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Chapter 5
Elsa's P.o.v

What on earth am I supposed to do?

I was walking back and forth in my bedroom, in my ice castle.

I love jack, so much, I've become so attached to him and now I'm supposed to choose between him and Arendelle.

If I choose Arendelle, I would feel as if I would be making my father proud but I would have to get married!

If I choose Jack then I could finally be...happy. Now I've experienced life with Jack, I can't live without him. But that means Lewis would become King and that would just be awful.

Earlier on today I met my supposedly "to be" husband, Anna met hers too and I could tell she hated him. My one was nice and really good looking and funny but he was nothing like Jack. Today I also called my lawyer, he said that there was nothing he could do because the board of Arendelle agreed with Lewis's terms.

My phone started ringing, it was Jack.


"Open you door" he said down the phone

I hung up the phone and walked down the stairs to open the door.

Jack put out a cigarette he was smoking and walked inside.

"How did you even know I was here?" I asked

"You always stay at your ice castle on a Saturday night"

I knew from the second he walked in the door that he had been drinking.

"You're drunk"

"Only because I was getting frustrated by trying to think of a way you can not get married and also rule Arendelle, but guess what Elsa? There is no way round it!" So you have to choose, it's me or Arendelle"

I looked into his blood shot eyes and didn't say a word.

"See, the fact you have to even think about your answer makes me question what we are anymore!" He shouted "Come on Elsa, we can get out of here, move to New York, finally start living your live! You don't realise how amazing you are at singing! We can both try and get somewhere with our music. Rapunzel and Anna are going to art college in New York, Eugene is moving and so is Merida because they both want to make it in the acting business and I'm sure we could persuade Hiccup to come. There's so many opportunities in New York!"

"Don't you understand how hard this decision is? And I can't just move to New York with a one in a million chance that I could get somewhere with my music! It's never going to happen"

"If you just take a chance, you can have all you have ever wanted. By the way I saw you walking with that guy today, so go on what was he like?"

"He was nice and he doesn't smoke or drink away his problems! I like him"

I immediately regretted what I had just said, I saw he was hurt.

"Well I'm "sorry" I'm not some sort of prince" he hissed "So you like him then, huh? Let me ask you something do you even want to be with me anymore?"

I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me but I just couldn't seem to get the words out.

"Answer me!" He shouted with clenched fists

"I don't know!" I shouted back

He took a step back and ran both of his hands through his hair, he looked completely broken.

"I'm Jack Frost, I don't do this, I usually just sleep with random girls. But now I can't be with anyone apart from you, I can't stay away from you. Somehow you made me feel something, you allowed me to fall in love with you and now you're telling me that you "don't know" if you want to be with me and that you "like" some guy you met yesterday! No this isn't happening, you can't leave me.... You're mine. Aghh stop being selfish!"

"I'm not some sort of object so stop calling me yours. Well if you miss it so much then go back to having you're one night stands every night. See if I care"

"Was this your plan all along? To just leave me? I hate you so fking much!" He roared

"You know what? I hate you too! You self centred jerk!" I yelled, quickly ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door.

I was boiling with firing rage. I stormed around the room and kicked the wooden chair over.

Ugh I can't believe him! I can't believe this whole situation, why did this have to happen?

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted my fathers music book lying on the ground. I walked over, sat up against the wall on the floor and started reading it. I traced my finger over the music notes on the page and I started to calm down.

I love him so much, I need him in my life, what am I supposed to do?

I took out the button out of my pocket, the one off Jack's jeans that he let me keep from months back.

This button is just another reminder of how much he means to me.

Jack's p.o.v

I couldn't bring myself to properly leave so I just sat on a rock outside the ice castle, thinking of what to do.

Should I attempt to let her go?

No I don't think I ever could.

Well whatever happens, I at least need to tell her everything I've wanted to tell her.

I got up off of the rock, things were still a little shaky but I was sort of sober.

I flew up to the balcony attached onto her bedroom but there was an ice door blocking me from getting inside.

"Elsa, are you in there?" I asked while knocking the door.

"What do you want?"

"Elsa, you can marry some guy and stay in Arendelle if that is what you really want, but I'm not leaving without telling you something. Well I actually don't know how to put this" I took a deep breath "I'm such a messed up person but you help me forget that. You have something about you that absolutely nobody in the world has, and I don't know what it is, but it's something special.

I will remember everything single detail about you, like the way you walk, talk, laugh sing. The way you sleep, you always pull the covers down to your knees or waist. You're eyes, the way the have so many different shades of blue in them. I'll remember the first time we met and our first night together.

I'll remember everything. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I love you, so much Elsa Delle"

The icy door suddenly creaked open and Elsa stepped out onto the balcony.

"I love you"she breathed out and crashed her lips into mine. It was a flow of happiness rushing through me and I instantly responded.

She momentarily broke the kiss "I'll go wherever you go, let's get out of here and move to New York, I choose you, always"

"Are you serious?"

She nodded and I kissed her so hard while lifting her up. I walked into her bedroom, closed the door and lay her on the bed.

She's so perfect.

I took of my top and lay on top of her.

"I need to show you how much I love you" I said against her lips.

You know what happened next....

The Untold Story of Elsa Delle  (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now