19 3 1

"How do you know that?" Harry was staring at me.

"I'll tell you later, we just have to save Sirius and Buckbeak."

We were behind the pumpkins waiting for Dumbledore, Fudge and the executioner to come down. 

Hermione looks around quickly, "Dumbledores coming but we're not leaving." She picks up a rock and throws it at a vase and then at the past Harry and at his head. That might have hurt, Harry looks pained. 

"Quick their coming." Hemione, Harry and I go behind some trees. The other Hermione, Harry and Ron go to where we were moments ago. Hermione steps forward to look at the scene.

"Is that really what my hair looks from the back?" Hermione snaps a twig. I grab her arm and pull her towards me. We breathe a little heavily waiting to see if they saw Hermione. They didn't. A sigh escape my lips. Hermione's voice rings inside my head. 

'Bad things happen to people who meddle with time.' 


"Or a large brandy..." Dumbledore's voice fades as him and Hagrid enter Hagrid's house. Hermione let Buckbeak escape with the 'nice dead ferrets'. We were cautious as the executioner and Fudge were annoyed that Buckbeak escaped. They were going to search for him. Harry started zooming to the Whomping Willow. 

"Harry! Were are you going?" I question. I swear the two have brain damage. I was gone for a little bit and they managed to do so much damage. I was panting when we stopped at the edge of the forest. Harry sat down.

"Now we wait" Harry says

"Now we wait" Hermione repeats quietly. 


Hermione makes a wolf sound to get the attention of Professor Lupin. He's a werewolve, that was new information to me.

It was a smart idea but when he started running at us...

"Run!" I start running with Harry and Mione sprinting after me. I never knew life could be so cruel. Sirius Black is innocent, but people think he's a mass murderer. Professor Lupin has to face the cruel life of being a werewolf. Harry has to face the fact every day that his parents have passed. There are many more tragic lives of others, but these were 3 I can name now... I knew running away from problems is bad, but I thought it deemed fit to run at this very moment. 

We hide behind a tree hoping the best got lost. We were circling the tree slowly. We back up and breathe a sigh. The wolf is gone. I whip around to hear a twig snap. I whimper as Professor Lupin was getting ready to advance on us. Buckbeak pushed me away and gets on his hindlegs to scare away Lupin. He luckily runs off.

"Professor Lupin has had a very bad night" Harry comments

I laugh silently, he'll be tired when he transforms back to his human self. It sucks to be transforming into a werewolf. I read about it somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it. We were walking to the river when Hemione asks me a question.

"How do you know the whole Sirius and Pettigrew debacle?"

"Well, I pieced some of it together surprisingly. It was quite obvious. I didn't actually know if I was correct. I went to Dumbledore's office to ask him. He yelled at me and threw me, literally, out of his office. I immediately knew I was right, but I only had half the story. I kind of just assumed as well."

"Well, I never thought to think about that. You're a smart one, you are." Harry points to me. We chuckle.

We go to the lake to find this horrific sight. Dementors everywhere. Harry and Sirius were on the ground. The dementors were sucking out their souls.

"I saw my dad when I was laying on the ground" Harry shouts. The noise was getting really loud.

We were waiting to see if Harry's dad showed up. "Harry, I'm sorry but your fathers gone!" I shout, I didn't want to disappoint him, but it was the truth, it will always be the truth. Harry shoves me out of the way and shout a spell.

"Expelliarmus!" A bright light escapes out of Harry's wand, the dementors cry and disappear from sight. The noise dies down and Harry smiles.

"Now we have to save Sirius. He's in the Tower, I overheard Dumbledore talking." Hermione says.

We nod. We were on a mission; we didn't want to fail. We knew this was going to be difficult, but we knew what we had to do. We venture to find Buckbeak to go save Sirius. 

We hop on and start flying, the wind in my air along with the cool air was like flying on a broom. You were free. Hermione was shaking in her boots though. We dip down, Hermione's screaming in my ear. I smack her arm and she stops immediately, I give an apologetic look. I slide down Buckbeak's beautiful feathers and help Harry down. 


Y/N: Sorry, this is a very short chapter. I'm struggling to plan these chapters out and also write them. I also have schoolwork that I have to do, the teachers gave us so much homework in the 1st week of school. I'm literally dying. Help me pleaseeeee. I also twisted the story, I think... but just roll with it :)

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