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"Dea!" Pansy squeals and comes over to me.

I laugh and hug her. "I saw you like a few days ago. Why are you so excited?"

Pansy's voice was muffled "I don't know."

We pull away to see the sight of green and red. It was the Quidditch World Cup, and every witch and wizard were here to watch. It was Ireland vs Bulgaria. It was going to be a heated match and our family was at the minister's box. That is the best view. I think the Malfoy's are in the box as well. All my other friends were on the other side of the field.

Our family make our way to our tent. It was small but I knew it was going to be huge, magic. We enter the tent and choose our beds. 

"Family meeting." My mother calls stiffly. This was our summoning to say we need to discuss what's happening in the future. 

I sit down on one of the chairs. "What's up?" I ask.

My mother glares at me but starts her 'lecture' or 'speech'. "We" she indicates to her and father "are going to catch up with the Malfoy's and Adrian and Navidea, you can walk around." My mother dismisses Adrian and I, so we head out to walk around. 

"Ok well see ya" I salute Adrian sarcastically and walk off. I keep looking around to look for my friends. I couldn't see them anywhere until I saw Cedric. I laugh when Cedric looks baffled to see me. 

"Navidea, damn you look older. Watch out for those boys" Cedric grins.

"Yeah right." I roll my eyes "Anyway how's your holidays?" 

"Good" Cedric's dad starts to walk up to us. I heard Amos Diggory was one to stay away from but seeing as I've made friends with is son...I kind of had to meet him.

Amos beams and put his arm around Cedric "And who is this young lady?"

"I'm Navidea Pucey, sir" I take out my hand to shake his hand. 

Amos narrows his eyes to slits "Like Maeve Pucey's daughter?"

"Yes sir. Sorry but I have to go." Before he could interrogate me more, I head away from them. Why was he so suspicious about my mother and me? I know my mother is a sketchy person but is she really that bad? 

I shrug it off. I was going to enjoy myself. I notice the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry all together. They notice me and wave, I wave back and smile. I was kind of friends with them.

I hear their father "Who's that girl? I can't see that far."

They laugh and one of them responds "It's Navidea Pucey" 

"Oh, so she's Maeve's daughter" Mr. Weasley didn't sound mad, but he sounded perplexed. I don't understand why so any people care about my mother. From what I know, my mother hasn't done anything bad except how she treats me and my father. Adrian is like a golden child to her.

I wander around the tents to see many familiar faces. I saw Seamus and Dean. I was pretty friendly with the other houses. I didn't want to make that many enemies. I already have and I've only been at Hogwarts for 1 year, it was hard to believe.

Suddenly I get crowed with many people. "Shush!" I shout. 

I look around the people that crowed me. There was Josh, Ava and Caitlyn and a few other friends. I beam and hug them.

"Dea! We have got so much to tell you!" Ava screams

"Geez you're going to burst her eardrums" 

I look around to see who said it. The group parted and I was face to face with Dylan Bekket. My chin goes up in amazement.

Dylan put his arms out "Yep it's me. I'm nice, I've changed, and it was because of your simple words that, also along with the punch, got you expelled" He smiles.

"Umm yea- I-... Wow?" My response was not good. To say the least I'm lost for words.

The group smirks at me. "Well, you'll have to meet my friends at Hogwarts and DON'T tell them about what us 4 did at Beauxbatons. They don't need to know." I indicate to Caitlyn, Ava and Josh. We smirk at each other and depart along with Dylan. 

I look to Dylan "So I guess we have to be friends then" I chuckle.

I spot all of my friends from Hogwarts and drag 'my group' to them. 

"Ok so I need to introduce you guys. So, Hogwarts group, this is Josh, Caitlyn, Ava and Dlyan. Beauxbatons group, this is Draco, Theo, Blaise, Daphne, Tracy, Millie and Pansy." I ramble on, losing breath. 

They all nod and say a chorus of 'heys' but Pansy glares at Dylan. 

"Oh, sorry yeah, this is Dlyan Bekket. He's the one that asked me out tooooooo many times but he's good now." Pansy looks relieved. 

We all start talking and start wandering around. Ava catches up to me because I'm at the front of the group. 

"Alors que se passé-t-il vraiment à Hogwarts?" Ava interrogates. 

"Deux gars ont voulu se mettre ensemble en faisant de la contrebande" I respond. 

"Vraiment?" She puts her hand to her chest and raises her eyebrows. 

"Oui vraiment et aussi je sors avec un gars à Hogwarts" I grin. 

Daphne comes up to us "Could ya speak English please."

Ava and I agree and start talking altogether. It was time for the game, so we all bid goodbye and part ways.


"So what is happening at Hogwarts?"

"Well 2 guys tried to smuggle me something."


"Yeah really and also I'm dating a guy at Hogwarts"

The Perfect Secret - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now