Chapter VIII - Flew the Coop

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(A/N - Yes, this chapter's name is a pun. Bite me)

Ah, December... A time of great cheer as people prepare for arguably the best holiday in existence: Christmas. Yes, Christmas might be a Western holiday, but that doesn't mean that we here in Japan can't celebrate too. Everywhere I went this month so far, I would hear everyone at college talking about their plans for the holiday, such as impressing their girl or going out to see their family, and everything in between. Yes, this truly is a cheerful time

At least, that's what I would say if I wasn't stuck in bed trying to deal with a cold. You see, December also marks the peak of cold and flu season, where cases of both spike. This especially sucks because I had plans of going on a date with Mami later today after classes were done, and now, I can't do that lest I risk her getting sick too. As such, earlier this morning, I had phoned my teachers telling them that I wouldn't be present, and I had also told Mami of what was going on. On the other end of the line, Mami was disappointed that we had to cancel our date, but she understood that I needed to get better. It's nice knowing that Mami's got my back in these trying times.

It was now late afternoon, roughly around the time where classes would be dismissed for the day. I was simply resting on the couch watching something on TV when I suddenly heard a knock at my door.

Me - It's open!

The door promptly opened as I said that, and to my surprise, the figure hidden behind was... Mami? What could she be doing here when she knows I'm sick?

Me - Mami? What brings you here?

Mami begin to speak as she placed down her bag, kicked off her footwear, and approached me.

Mami - I just wanted to check on you. You really are out cold, huh?

Me - Yeah... I'm sorry that this... sickness ruined our plans.

Mami - Hehe... It's okay. I'm just glad to know you're taking it easy. Wouldn't want you getting anyone else on campus sick.

Me - Though, I am a bit concerned about you. I might get you sick too.

Mami - Yeah, well... Funny story about that... You know how my brother got sick a month ago?

Me - Yeah?

Mami - Well... It kinda spread through the whole family. I thought I was in the clear given how I'm not really with them too often, but no... My father, who had gotten sick himself a little bit before me, had to drag me down with him, just as he's always done my whole life.

I laughed at her words, knowing that the comment about her father was both funny and true at the same time. It would seem as though I'm rubbing off on her a little bit, since she's starting develop a really good sense of humour. 

Me - Well, I'm glad you're here now. It's been getting a bit lonely not seeing anyone today.

Mami - I understand.

With that, Mami noticed the TV and the show that was currently playing. The show in question was a comedy show featuring the stars of the show doing nonsensical pranks and jokes for laughs.

Mami - Hehe... I never knew you were into comedies, Natsu.

Me - Well, I was just a bit bored, is all. Can't really do much when you're stuck at home.

Mami - True. Now, mind if I watch with you?

Me - Sure!

Mami promptly sat on the couch next to me, wrapping her arm around me as she did such. As time went on, we got a few laughs out of the practical jokes that were being shown on screen, and eventually, the show ended as fast as it began, moving on to the next one on the schedule. It's here that Mami soon talked to me.

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