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2 months later
Chapter 1
Jack's p.o.v

I was in Elsa room, she had her back turned to me and was on the phone.

Even though we called each other all the time while we were both away I still missed her like hell.

"So Dan, I'll call you tomorrow. Yea okay bye" Elsa and hung up the phone.

Who the hell is Dan?

She was just about to leave so I had to speak up.

"Miss me ice queen?"

She turned around "Jack!" She yelled while running over and practically jumping on top of me.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and I crashed my lips into hers.

I pushed her up against the wall "God I've missed you so much" I whispered and kissed her again.

"I thought you weren't meant to be home for another few weeks" she smiled

"I know, but there was an emergency" I looked at her with lust "I had so many plans for us when I got home, but they're going to have to wait"

"Why, what's up?"

"North got a letter. From Pitch. Everyone's at the North Pole waiting for us" I said and put her down

"What does it say?"

"I don't know yet, we should probably go and find out"

"Yea" She breathed out with a worried look.

"By the way who's Dan?" I raised an eyebrow

"Oh he's my lawyer. It told him my situation with Lewis and the whole marriage thing. Dan's just a back up incase I don't get that trading deal"

"Ah. Come on, we better get going"

She hopped onto my back and we flew to the North Pole.

20 minutes later
Elsa's p.o.v

Jack and I entered North's place. Everybody was there, Punz, Mer, Hiccup, and some brown haired guy. I recognised him from somewhere.

"Elsa!" Rapunzel and Merida both shouted

"Guys!" I smiled and hugged them both

"Hey Hiccup" I said and hugged him "So how have yous guys been?"

"Bored" Merida laughed

"I've been the same as always" Hiccup smiled

"Rapunzel, can you please explain to me what is happening right now" the brown hair guy said while standing awkwardly

"One minute Eugene"

Oh so his name is Eugene.

"What about you Punz?" I asked

"Well I've been amazing! I have so much to tell you guys" Punzie jumped up and down

"I'm sorry Rapunzel, but your news is going to have to wait. Can I have everybody's attention please" North bellowed as he, Tooth, Bunny and Sandy entered the room.

"What's up North?" Jack asked

"As yous all probably already know, earlier on today I received this letter from Pitch. It reads as follows.

Dear my pleasant friends the guardians/the big five
I'm writing because I'm sick and tired of this pitiful fighting, we are all grown ups, so how about we sort this out for once and for all.
With war.
On this exact day in three years time, meet me behind the Roomstone forest and we will finish this.
The first to surrender looses.
See you there, Pitch Black.

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