Chapter Twenty Four

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○●○ Lauren○●○

We all stood in the small warehouse.. guns pointed in every direction..Dro and his people surrounding the back.. Cedric and his squad of police surrounding the entrance.. and in the middle stood us.. Me, Stacy, Evan and Rico.

"Seems to me like youre out numbered.." Cedric said.

Dro was silent.

"You mutherfuckers are going away for a long time." Cedric said with a smile.

Dro looked around the building.

As soon as he turned his aim from one of the other officers to Cedric and pulled the trigger.. everything seemed to move in slow motion.

Bullets went flying from every direction and people went ducking for cover.

Stacy and I ran from the middle of the floor to take cover behind one of the crates.

"Did you see where Evan went?" Stacy screamed over the sound of bullets piercing through wood and bouncing off of tin.

"No." I yelled.

We looked to our left looking to see if we saw either Rico or Evan.

"We gotta look! We gotta look Lauren!"


"Just a quick look."

I closed my eyes regreting the thing we were about to do.." I opened my eyes and braced my self.

"On three." Stacy said.

I nodded.



Before Stacy could get the number three out of her mouth a stray bullet came through the crate, percing her through her stomach..

She froze from the impact..

She looked down at her wound and her mouth fell open..


I screamed repeatedly.

She pressed her hands against her stomach trying to apply pressure to the open hole in her body.

I screamed over the loud sounds as bodies kept falling around us.

"Its okay Stace.. I promise, Im going to get us out of here." I assured her as I watched tears fall down her face.

I looked around to see if I could find Evan or Rico. I felt the drop of a body to my right that made me jump of fear.

I was relieved when I saw Rico sitting beside me.

"What the hell are you two still doing here?" He asked as he reloaded his gun.

"She got hit!" I informed Rico through my tears.

He looked over at Stacy's injury.

"Ahh man. We gotta get her out of here."

He looked around for the nearest exit.

"The front entrance is our best chance of getting out."

"Its too far." I yelled.

"If you want her to live thats the only way! If we run it'll be faster."

"I cant run with her."

"I know.. youre going to have to help me shoot."


He grabbed one of the guns from a dead body and handed it to me.


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