Chapter XIII - A Magical Moment

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(A/N - This chapter is based on the last two chapters of the Sumi spinoff, Rent a Really Shy Girlfriend; namely, Sumi and Cure-Cure. Some events will be tweaked somewhat to fit into this story. I hope that you'll enjoy)

It is now March, and with it not only comes the arrival of spring, but also Sumi's birthday, which happens to be the 20th of this month. To celebrate this occasion, Sumi had invited me and Mami to accompany her to see a movie based on a magical girl anime series that she likes known as Pretty Cure. The movie in question is known as Pretty Cure Super Stars, and from what she's told us, it's a crossover of all the different Pretty Cure series from the past few years. Nether me nor Mami had heard of this series before, but that didn't stop us from taking up her offer, and before you know it, Sumi had preordered the tickets. It's always good to see and experience something new, especially when it's with your friends.

When the day came, which happened to be the 17th, we went to Shinjuku so we could meet up with Sumi to see what those magical girls had in store for us. Since Sumi had ordered tickets for the 11:00 AM screening, Mami had agreed to meet up with me first thing in the morning so that we could be at Shinjuku by 10. Though, more accurately, she met up with me as early as she was able, considering how she had to spend breakfast with her family first. Anyhow, after getting off the train at Shinjuku's main station, I noticed Mami shuddering a little bit.

Me - What's wrong?

Mami - Well... It's just... This is where I had that... thing  a couple weeks ago... and now that I'm back here again... it kinda feels unsettling, you know?

That's right... Shinjuku was where I had witnessed Mami's panic attacks for the first time, and if I'm being honest, that was one of the scariest moments I had to live through. It's clear that simply being here was causing Mami to feel a bit uncomfortable since the scenery reminded her of everything that happened a couple of weeks back. However, I felt that it would be unhealthy to dwell on everything that happened then and just stick with the now. With that, I pulled Mami close to me as we continued walking.

Me - It's okay... It's all in the past now... Besides, this is a day to just let loose and have fun. Plus, it'll be nice to see Sumi again, especially after everything she's done for us.

Mami - Yeah... I guess you're right.

After a while of walking, we had arrived in a wide pedestrian plaza, and it wasn't long until we had spotted red hair amongst the hustle and bustle. Knowing this to be Sumi, we immediately approached her, garnishing smiles as we did such.

Me - Hey Sumi!

Sumi turned towards us as she likewise smiled at our presence.

Sumi - H-hey guys!

I noticed that Sumi didn't seem to be as nervous as she was when we last saw her, indicating that she's been pushing to try to improve her social skills somewhat.

Mami - How are you doing?

Sumi - Hehe... I'm gonna be real here. I've been looking forward to this day for months! I mean, ever since they first announced this movie, I've been trying to get all the info I could, and let me tell you, I'm so looking forward to whatever these girls will struggle through next.

Mami - Wow... You seem... passionate about all of this. 

Me - You must really love Pretty Cure a lot.

Sumi - Indeed! I've been hooked on this series ever since I was a little kid. And now, getting to introduce it to you just warms my heart, and I couldn't be happier that we get to do this.

Mami - Agreed! Now, let's not waste any more time and get ourselves inside!

Sumi - Oh! Right! We need to get in there before the movie starts! After all, we need time to pay for our tickets and anything else we might need.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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