15 2 0

I open my eyes. I sigh and put my hand on my forehead. I fainted, I knew it was coming. I look around to see myself in the Hospital Wing. There was a sudden bang and the 2 doors opened, Graham rushes through.

"Oh. Are you alright?" He was out of breath.

I laugh at his worried expression. "Yes, darling. I'm fine"

Madam Pomfrey enters in. "Mr. Montague, why are you having an outburst!?"

He put his hands to his head. "My girlfriend just fainted and you expect me to not worry about her?"

"Leave now!" Madam Pomfrey forces him out of the Hospital.

"But-" He tries to protest.

The doors close on him. "Now dear, I'll give you some medicine and then you can leave"

"What happened?"

"Well you fainted"

Well yeah, no shit.

"And Miss Weasley brought you here" She smiles and offers me the drink

I take it and gulp it down. I gag as I put the nasty drink down. I hop out from the bed.

"Thanks" I send her a small smile

I stride to the Great Hall for breakfast, I'm only 10 minutes late so it was alright. All heads turn to me and they start whispering.

I scrunch my face up in confusion. I make my way to the Slytherin table.

"Girl, why you wearing normal clothes?" Tracy questions

A wave of realization hits, I was in normal clothes when I fainted and I didn't change...

I make an 'o' with my mouth. "Right so I fainted and I was in normal clothes, didn't change and now I just walked into the Great Hall with no Slytherin uniform and it's a Wednesday. That means classes..." I trail off

I grab a green apple and dash out off the Hall to get changed.

Draco Malfoy Pov:

I chuckle as Navidea rushes out of the Hall. Blaise nudges me.

"Hey someone getting a crush?" He asks teasingly 

"Shove off"

Daphne squeals "You like Navidea!?"

I grimace. "No"

They all look at me with excitement plastered on their faces. It even looks like Daph has tears pricking her eyes. 

"Why would you even care?" I interrogate. 

The group starts shouting and waving their hands around. I hear Dea's name getting thrown around. I put my hands signalling them to shut up.

"Hold on. You guys want me and Dea to what?"

Some of them smack their foreheads or look at me in pure wonder.

"No, no, no. I'm not going to date her, you realized that?"

"No!" They shout.

I try to reason with them. "Why should I? She's dating Montague and I don't even like her, and she doesn't like me in that way."

They stare at me blankly. 

I put my hands up again and quickly get up from the table. "I'm leaving for class. I'm not dealing with you guys." I shake my head in disgust.

I strut confidently outside of the Hall and into my dorm. I collect my books and head towards the exit when Theo blocks the doorway. I push past him walking to the painting of the Slytherin Common Room. Unfortunately all of them pops up in front of me. I try to get around them but they make a circle. 

I tilt my head "You know your being childish. Right?"

They cross their arms. Daphne states "We want you to date Dea. You would be great together." 

Blaise continues "We all agree with Daphne. You would be the greatest couple in all of Hogwarts"

Then Pansy steps forward "Seriously please think about it."

I groan.

I hear Tracy beg "Please."


Millie then steps froward "But you would be great. And your parents will be fine with it"

We all turn to hear a smack. Navidea's books was on the floor. She looks up at us, her mouth wide open. I turn to look at everyone.

"She heard the whole bloody conversation" I say through gritted teeth.

Daphne then whispers "Hey you don't know that. She might think that were talking about you and Theo."

I widen my eyes at her.

"I don't know!" she whispers in a hushed voice.

"Never hit a girl..." I scrunch my eyes up.

Theo chuckles from beside me. "She might think that"

"Theo bruises like a peach..." I mumble putting my fist to my head.

"Umm. Do you want me to leave?" Dea questions.

I walk to her "No the conversation has ended and that his final" I look at my friends and glare.

She goes down and grabs her books "Right" She looks down.

"Navidea..." I say softly

She looks up at me, startled. She departs from the Common Room in a rush. 

I put my hands up in frustration. "You guys always seem to mess things up!"

Blaise comes up to me "We really are sorry mate."

I leave the scene loudly. Why do they always do this? Wreck every little situation. I always thought maybe this group would work out. But maybe not...maybe I just need to cool off and think things out. No.

No, I need to work things out with Navidea. I need to tell her it was a joke and it was just to scare her off. Ugh. I would never date her and we don't even have crushes on each other. She's literally dating Montague. Navidea is like my best friend, she deserves to know...

But what will happen to our group if I do tell her?

Y/N: OK so any friends fans out there would know...

"Never hit a girl" -Joey

"Ross bruises like a peach" -Joey

I thought it would be funny. ;)

The Perfect Secret - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now