? I should stop and run home while I still have the chance!
My thoughts spiral in my head.
Is anyone going to even want to talk to me?
I hit pause on my brain. Of course someone will talk to me! I have two best friends, and I've known most of these kids since kindergarten!
Why am I so silly?
To answer that question, it's because I've never been to good with people.
When I was a toddler, I used to bite people, which wasn't great for my reputation.
In grade 3, I tripped and fell into one of the boys, knocking over his bag filled with All sorts of sketches of me. It made everyone laugh.
Finally in grade 6, I ended up having a mental breakdown because I got the answer to a question wrong. And started crying. Infront of the entire class.
My record hasn't exactly been great, but high-school is my chance to turn it around.
Working up the courage, I push the doors open wide and stride into the building.
Don't freak out, you're fine.
I convince myself of this, repeating it in my head like a mantra, and move forward to my assigned locker. I look to my left and stare at a girl in plaid with hair the color of twilight.
"Hi, what's your name?" I shrink under her gaze as she opens her locker door.
"I'm Meg, and you are?"
"Oh, my name's Katie. Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around before."
I mentally slap myself.
Of course I've never seen her, it's the first day of school!
Meg gives me some side eye and goes back to her locker.
I turn towards mine and screw the dial left twice then right once, hearing the faintest click as the pad lock unhooks itself from the door.
Daring to take another glance at Meg, I twist my neck to look in her direction, but she already started walking to her homeroom.
I hurriedly shove my belongings into my locker and slam it closed, locking it up before I leave.

I walk into homeroom, studying the layout of the desks. I spot my seat at the edge of the room where a twighlight haired girl sits waiting for me.
My eyes widen after spotting Meg and my stomach becomes a knot of emotions.
I stride over to the desk, projecting confidence as I approach. But it crumbles away the second her eyes hit mine. We hold our stare, and I drink up her deep brown eyes.
"H-hey." I say with a stutter.
What's happening to me?
"Are you going to sit down or...?" Meg gives me more side eye.
I lower onto the seat, opening my books and binder.
The teacher walks in then, saving me from embarrassment. She introduces herself as Mrs Brunistil and begins her lesson.

When the class ends, I sprint out of the room to get to my locker before Meg.
I can't run into her again, it's too embarrassing.
I grab everything out of my locker so I don't have to come back, and run to my next class.
Finally free of Meg, I sink into my chair, and breathe a sigh of relief.
I've never felt that way before.

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