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—it will work, from what Ayato-kun said, she is very important to him, even though it will not be well received, this will be a great novel.
  —That girl is smarter than I thought... she reminds me of someone.
  —as you say?
  —an old family... "years ago they were the first to experiment with ghouls and humans, out of almost a million projects only 10 were successful, especially one."
  —keep going...

  "...90% human, 10% ghoul, but with an IQ greater than 100% for both species, she's his favorite, since she passed the trial period without dying or taking any damage."

  "We have to find her."

  —It will be difficult, the last thing that was heard from him was that they discovered his laboratory, demo, he escaped taking as many products as he could.

"It will be a fun game."

  —and just started

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  —and just started.
  —My dear Tatara-san... we are already close to half.

  "what are you up to?"



  —we arrived.
  —You are confused, now I am the one who has doubts, what do you hope to obtain with this?
  —...(I mumbled) I still don't know.
  —Raise your voice girl, I hate that they murmur.
  —Agh, you are not interested, you just have to know that it will benefit us all.
  —How are you so sure?
  I smiled— ask a lot of questions Kirishima, tell me something: if you want to protect and take care of Touka-chan...what are you willing to do?
  —... the same as you say... I'm willing to do anything for her well-being, at least to give her back something of what she has done for me.

  "Yes, both of you come with me, you'll be fine, not just you... but not everyone."

  —Do you think your plans will work out?
  —I hope so.

  I went back to my room, I had a lot to think about, but I was starting to worry about my memories, it was strange how throughout my childhood I didn't think about how or why I didn't remember much about myself; okaâ-san never told me about me. birth like onnii-chan, ottoô-san cared a lot about keeping my mind distracted by anything, in hospitals I always perceived an aroma of food around even when there were only people.

I closed my eyes for a second, leaving my glasses on the bureau and I heard screams, objects sharpening, water falling, more screams, metal objects colliding, the same images appeared again, over, over, over, over and over again.



  —n..nande?, who's there?

  "Who are you?" he replies.

  —chi... pray...

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