Chapter XI - A Benign Schism

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[Natsu POV]

I was now walking about in campus, ready to start a new day. As the chilly winter air passed around me, I contemplated the events that had happened yesterday. While Mami did end up causing an awkward situation with Kazuya, it all worked out in the end, especially considering that we now have Sumi as our new friend. It's especially nice considering how she could play a part in helping Mami open up and trust people more. In any case, we'll just have to see where our friendship takes up.

I was now on the main footpath as I made my way to my first cla--

Mami - NATSU!!

Me - AH!!

The suddenness and tone of Mami's voice ended up startling me, causing me to jump and nearly fall. Once I recovered from the shock, I turned around to see Mami standing there, having been behind me this whole time. 

Me - Phew... You startled me...

However, I soon noticed that something was off. Instead of the usual happy expression I would often see from her, she looked quite miffed.

Me - Mami... what's going o--

Mami - Don't you "what's going on" me! In case you haven't noticed, I am very upset with you right now, and I take it you know the reason why... don't you?

I was shocked and confused by Mami's change of demeanour. I mean, she was all jolly just yesterday. I find it strange that she's so angry right now, knowing that I haven't even done anything to warrant it.

Me - Uh...I... don't follow...

Mami let out an exasperated sigh as she began going through her phone. After a while, she turned the phone to me, with the screen showing what looked like Chizuru's rental profile.

Mami - What is this?

Me - That would be Chizuru's rental profile.

Mami - Correct. I only found out about this last night, but... you already know about this... don't you?

Me - Huh?! Mami... What are you talking about?! This is only the first time I knew abo--

Mami - DON'T LIE TO ME NATSU!! I saw you doing double takes back when we met her at the drinking party half a year ago! With that in mind, I have reason to believe that you already know about Chizuru and her rental career! Now, spit out, Natsu! Is this true or not?!

Uh oh... I never would have expected that me keeping that secret about Chizuru would come back to haunt me. And since I know full well that Mami hates being lied to, especially when it comes to keeping crucial secrets, I may have just dug my own grave right here. Welp... I guess I have no other choice but to tell her the truth, because I'm already pretty screwed either way. I took a deep breath as I began to speak, looking down.

Me - It's true... I was looking at Chizuru's rental profile during that party and was able to connect the dots...

A brief silence ensued as I looked back at Mami, whose facial expression now seemed to be a mix of anger and confusion.

Me - But you've got to understand! I couldn't jus--

Mami - Ah ah ah... Back that up! You mean to tell me that you knew for months that Chizuru was a rental, and you NEVER TOLD ME?!

I now felt my own anger grow inside as I tried to stand my ground.

Me - I had no choice! I couldn't just humiliate her and Kazu in public!

Mami - Right, and that gives you the right to keep secrets from me?! Honestly, Natsu, I thought you were better than that!

Me - Wh-- What are you going on about?! I would never pull anything like tha--

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