Chapter III - Out to Sea

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It was now July, i.e. the heat of summer. Hot and sunny, but quite annoyingly, very humid. I know I should just live with the humidity, given how it's Japan and all, but it does get pretty annoying sometimes. At this point, three months had passed since we started our second year of college, and it's been very nice knowing that Mami's there next to me.

One day, me and Mami were having a one-on-one in the tennis court. Ever since Mami joined the tennis club, we decided to do some matches between classes every so often to pass the time. I'm not always a pro at the sport, but we still enjoy sparring each other nonetheless. Plus, it's good physical and mental exercise. Today, Mami was in the lead 2-1, and I was to serve.

Me - You know what they say, Mami. It's first come, first serve!

As I said that last word, I hit the ball with the racket, and for the next several seconds, the ball flew back and forth, flying over the net as it did. However, from they way Mami looked, she was not playing lightly.

Mami - Alright Natsu, prepare to lose!

Me - Ha! Over my dead body!

I hit the ball hardly once more, and as it sailed to the other side of the court, I heard what sounded like Shun calling out to us.

Shun - Natsu! Mami!

We both looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that it was indeed Shun.

Me - Oh, hey Shun! How's--

Mami - OW!!

I looked over to see that I had accidentally hit Mami with the ball. I ran up to her to see if she was alright.

Me - I am so sorry! You okay?

Mami - Yeah. And you don't need to apologize. It's my fault. Shun distracted me.

Me - Well, in that case, we'll consider that a penalty point for me.

I then looked to Shun.

Me - As I was saying, how's it going?

Shun - Well, Sasano's inviting us all to spend some time in Shimoda. We're thinking of getting a room in Izu, and we'll spread from there.

Mami - Sounds like fun!

Me - Count us in! Who else is coming?

Shun - I know Kibe's gonna come too, though, I have just one thing to ask: should I not invite Kazuya?

Mami - Wha? Why would you want to do that?

Me - Yeah! I know he's a klutz sometimes, but he's fun! Just take our word for it!

Mami - Plus, he can bring his nice girlfriend along!

Me - The more, the merrier!

Shun looked at us for a moment before speaking.

Shun - Uh... okay...


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