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The bars from where Sirius was locked, explodes. Sirius, with a satisfied face, got up and hugged Harry. Why?

"I'm confused?" I ask myself the question.

"I'm Harry's Godfather" Sirius smile and chuckles.

"Right" I smile.

We fly back down, and Sirius indicates Harry to sit down. Hermione and I leave to give them their moment. They came back and Sirius thanks us and hops onto Buckbeak.

"Hermione you really are the brightest witch of your age and Navidea, you're a real detective." He grins, Buckbeak soars into the air with the 'criminal' on him to send Sirius into hiding.

 Harry seems to have a difficult time seeing him fly off. I give him a hug and Hermione stands there watching us, smiling. I don't know what was in that girl's head. I love her though.

We run back to the Hospital Wing; 2 minutes left till the time has run out. We push the doors open, huffing and puffing. Ron's face is priceless.

"How did you get there!? You were there." He points to where we were 'a moment ago' Ron is a little daft.

We chuckle at his stupidity, Hermione comments "Ron nobody can be in two places at one" 


I breathe a sigh, 3rd year flew by. In a few months I'll be back on the Hogwarts train going into 4th year. It was unreal. Draco comes to stand next to me, followed by Daphne, Tracy, Millicent, Theo and Blaise.

Draco laughs "Finished 3rd year, I got punched by a mudblood, never remind me of that. I will cut your tongue." 

I roll my eyes at him. "You deserved it and yes, Hermione told me. Kinda funny If you ask me."

I walk to the train and put my luggage down. I knew my life was going to be hard when I come back home. My mum was going to pressure me. Our group had a relatively hard life, our families were death eaters. It was destined for us.

The group didn't know I had an adventure with the Golden Trio. I didn't get hurt, only my jeans got ripped. I wasn't going to tell them; I knew they would freak out. Our group finds a compartment and we sit down. We start to discuss the funny parts of the year. 

"Oh, that reminds me I took so many pictures and didn't put them on my wall. I even got one of Astoria clinging to you Draco, I will give you that picture for your birthday. Haha. Also, sadly we didn't win the Quidditch Cup, maybe next year." I state. The group agrees. 

I turn my head to see Montague opening the compartment door. He smiles. "Can I steal Dea for a sec?" He asks.

"Sure, but only be a second" Millicent jokes.

"Yes, you can, for more than one second" I smirk. Montague takes my hand and leads me out. 

"I just wanted to say thanks for dealing with me even though I'm difficult." Montague says.

"No problem. Is that what you wanted me for?"

"No actually I wanted to give you something" He takes something out of his back pocket. It was a little box with a green ribbon tied on it. "Open it when you get home." With that he stalks off back to his friends. 

I blush slightly and go back to the compartment. I open the door and sit down. The girls just smile at me, but the boys started asking me questions.

"Why does he want you?"

What did he give you?"

Why did you go with him?"

"Explain" They say at the same time

I shake my head "He just wanted to give me something, that's all. So, forget about it."

The train ride ends, and we hop off. I see the Weasleys together. They look so happy. I always wished that for my family. They just exerted happiness and they all love each other and will stick together in the hardest of times. I never knew how many kids Arthur and Molly Weasley have but they have a few more than others.  Molly notices me staring and smiles at me. My heart fills with warmth and I beam back. Now the whole family turns to look at me.

I head over to them. "Sorry to bother you guys but can I grab Fred?"

They nod and take Fred's hand and lead him a few meters away. "Hey, sorry for shouting at you and insulting your family, it was rude of me, and I hope we can still be friends?"

Fred grins "Of course. I'm sorry for what I did but I think you got to go. Your mum is staring at us."

"Yeah, by the way do you know who Elijah Pick is, he's in 4th year?"

Fred nods "Yeah. He asked me how our detention was, I lied to him that you tripp-"

I cut him off "Tripped and nearly messed up the whole potions shelf... one night he posed as you and tried to kiss me."


"It's alright, I'm fine, I got away. I better go."

I walk to my family and give them a small nod. My mothers eye's narrow. "Why are talking to those blood-traitors?"

"Relax mum, I was just asking Fred something."

We leave Kings Cross and go to the Pucey Manor. It was a little cold but nevertheless it was home for me. I walk to the dining room and twirl. I loved Hogwarts but I knew this was where I was meant to be.

I rummage in my bag to sort my stuff out. The little box Graham gave me falls out. I remember him saying to open it at home, so I carefully pull he string. I open the lid to find a necklace. It was a silver heart with a green gem in the middle. It was absolute flawless. I gasp and admire it for a few minutes. I put it on and finish un-packing. 

I turn my head to see Adrian entering my room. "Hey, dinners ready." 

"Oh ok, I'll be right there." I walk to the room where we have dinner. The house elves come out and place the food on the table. They bow and see me. 

"Miss Pucey, it's great to have you here." Koopey says.

"It's great to be here." I place myself next to Adrian and we start eating.

"So, what happened at Hogwarts?" My mother asks.

This was going to be a long few months...

The Perfect Secret - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now