Chapter V - A Dark Veil

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I was currently in my apartment looking at my phone. It had been a few days since we returned from Shimoda, and I'm just gonna say that I'm not a fan of Kazuya's shenanigans sometimes. Yes, he did save Chizuru from drowning, but he also ruined our plans at the same time. It's a win-lose situation for everybody. However, that's not the main thing that happened there.

Mami also told me about a smidge of her former love life. From going all existential on me after the breakup with Kazuya, to her flashing back to this man she used to love, I know something's not right with her. I just never thought to bring it up. However, today, Mami wants to come over and tell me more about her old life. I had been asking so many questions about her to myself for the past few months at this point, so maybe today, all will be revealed.

The two of us had been exchanging texts all day, mainly for scheduling and whatnot. It was now late afternoon, and this is what our messages looked like.

 It was now late afternoon, and this is what our messages looked like

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This last message left me genuinely confused. What does she mean by "being prepared"? I can get her wanting to get a lot off her chest, but between the breakup with Kazuya, our talk after the drinking party, and that flashback in Shimoda, what could possibly have happened in her past to have caused her to behave so strangely sometimes? Well, I guess I'll be finding out soon enough.

Sometime later, I heard a knock at my door, and I knew for sure that it was probably Mami. I slinked down the stairs and up to the door, and sure enough, it was Mami. However, instead of her usual happy expression, she seemed to be a bit downcast. Makes sense; she is about to talk about her past.

Me - Hey, Mami.

Mami - Hey...

Me - Come on in.

With that, Mami entered my apartment, closing the door behind her. She kicked off her footwear, and we soon made our way up the stairs to my bed. We both made ourselves comfortable, though I have noticed that Mami's been awfully quiet. I decided to speak first.

Me - You alright?

Mami gave a sorrowful sigh, indicating that whatever's about to come should not be taken lightly.

Mami - You know the reason why I came over, right?

Me - Yep. Something about your past?

Mami nodded.

Mami - Well, you'd better pay attention. There's a lot I need to get off my chest. But I need you to do something for me. You can't tell anyone about this. Not my parents, nor Kazuya, nor anyone else. I'm only telling you about my past because you're the only person I can trust with this information. Promise you won't tell anyone?

I had a few questions about this. What about her past would necessitate that she keep it a secret from everyone? However, I'm sure the answer will come as she tells her story. I simply nodded.

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