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"Okay so be good and and don't talk to mudbloods and all that." My mother cooed, I gave Father and Mother a nod and part my ways. I was strolling to the train thinking about what happened.

'I was strolling down the corridors of Beauxbatons minding my own business when Dylan Bekket strides up to me.  "Hey darling." I look up with pure distaste "What do you want?" "Just wondering if you would want to go out with me?" I raise my eyebrows in utter disbelief, that was the 5th time he's asked me this week! I've ignored him in the past but this time I cannot keep it in. "Sorry, you need to repeat that again, I don't speak bullshit and also I hope you don't do that to any other girls." I wasn't thinking and I decided to punch him.

I was seething with anger as his friends escort him to the nurse. As I turn leave the scene I hear a voice boom "Miss Pucey, my office, NOW!" I immediately knew that was Madam Maxime and that's how I ended up here on the Hogwarts Express to go into 3rd year.'  

 A sigh escapes my lips. 

The train comes to a slow, painful stop. We can't possibly be here already, I just hopped onto the train. The lights suddenly cut out and I hesitantly step out of my compartment. I freeze as I see a dementor opening a compartment door, a few seconds pass and a light appears and the dementor gets driven away.

The lights flicker on and the chatter resumes. I race to the scenario to find 2 girls and 3 boys in the compartment. One of the boys has raven hair with round glasses is on the floor looking shocked and confused, probably Harry Potter I assume.

 "You might want some chocolate, calms you down" I suggest and smile.  A bushy haired girl has a face of confusion on why to eat chocolate. 

"I know a lot about dementors because I was at Beaxbatons for 2 years and they deemed fit to teach us about it. I'm Navidea Pucey and I'm guessing your Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley but I don't know your 2 names." Indicating to a red-haired girl who looks like she could burst into tears along with a boy with a plant. 

"Neville Longbottom and this is Ginny Weasley" Hermione responds. 

"Nice to meet you all but I have to get back to my compartment." 

Draco Malfoy Pov:

"Oi there's an empty compartment" I say. I sit down only to find someone's stuff on the seat. Pansy, Theo, Blaise and Astoria all file in and sit down comfortably. I chuck the stuff outside the compartment only to find a girl walking towards me. 

She has light brown hair, mid length and looks an awful lot like Adrian Pucey. She looks at me and sighs as if she wasn't bothered to talk. "Sorry but this was my compartment and oh uhh seems like you already found my stuff" She awkwardly talks.

 Blaise Zabini pokes his head out "Well you can still sit with us"

 I look back at him angrily. Of course, Zabini wants her sit with us, she's pretty and she's new. Zabini has a bad reputation of dating girls and he's only 13. She sits down and we all sit in silence.

"Who are you?" Pansy chuckles nervously

 "I'm Navidea Pucey. I'm going into my 3rd year" Pansy couldn't keep in her excitement as she jumped on the spot 

"Like the hot Adrian Pucey?"

Navidea nods. "I didn't catch your names." She looks at us all.

"Blaise Zabini" I point to him "Theodore Nott, I'm Draco Malfoy and that's Pansy Parkinson," I hesitate before continuing "and Astoria Greengrass. All of us are going to be in the same year, other than Greengrass, she's a year younger."

The train was painfully slow, luckily Pucey leaves. The train ride ends. We walk down to the Great Hall for the sorting. Sadly the Sortings boring as hell anyways.

Navidia Pucey Pov:

I leave the compartment to find Hermione as I didn't know anyone else, and I really didn't want to go back to Astoria Greengrass. She gave me the ick and not in a good way. 

I was trying to find Hermione when 2 identical twins pop up in front of me. They have bright orange hair with freckles. Not going to lie they were pretty good looking

 "What's a pretty girl doing here all alone Georgie?" One of them says "Well I don't know Freddie what is she doing alone?" I chuckle nervously, blushing slightly. 

"I'm looking for Hermione Granger."

 The twins turns to look at each other. "Well, we'll take you there" 

Suddenly they start walking quite quickly and with their long strides I was getting left behind. The twins abruptly stop. I poke my head through the compartment. There were Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley in the compartment.

Freakishly the twins talk together " Well here we are, Ickle Ronniekins, Hermione and Harry." Ron looked furious as the twins zoomed off, probably because of the nickname.

"Sorry to bother you but someone was in my compartment, and I don't know anyone else so I thought maybe I could bunk with you?" The 3 all nod.

Harry looked at me and with a grateful smile he said. "Thanks for suggesting the chocolate earlier even though I already some." 

"Oh no problem, it calms the nerves and seeing as you were on the floor and you looked pretty shaken, I thought you would need some chocolate"

 I notice the newspaper with Sirius Black on it. He was in Azkaban for killing several muggles. If you looked at it for too long, Black could stare into your soul. He looks like a madman. He was haunted by Azkaban, and you would never want to get taken back there with the cold dementors.

"Yeah, Sirius Black. Professor Lupin thinks the dementors were looking for him on the train." The red-haired speckled boy mentions

"Oh yeah, that makes sense but who's Professor Lupin?" I ask.

"He's the new Defence Against the Darks teacher."

All 4 of us talk for the rest of the train ride and I learn a lot about them. That Ron has 6 siblings, Hermione is a muggleborn which I have no problem with and that Harry lives with his aunt. They all asked why I left Beauxbatons and I explained that I punched someone and that they are very strict about the school rules. They understand why I punched the guy which was relieving for me. 

"Well what house do you want to be? All of us are in Gryffindor" Harry questions.

"Well to be honest I would probably want to be in Gryffindor, but my family is the Pucey's. So, I might be disowned if I was ever placed in any house but Slytherin. So, I aiming to be in Slytherin which I hope we can still be friends if I do?"

They all nodded. Now for the sorting, I really need to be placed in Slytherin.

A/N: It get's better as the story goes along...

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