Chapter Seven

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○●OG Pictured Above○●

I pulled over in a parking lot of a 7/11 and dialed his number back..

"Hello,You called me?"

"Yea, where you?"

"Thats why you called me?"

"Man.. where you at Stacey?"

"At Lauren's house."

"Pull up over here for awhile, you aint doing shit."

"You dont know what Im doing OG."

"You coming or nah woman?"

"I'll think about it."

I hung up.

I leaned my head down on the steering wheel. My evening was going so well and I really dont have time to deal with OG bullshit. I really just wanted to go home and reminise about my outing with Cedric. He made me feel like a woman.. if that makes any since.. and OG made me feel like a booty call even though it didnt start off like that.  I thought about the first time I met OG...

Lauren and I was turning up at a club called Roxi. He stood on the wall watching the club overflow with the alcohol induced people. He wore nothing but dark colors from head to toe but his jewlery was blinding. Lauren and I moved to the bar and thats when he approached me.

"How you doing tonight.?"


"I already know that lil mama. Can I getcha name?"


"Its nice to meet you Stacy and may I say you looking real sexy tonight."

"And you are?"

"Everybody knows me baby! Im OG, I own this mutherfucker!"

"I didnt ask you what you owned, I asked for your identity."

"How bout we go somewhere quiet to talk."

"I dont know you sir."

"We can get to know each other shawty. How about you and your friend come up to ViP with me."

I looked over at Lauren to get her opinion. Either way, if we went and shit went sideways, I had a bottle of pepper spray in my clutch to spray his ass and anybody who got in the way.

We took the offer and walked up to his section. The ViP section that was reserved for him overlooked the whole club. You could stand in the middle of the room and see the bar,the dance floor, the entrance and all through a glass wall.

He sat down on the leather sofa and invited us to join. The section wasnt packed but it wasnt dead either. I guess only a selected few got in.

Lauren stood in front of the glass wall dancing to the music as OG began to pick at my brain.

"So tell me about you Mrs. Stacy."

"No tell me about you cause I dont know shit."

"I told you my name is OG.. Im the owner of this club."

I rolled my eyes.

"And again, I didnt ask you what you owned cause I could care less. Two: You know damn well that aint what yo momma named you and If we trying to socialize here Ima need you to give me a little more than that."

He laughed.

"She bites! I like it."

" I also spray.. And your name is?"

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