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Chapter 4
Jack's p.o.v

My eyes opened and I saw my arm tightly wrapped around Elsa's bare waist.

I got up, careful not to wake her up, when a knock occurred at the door. Quickly, I shoved on a pair of baggy shorts and went to answer the bedroom door.

"Hey Anna"

"Okay first of all, you might want to get changed properly before answering the door" she pointed out the fact I was topless "And second of all, this letter came for Elsa this morning"

"Thanks, I'll give it to her when she wakes up"

"So how's your whole guardian thing going?"

Yea Elsa told Anna everything. She told me Anna reacted.... Weirdly and asked tons of questions about the guardians.

"Yea it's good, how are you? I heard you got into college!"

"Yes I know, it's great! But I doubt I'll be going if the stupid jerk Lewis makes me and Elsa marry some strangers"

"Don't worry, I'll not let that happen" I said

"Thanks. Right I've got to go bye!" She waved and walked away.

I closed the door and saw Elsa walk out from the bathroom, still only wearing her black underwear.

"Is that the letter?"

I took a deep breath "Yea"

She took the letter and carefully started to open the envelope. I watched her eyes scan across the page as I waited in anticipation.

"I am going to kill that man!"

"Who? What happened" I asked

"It says the would've happily gave me the trading deal but they can't because I didn't hand in the paperwork for it"

"Did you forget to do it?!"

"No, I did the paperwork and left it in the pile of stuff that needed to be posted off. That week it was Lewis turn to post everything and obviously that slimy little bastard threw the paperwork away. Ahhh I hate him so much!" She shouted

"So he double crossed you and now he's going to make you marry some fking stranger! No I'm not letting him get away with this!" I quickly put on a t-shirt and shoes and ran out of the room.

"No Jack stop!" I could hear Elsa from her room

I ran down the stairs and into the office, where I saw two guys talking.

"Which one of you is Lewis?"

"That would be me" Said a guy with black hair, wearing a suit.

I grabbed him by the collar and threw up against the wall.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Lewis screamed and punched me in the face.

I got up off of the floor and pinned him up against the wall. "You are not going to make Elsa or Anna marry anyone. I know what you did with the paper work"

"And what the hell are you going to do about it" he hissed

"I'm going to beat the living crap out of you"

"Oh really? Well I'm guessing you're Elsa's guy. Here's two fun facts, I made out with her first and I can have you killed if I wanted to" He laughed

The fury inside me had reached it's high point, I hit him in the face and watched him fall to the ground. When he tried to get back up I hit him again.

"You broke my Nose you dickhead" Lewis complained and got back up.

"I can do a lot worse" I shouted and pulled out the pocket knife that was in my back pocket

"Jack!"I heard Elsa shout. I turned around and saw her in a light grey dress, looking at me like she didn't even recognise me. She started to run.

"Elsa wait" I said and ran after her all the way up into her room.

I shut the door "look I'm sorry it had to go that far"

"Sorry? You almost stabbed him!" She looked at me like I was some sort of monster and I hated it.

"He's ruining your life!"

"Exactly, my life, it's my life, I don't need you to protect me and why on earth do you have a knife with you?"

"I always carry a knife with me and I'm 'sorry' that I don't want you marrying some guy"

There was a knock at the door and Lewis came in and before I could go over to him, Elsa held me back.

"Jack, leave it, and Lewis what the hell do you want? You sabotaged the trading deal, so I'm not getting married"

"You can't prove I did so yes you are getting married. The board of Arendelle has already wrote me a letter agreeing with me that you and Anna should get married so we can pay of Arendelle's debts. Remember, the board is in charge of you so if you and Anna refuse, you will no longer be Queen and I will be King" Lewis smirked

"You're joking" Elsa said in disbelief

"No I'm not" he laughed "You'll meet your husband to be tomorrow at 3. And Jack, try that on me again and you will be the one getting stabbed"

Lewis left and slammed the door.

"Oh my god this can't be happening" Elsa said and slid down the wall and sat on the floor.

I sat infront of her "What are you going to do? I mean you can't get married"

"Well what other choice do I have?"

"Leave Arendelle with me and live your life, you've only just turned 20, you can't get married"

"I can't leave Arendelle, my job is here! If I don't get married, that will mean Lewis will be King. My father would hate that" She raised her voice.

"Your father is dead. Stop living your life in ways you think will impress him!" I shouted

I should not have brought her father into it, I know how much she hates it when someone talks crap about her family.

"Get out right now" she shouted back

"Yea sure go on live your boring life with your f*king husband that you haven't even met yet. Fine by me" I opened the window and flew away, enraged.

She can't just leave me, Elsa is all I have and I'm going to loose her to a bloody stranger. I need to think of a plan.

I love that girl way too dam much to let her go.

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