Chapter II - Drunken Down

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It was just another day on campus as I walked down the main footpath. I had just come out of class, meaning I was now looking for Mami, since I felt like hanging out with her today. Things had been rather uneventful ever since Mami broke up with Kazuya about a week ago. As I approached a grassy clearing, I saw Mami.

Me - Hey Mami!

Mami - Natsu! You're actually the guy I wanna see.

Me - How so?

Mami - Well, me and my friends are gonna be having a drinking party tonight, and we wanted to know if you were interested in joining us.

Me - A drinking party, eh? Just a moment to let loose and be ourselves! Sign me up!

Mami - Perfect! It's gonna be at 8 o' clock tonight. I'll text you the address of where we're going.

As a bit of an aside, me and Mami had already exchanged contacts when we first entered campus. That way, we'd be able to communicate whenever we wanted regardless of where we were.

Me - Perfect!

I then turned to go to my next class.

Me - So, I'll be seeing you tonight?

Mami - Yep! I'll be seeing you!

With that, we went our separate ways for the day. I was excited for tonight, since this would be our first drinking party together. I've been to drinking parties before, but never with Mami. It'll be a great opportunity to talk and get closer with one another.

[Timeskip - Night]

As 8 PM grew closer, I got myself ready and motored my way to where the drinking party was to be held. Thankfully, I knew of a train station close to the address that Mami had provided, so it wouldn't be to hard to get there. Upon arrival, I saw Mami waiting for me.

Me - Hey Mami! You're here early!

Mami - Yep! I was just waiting for everyone else.

Me - Fair. So, what's new?

Mami - Shun, who'll be joining us tonight, just told me some interesting news about Kazuya. Apparently, he got himself a new girlfriend.

Me - Oh, really? That was fast! Maybe he's not so hopeless after all.

Mami - Maybe... Perhaps he just wanted to feel better about himself.

Me - Yep. I'm just glad he's getting back in the game instead of NEETing around all day.

Mami chuckled at this, since it is kinda true that he exhibits the classic traits of a NEET.

Me - Welp, we better get to our table before someone else takes it.

Mami nodded, and we entered the building. Some time later, everyone else arrived, those being Shun and some of Mami's friends. For the first little while, we just talked about topics like romance, school, and anything you could imagine.


I heard a text notification on my phone, and it was from Kibe.

I heard a text notification on my phone, and it was from Kibe

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