The inevitable

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Chapter 17
Jack's  p.o.v

The guys were back from hunting and Punz was back from getting firewood. It was getting dark, the tents were set up, the fire was lit and everyone was sitting around the fire eating dinner and talking.

"Jack" Eugene whispered "you've pissed of my misses"

"I know I'm sorry man, I'll go apologise now" I whispered back "hey Punz" I said louder "can I talk you a minute"

She glared coldly at me.

"Please" I begged and gave her my finest puppy eyes.

She finally gave in and we both stood up and walked away so no one else could hear us.

"Look Punz I realise now that I was a jerk earlier and I'm sorry. You and Elsa aren't here just because of your powers, yous are here because you are both amazing people. And I will do my best to get both your powers back anyway. I know having kids means a lot to you and I promise you Rapunzel that I will do everything I can to protect you and everyone else. You're my best friend and I don't want you to be annoyed at me, can you forgive me?"

Her frown slowly turned into a smile "of course I can"

She pulled me into a hug and I kissed the top of her head.

"Shall we return to Elsa and Eugene's awful cooking?" I chuckled

She laughed "I did offer to help them cook but they insisted"

We walked back to the fire and took a seat.

"So have yous two made up?" Merida asked

"Yea" I smiled

"Good, now let's say we play a little camp fire game. Truth or dare anyone?" Merida grinned and everyone reluctantly agreed to play.

"Oh I have one" Elsa said excitedly "okay Eugene truth or dare?"


"Since you think you're all macho, I dare you to arm wrestle Merida"

"Are you serious?" He laughed "I'll end up hurting her"

"Eugene Fitzherbert, we have lived in the same apartment for 3 years and you still don't know how strong I am" she smirked and they both knelt either side of a log and put their elbows on it and started to arm wrestle. It was hilarious to see the strain in Eugene's face as he tried to beat her.

Everyone was cheering on Mer but after a couple of minutes Eugene unfortunately beat her.

"Yes! I knew I would beat you" he chanted

"Dude it should not have taken you that long to beat her" I laughed

"Hey! She is freakishly strong" Eugene defended

"I have one for Punz" announced Hic "truth or dare?"


"Okay so let's say that Eugene had a tragic accident and you had to chose either myself or Jack to take over his husband duties, who would you pick?"

"What the hell" Eugene complained

"It's just hypothetically man" said Hiccup

"Hmmm I would chose secret option number 3, Charlie" Punz smirked

"Not fair" hiccup and I moaned

"Ooo I got one!" Exclaimed Mer

Yep this is going to be one interesting game of truth or dare.


After playing truth or dare for an hour or so we all got tired and went into the tents. Eugene and Punz obviously shared a tent, Merida and Elsa shared a tent and Hic and I shared one.

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