20 3 5

The sound erupts has the Irish win. Everyone heads down to celebrate and have a 'few' drinks. I smile at the Weasleys, not saying bye because my mother would kill me.

"We never associate ourselves with blood-traitors" My mother says "Why did we have to be put in a box with them?"

I know the Weasleys heard mother. From the reactions they all gave me! Look at my mother, she's the one that said it. I give them an apologetic look and continue down to our tent. We go down with the Malfoys and we bid goodbye. 

"Ok bed children" My fathers says

Adrian and I say goodnight and hop into bed. I'm wearing a sweatshirt and grey trackpants. It's too cold to wear something else. I was drifting off when Adrian runs up to me and pulls me out of bed. 

Mother and Father are gone. Deatheaters are raiding the site and we have to leave." 

We exit out of the tent with our wands in our hand. We know deatheaters were ruthless even know our parents were apart of the 'cult'. Adrian sprints off without me so I start running to the forest. 

People were pushing me around as they scramble to find their loved ones. People were screaming as the deatheaters flipped them upside down. It was a gruesome sight. I turn around to hear my name being called. 

"Navidea!" Fred Weasley runs up to me with his little sister in his hand. He holds out his hand and I shake my head.

"I'm sorry Fred! I need to find my brother!" I shout. 

"It's no place for a girl to be out here alone" His face determined to get me to come with me.

I didn't care, my brother was out there and he might be hurt. I start running off. As I hear Fred's voice calling out to me, I get hit with excruciating pain. I get knocked back into the forest.

The pain was unbearable as I try to stand up. My head starts to feel dizzy...

"Navidea, Navidea, Navidea!" 

My eyes flitter at the hearing of Graham. 

He was tearing up as he shook me "Please"

"Hey I'm here. I'm alive" I chuckle slightly.

He grins but them remembers I'm hurt. "Can you walk?" He asks worryingly

"I don't know. I passed out" 

Montague lifts me up in a bridal way and places me down. I put my weight on my legs but collapse. 

I start crying as my legs wouldn't work. 

"Hey it's okay...let's try again" His voice was soothing so I breathe in and out trying to calm myself down. He picks me up.

I slowly put my weight on my legs but they would give way. "

"A deatheater probably put a spell on it." Graham with a face of sadness.

"Yeah but it was painful as I was thrown back." I look up at him.

He smiles, picks me up and starts walking. I could see in the distance that my family was there along with Cornelius Fudge and Barry Crouch. 

Graham wouldn't let me down due to my legs. I have a few minor scratches but that was it.

"We'll take you to Mungo's. They will fix you up." Barty Crouch smiles up at me.

I nod.


"You've got a minor fracture in your leg and also you landed on your legs wrong. We won't fix up your legs with magic because it might not be successful. You'll have to limp." The nurse put on a sympathetic smile.

My father was sitting in the chair next to my bed. "your strong, honey"

I exhale "Yeah I guess so" 


I knew this was going to be hard. I lightly limp my way over to the baggage area. I drop my belongings and start to make my way inside the train.

I didn't even get to say bye to Caitlyn and the group. It was awful, I couldn't see them until months. I find an empty so I hop in.

I sat there as the train started moving. My butt was getting numb so I decide to grab my stuff and head out to my friends. 

I pass Astoria but she grabs my arm and pulls me to her. "Haha" She laughs menacingly but quiet. "I don't even know why you bother"

I rip my arm out of her grasp and glare "Bother about what?"

She tips her head "Trying to fit in...you will never fit in. Go back to your mummy" 

I laugh sarcastically "No I'm alright. I don't like my mother and piss off" I flip her off.

Her mouth opens. I look behind me and smile sarcastically. I walk a few more meters to find my friends in the compartment.

Daphne's face lights up and she hugs me to the point where I'm off balance. I smile and sit down.

"What happened!?" Tracy shouts

"Geez Tracy calm down" Theo chuckles

"Well, Adrian run off without me by accident thinking I was right behind him. Little did he know I got swept into the crowd. A deatheater then cast a spell and I went flying into the forest. I woke up to Montague and I went to the St Mungos. I will also be limping for a few weeks, fractured bone."

I all got nods and sighs. We all knew people were cruel. "Wait are Montague and you dating?" Pansy raises one eyebrow

We all slap our head and say yes, she was oblivious, I'll tell you that. The train ride was eventful with all of us telling stories of what we did on the break. It was funny to listen to some of the stories though. 

We arrive at Hogwarts and all the chatter was getting louder as everyone hop off the train. 

"Firs' years over here!" Hagrid shouts. It was bucketing down with rain as we tried to scramble into Hogwarts.

"All those kiddies back" Peeve cackles.

"Ahhh" A girl screams 

I look over to see her drenched with water. Peeves was throwing water balloons at people. I sprint to the Great Hall.

I took in the sight, everyone seemed to be wet. They all got hit by water balloons apparently and the rain...

I plop down next to my friends and smile innocently.

"What got you so wet?" I smirk

"No! Stop! How did you not get wet? Also the rain!" Millie screeches. I shrug my shoulders and listen to Dumbledore. 

The enchanted sky starts to storm and students start to scream. Then someone points their wand at the sky making it stop. 

It was Professor Moody, ex-auroa.

Y/N: So I have know idea where I was going with this chapter. Oooof.

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