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As soon as I answered him, he pounced on me... he kissed me, I couldn't help but laugh at it, despite being gentle he was more desperate than I thought; minutes later I laid the children down, dad had slipped I don't know at what point a about under the door, I saw it, as expected, it was: "money", I took it along with what I still had saved and we went for the supplies, I had to avoid waking the babies, so I placed a blanket on the cart avoiding the sun, with one hand he handled them, the other held Kaneki and he was the same: "happy", truly happy.

  Smiling—you look more beautiful every time you smile.
  "I smiled"—heh, don't get used to it.
  —I'm serious, your smile looks like it was created by brighter and brighter stars.

  “'ll make me blush, baka.”

  —more?, better this way, red and happy.
  I combed a lock—tch, urusai (shut up).
  Laughed—is happiness over?
  —...*I shouldn't, I can't fall in love, he's watching us...*

  “Won't you talk to me again?”

  I formed a half smile—...we arrived, here we will get what is necessary.

*should I tell him about Leiko?...he's been very kind to me, as if he really likes how he said...what will await me now that we're boyfriends?...boyfriends...onnii-chan... (I shook my head) I have to forget it, I have to move on with Kaneki*

  —ah?...h...hai, that's all, let's go.
  —... do you get distracted a lot, subette jun ban ni? (everything in order)
  —hai, nanimo... let's see what's missing... notebooks, ready, pens... ready, didactic material ready... that's all.

  “And what about the babies?”

  I sighed—...I don't see what we can require with those robots.
  —the project consists of treating them as if they were real, what does a baby need?
  —There are two and still it would be too much!

  “shhh...we're just going.”

  With no other choice we went to the mall, after hours and hours of looking for the area for newborns I ended up being assisted by the girls who work there, seeing me with Kaneki was not entirely favorable; they took me from one place to another fighting over who he would offer me the best for my little ones, my little patience was about to reach its limit, until an aroma caught my attention, a girl.

More or less my age, maybe younger, was carrying heavy boxes, while the others They insulted each other, I approached, I don't know how or when, but I arrived just when a vase fell, which remained in my hands…

I smiled—do you need help?
  —etto, arigato.
  —nanimo, I'm (You).
  —Yorokobi (nice to meet you) Kaori-chan, would you mind helping me? I'm looking for little things for my babies.
  —H..hai, etto, is she coming alone?
  —onnegai, tell me about you, I'm not that big, in old are you?
  —I already said that you were too young to work here.
  —etto...I only help onnee-chan desu.
  Serious—are those easy opens your sisters?


  I sighed—ah...*you don't choose the family you come from*, must know a lot about babies when you work here, right?
  —etto...õkare suku na kare (more or less)
  I smiled—perfect, I'll need your help.

  “Wahhhh, wahh, wahhhhh!”

  "Wahhhh, wahh, wahhhhh!"

  I sighed—not long.
  —shinpai shinaide.
  —now that you

  He had returned with Kaneki, I really couldn't leave him alone with those devices, when I saw him he was carrying Ayaka surrounded by those zuripantas trying to calm her down, one of them had my little one in her arms; with a vague attempt to coo while he I was pulling my hair, I couldn't suppress a laugh of pride digging my nails into my palms about to draw blood.


  Baby voice—who's daddy's spoiled baby?,a veil a veil.

  “Wahh, wahhhhh!”

  Tired—spoiled brat, urusai!
  I took the baby from her—and who do you think you are talking to my baby like that?
  —in case you didn't know, these little "bad bred" as you called them, are my children, tsende kitsune hetakuso (damn useless bitch).
  —then I'll let you choose, (I whispered) or you walk away at this precise moment from my family, you warn onnee-chan baka desu to stay away and not come near my man again... (I took his shoulder, distorted) or they say goodbye to their business, the minor and their own lives.

Terrified—etto...y…yyyyy-you're a...
  She saw the babies —...g...gomennasai!
  It would be—jm, that will be enough, (I slapped him) and you baka, I didn't bring you to stand all day.
  —Urusai! I don't want to hear excuses, now she takes the stroller and walks.
  She laughed—aghu...
  —jm, do you like that I scold ottoo-san desu... (I hugged him) you're not a bad boy, you're just a baby... aurukku (walking)

  We toured the place accompanied by Kaori, I wanted to cry, annoyance, anguish, insecurity for Kaneki, I was beginning to feel silly for believing that with him it would be different, instead, I was reliving the same thing that happened with Eiji, my first love.

  —Well, here you will find everything your babies need, because they are first-timers they will give them a special price.
  I whispered—...arigato, Kaori-chan.

  “Nanimonai, if you need me, I'll be in the cellar. (She left)”

  I left Kaiichii in the cart—...*baka, you shouldn't have trusted him in the first place, you knew you were risking too much*
  —(Y/n)-chan, etto, did I do something?
  —...*hisanna (disgraceful) I know you're there, stop teasing*

  It is impossible, I love to see you suffer.

  *dai(fuck you)*

  That won't make you feel any better, you know?

  I whispered—urusai.
  —(Yn)-chan, are you listening to me?
  —...I don't want to do it, nani?
  —let me explain at least what happened.
  —You don't need to explain anything, everything was perfectly clear, do what you want, I shouldn't stop you from doing anything, just return to the baby before 20:00 pm.
  —what are you saying?
  —what you heard, I don't want to see you for the rest of the day, oh and don't worry about the school work, then I'll leave it for you in Anteiku or I'll get it to you somehow, unless I know where else to find you, meanwhile don't bother me.


  I left the stroller in the middle of the aisle, with the child in my arms I went through the rest of the place buying what I needed, finishing up I went back to my apartment that I have always called home, I would say to sink back into my solitude, but that baby made me a great company.

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