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Before leaving the hospital the teacher gave me a patch, according to her because my eye was still infected and it was not convenient for anyone to see it, when I got home it disappeared, I cleaned myself up and changed again, I had been hungry for almost two decades, but again the food disgusted me; I remembered what they mentioned in the news about ghouls and their sense of taste, thinking of that boy, I took my belly and felt a breath on my neck.

Nothing, I looked for food in the fridge, I prepared something light, when I placed it in my mouth I ran to the bathroom... desperately I repeated it until exhaustion; I worried leaving the house, if I found Kaneki maybe he would help me with this.

Hours passed and I couldn't find him, I stopped in the park, I hugged my legs crying, until a smell melted my mouth, I followed it, increasing my appetite... a corpse, a dead man was in front of me.

eat it


Come on, there's no one around, you're hungry, aren't you?

"...d...demo, he's a..."

It's food, you can't eat anything else, come on!

Nervous I approached it, it smelled delicious, I imagined it as a banquet just for me, desperately I tore it, ripping off its arms and legs; when I saw it again, its face was bruised, emaciated, it had ripped it to the roots and its abdomen had a huge hole, then I cried.

Distraught—iie...Ore...g...gomenne,(backing away) gomennasai.
—Ore... gomenne... (I hugged my abdomen) gomenne, gomenne, gomenne.

—what did you do?
—...gomenne, I couldn't... hunger...
—Hungry?,(y/n)-chan look at me.

"Kaneki...I didn't know it was so...d...difficult."

"Come, I have to get you out of here."

With his help I got up, 4 tentacles sprouted from his back with which he took us both out of there, I still had that image, that aroma in my mind. We entered through the window, he left me on the bed and removed the mask.. .

"You'll need to clean up."

"...Kaneki...s...I'm...like you?"

Serious—...unfortunately yes, the question is...how?
—I'm sure it's his fault, it's strange that during everything that happened he was the only fence, even though... that guy was, or is, a ghoul, I don't know if he's still alive.
—Demo, Leiko talked nasty with him, most likely she bought it.
Confused—what are you talking about?
—...Leiko...that day I'm sure I saw it, even though she said that I was run over, I know what I saw.

I growl clenching my hands...

Surprised—nande? (What)... Kaneki, daijôubu? / Are you okay / (I took her hand)
—ah?...h...hai nanimonai...demo, (head down) gomenne.
—nani?, it's not your fault, you warned me and... etto... Ore... (nostalgically) *he said he wanted to hurt him, I shouldn't continue with him* f..it was my fault, I should have listened to your warnings.

"...how did you end up alone?"

Nervous—etto... she was with... onnee-chan, etto... we talked about onnii-chan's letters to... I accompanied her to take a taxi for her to return home.

"Why didn't you take another you?"

* A corpse urged me on * ... it wasn't that far, I thought it would be okay, to take another route ... I saw what I shouldn't, I tried to convince him so that he would let me go, demo ... he didn't listen to me .
—...well, now you won't be able to go out, at least until you learn to control yourself.
—demo, I can't leave school like this, if he doesn't see me I don't know what's going to happen, my family thinks that I attend school every day, if they find out that I left it like that, they'll look for me... and... *me they are watching *I don't know what to do.

"...then come with me." (She offered me her hand)

—d..doko ni iku no? (to where)
He smiled—trust me.

At first I saw him nervous, fearful, confused; his eyes were calm, then I accepted, taking my bag, we went out the front door, I hid the patch with my hair and cap, head down trying not to attract attention, something that was impossible for me now that everyone present saw us; I did not pay much attention to their expressions, except when Kaneki held my hand more firmly, I felt my face burning, an electric current running through my body from head to toe, I remembered the scars on my legs when just like the clothes i was wearing,so i covered myself more by stretching the harlot.

He raised my face-don't hide, you're fine and if you don't want to attract attention you should act normal.

I couldn't help but feel terrified for what he was, however his calm was palpable, he was what I needed and I didn't know it until now, I crossed my legs rubbing them anxiously; I kept my left-handed one in my coat pocket, like the other one had Kaneki couldn't do more than keep her together throughout the course. After hours of walking, she began to lose patience...

Annoyed—are we there yet?*Where will it take me?*
He laughed—you've already asked the same thing 6 times, don't worry.
—I don't know that concept, it seems that you only wanted to make me walk.

"It's partly true, but we're close."

Head down—*please...don't let anyone of your people see us...onnegaishimasu!*...and, this place you say...what good will it do me?

"They will teach you how to eat."

I saw him confused, receiving an adorable laugh from him, we kept moving until we reached the "safe district" (Anteiku), he told me that he needed to talk to the manager, leaving me in front of the bar, I tried to distract myself with anything...

—you again?

—konniichiiwa Touka-chan.*yep, there's no difference between her and Ayato-kun*

"...now why are you here...why do you smell different?"

I crossed my arms looking out the window—tch, don't you have things to do?
—no, (she placed a hand on her hip) my shift is over and we're about to close now, (she shook her hand in my direction annoyed) if you don't mind... (turned me around) n...nande...? h... how is it possible?

I covered myself—I repeat, (annoyed) don't you have anything better to do?
I covered my ears—agh, how scandalous you are, demo, I couldn't say yes just like onnii-chan or worse.
—what are you saying?
* apart from all deaf * What you heard, I already know Ayato, now the question is: "what does he do in a place like Aogiri?"

"How do you know it's in Aogiri?"

"That's none of your business, I know, period."

She hit the table—you too?!

"Why all the fuss? Touka-chan, shouldn't you be studying?"

—forget that, explain this better. (He pointed at me)

"Didn't they teach you that it's rude to point at people? (I jerked my hand away from her)

—later, (y/n)-chan you should rest, tomorrow you'll come after school.
—tch, (crossed my arms) and if not what do I want?
She smiled—then I'll have to go get you.

"Indeed, Kaneki-kun will accompany you."


—Walk her home, we'll talk about it later, Touka-chan, konbanwa. (good night)
—tch, what I was missing.*What should I do to get Ken away from you...don't you understand that by my side you are in danger?*
—arukku (walking).

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