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Navidea Pucey Pov:

I dash out the Common Room to go to class. What the hell just happened!? The group does not want me and Draco to date? Do they or do they not?

I was speeding up at this point. I felt like I was running away from my shitty problems. I turn only to bang heads with someone. I land with a bump on the ground.

"Ouch" I put my hand to my head and slowly get up. 

I look to see who it was. Graham. He looks down to notice me and grins.

"I was just looking for you" He hugs me.

"Hey I was just going to class." I smile up at him.

"Ok see you after" 

We bid goodbyes and head our separate ways. I walk into the classroom for DADA. I see the trio. I go up to them sluggishly.

"Hey, can I sit here?"

They nod so I sit next to Mione. I place my books on the desk and sigh heavily. I put my head in my hands. A few minutes later everyone seems to be seated to start the class. Professor Moody limps in causing the class to immediately to shut up. I look back and see my whole group, Daphne sitting by herself begging for me to come over. I shake my head slowly and they all look at each other. They knew they messed up. That's the way it should be.


I rush to exit out of the Herbology to out-run my friends. I swiftly dodge everyone in the crowded halls to get the my dorm. I dump my books down, get changed into grey sweatpants and a green jumper. I put my hair into a low bun and exit the dorm. I lightly walk into the Common Room and see 'them'. 

They were all discussing something when they hear me and look up. They get up and walk towards me. I exhale and start walking away from them. 

"Nope. Were talking" Millie grabs my arm drags me.

"Ok then talk. Why did you have the audacity to say things like that. It's not any of your places to discuss who I need to date." I huff

"We are really sorry, it's just we thought you...would...you know." Blaise trails off.

"Hey that's my sweater." Draco comments

Everyone turn their heads to us with their faces, gob smacked. I smack my head with my hand.

"You know what? You keep it, it's yours now." He chuckles nervously backing away.

I stare at him and glare "Yeah" 

I whip around and leave the room to walk around the halls of Hogwarts. I turn corners swiftly with my shoulders up. The corridors were deserted seeing as everyone was in the dorms or in the Common Rooms. I look at the giant clock on the wall to see it was 5 minutes to dinner so I decide to go to my dorm. I have to change back to uniform so I quickly get change.

The girls enter in whispering. I make a loud noise and they look up startled. I start to make my way to the door when Daphne walks over to me.

"C'mon Dea. Please, were sorry."

"Sure" I huff.

"Are you serious!? We have literally said sorry so many times" She backs up.

I whip around to face her "You have no idea how it feels! T-t-to walk around knowing my friends are wanting me to date someone else when I'm already with someone!" I try to find my words from being so angry.

"Oh my goodness! It was a mistake." She shouts with redness creeping up onto her cheeks.

"You know what? I don't want to talk about this right now." I leave in a huff.

"Yeah go run to Montague!" She yells after me.

I stop abruptly and swivel around and glare. "Excuse me?" 

"Are you deaf? I said-"

"I heard what you said. Why the hell would run to him like I'm such a wuss?! Why does this happen to me?" I feel tears prick my eyes. "Why couldn't I just have stayed at Beauxbatons and not move to Hogwarts?"

"I-I don't know..." She falters for a moment.

I laugh sadistically, tilt my head and glare venomously. "Funny"

I rush out of the room to go to the Hall for dinner. Likely, it's already started and Dumbedore's making his speech. I slight push open the golden brown doors and peek through. I slip past like a snake and just look. They are eating like lions gone hungry. How long did I take?

I look over to the Slytherin Table to see ALL my friends. I don't know how the girls managed to come in before me. Millie notices me and grimaces, although I was angry I still gave her a half-hearted smile.

I make my way to the Ravenclaw Table and shove Josh out of the way and flop onto the bench.

Cho furrows her eyebrows ad looks towards me. "You know your Slytherin, right?"

I roll my eyes internally and look at her deadpanned. "Wow. Didn't realize"

Dumbledore finished his speech and we start eating.

 "What are you doing here?" Ava questions

I dismiss her to make eyes with Draco. He pulls a look of full wonder. I look away and sigh. I feel a tap on my shoulder to then look at Fred.

"Oi. What are you doing on Ravenclaw table?" Hermione, Harry, Neville, Ron, Ginny, George and Angelina look up from there conversations to hear my shitty response.

I try to seem innocent. "Because I want to."

He frowns "Nope." He pulls my arm and forces me to sit next to him.

What is he doing?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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