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"Now dig in." Dumbledore finishes his speech.

I sluggishly grab some food. Draco is next to me.

"Hey, earth to Dea" Draco waves his hand.

"Yeah, what?"

Draco just laughs. "Seriously, what?" I ask.

He shakes his head and I smack him. I laugh and he pushes me playfully. 

That was the most exciting thing that happened except eating food. I love food.  All of us head to out dorms but Pansy pushes me back gently. I look at her with a confused face.

"Ok so, I don't like Draco anymore. You can pursue him; I was watching you at dinner. You are a really good couple. I like Blaise now and not your brother either. I want to be mature."

I laugh "Good for you Pans but I kind of like Montague..." Pansy squeals.

"Shush. He actually asked me to date him today. I said no, I'm 13. I said next year."

"Yeah, that's understandable but if you do date next year, you are so going to be the 'hot couple' of Slytherin. Every girl fawns over Draco, Montague or Adrian." Pansy says.

"I don't really care about being the 'hot couple' though" I comment. Pansy shrugs.

 We catch up to the group and we sit down on the couches. I sigh, Astoria is next to Draco on the couch. Why does she have to be here?

"Ok this is boring. We should play a game." Pansy says and we all agree. "Ok, umm oh, Truth or Dare?"

"Is that all you can come up with?" Draco asks annoyed.

"You come up with one then" Pansy fires back.

"Fine we'll play it" He puts his hands up in mock surrender. 

"Ok well then I'll go first" Pansy volunteers. The game continued and it was Astoria's turn.

"Well, Draco do you like anyone?"

Draco shifted in his seat. "No one" Astoria's face drops to a frown. The game ended and we all headed to bed. 


My alarms goes off and I smack it. I did not want to do a detention today especially with Snape. I sigh and get ready for class. We have double potions at the start of the day. Breakfast finishes so we walk to Potions. We hand in our essay, that I finished early. I take a seat next to Draco, also we were paired so I didn't have a choice.

We start brewing our potion when Snape comes over to us. "Remember your detention, Miss Pucey."

"Yes, Professor Snape" I respond.

Draco looks at me incredulously. "Excuse me, Miss Pucey? Explain."

I laugh at how stupid he was acting "Shut up, I decked Morris and then knocked him unconscious."

"Only one detention for that?!"

"Mhm" We go back to making our potion. Draco and I started hanging out a lot more, but I have no feelings for him.

Classes ends and I still have to do my detention. I was probably doing something without magic, sadly. I walk to the dungeons. I wait until Snape came. He opens the door only to find Fred Weasley in the room. 

We both smile at each other not saying a word. "Ok, for detention you will sort out the potions from alphabetical order without wands. Do not do anything stupid" Snape walks off.

"Great. So, what do you want to do first?" I ask.

"I don't know." 

I sigh, Fred was a hopeless case at points. I still like him, nevertheless. As a friend of course.

After an hour of sorting and Fred lazing around, we were still going. Fred was watching me do all the work. 

"You know, you could do something" I cross my arms.

"Yeah, but you seem to be able to do it." He grins.

I glare "You know I would expect this from someone else but you. You could at least help and not sit there acting like your life is handed on a silver platter"

"Excuse me? My life is not handed on a silver platter. My family's poor and we have 9 people!" He was raising his voice and he stood up. "And do not insult my family!"

I scoff "I did not insult your family. I just said that your acting like your life is easy. And I said acting. You know what? You're a typical Gryffindor! You think your better than everyone else." I finish sorting and storm away. 

Why did he have to do that? I walk myself to the common room. I genuinely thought Hogwarts was good. Maybe I should move back to Beauxbatons. They would probably take me back, maybe. Well so far Beauxbatons is looking better even though there were perverts. There way more at Hogwarts. 

I was thinking too much. No, it's good to think but I just wish I didn't punch Dylan Bekket and I was still at Beauxbatons. I had friends and I had a good reputation. Why did my life end up like this? I do like my friends here but it's turning out to be a mistake. I was put into Slytherin to uphold my family's reputation. At Beauxbatons I didn't have to... 

My friends said they would write to me. They have but only a little bit which was alright. Ava, Josh and Caitlyn were my bestfriends there. I had more friends but the 3 were my whole world. When I had a bad day Caitlyn would always cheer me up. When I was being asked out too many times Josh came to my rescue and Ava was just a ball of fun. I miss them. I grab some parchment paper and started writing to the 3.

Dear Ava, Josh and Caitlyn,

This letter is for all 3 of you so please read together. I miss you all so much, I wish I could move to Beauxbatons. They might except me back. I've made friends though. I got sorted into Slytherin of course to uphold my family's reputation. We should catch up in the holidays. I have got so much to tell you in person and not in letter. I didn't know what to expect at Hogwarts. Now I've been here, Beauxbatons still feels like home. The Slytherin common room is so dull and dark along with Hogwarts.

How's everyone at Beauxbatons?  Also is Dylan Bekket still trying to harass girls? If he is I will go down there and kick his ass. Anyway, hope you having fun without me!

From your best friend Navidea ;)

Dear Mum and Dad, 

I'm going well, how are you? Sorry I haven't wrote to you, I 'm really busy. I'm in Slytherin and I'm also going to try-out for the Quidditch Team.

From Navidea.

I wrote the 2 letters and I walk to the owlery. I have a cat, so I have to use one of the school's owls. I breathe a sigh when the owl leaves. Now let's focus on school and not boys.

Y/N: So, I haven't mentioned her friends at Beauxbatons. Ooof. Also, her cat, just live with it. :) I also want Pansy to mature early and not be obsessed with Draco but Blaise. I made up Ava, Caitlyn and Josh as well as Dylan.

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