Chapter IV - Love Cruise

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Me and Mami returned from that cove we had discovered just a while earlier. Our little session out on the rocks made me realize something about Mami. All this time, the two of us were simply just friends, and yes, I can fully acknowledge that we've been getting closer with every passing day, but today made me realize something about her: I may have feelings for her, and no, it's not just because of our recent escapade. I mean, who could blame me? Mami's sweet, kind, and beautiful. In other words, she's perfect for me.

Anywho, we arrived back at the beach, where a table had been set up featuring decks of cards and an assortment of snacks. Since we were playing Pocky Poker, there were also a few boxes of pocky present as well. Kibe noticed us and greeted us.

Kibe - There you are! Where have you two been?

Mami - Oh, you know... Just swimming together.

Kibe - Yeah... seems legit. Listen, I heard you two howling from far away. Care to explain what happened?

Mami froze in embarrassment, her face turning a deep red. I knew that our little secret may have just been leaked, so I needed to save our asses.

Me - Hehehe... Well, Mami lost her bracelet out in this little cove she found, and when we got it, some rare fish came up to us and brushed up against our feet! A sea bass to be exact!

(A/N - Sea bass is "suzuki". He came up with this by swapping the syllables in "sekkusu", and you can fill in the blanks from there.)

Kazuya - Interesting... I think I've seen those in the aquarium one time.

Me - I hear you're quite the fish expert, but I digress. Now, let's play!

As we went to go take our seats, Mami leaned close to me and whispered in my ear.

Mami - Thank you, Natsu. You just saved my life back there!

Me - Don't mention it.

Mami - Also, I don't want you telling anyone what we did out there. Especially not my father.

I was left confused by this. Who was this person she calls her father? Why would she suddenly bring him up, and why would he be so put off by the fact that we had sex just a few minutes ago? Even if someone in our group had links with him, I highly doubt they'd let it slip that easily. However, I brushed it off, for I needed to put my game face on.

With that, Sasano dealt the cards. There were nine of us, so we decided to use two decks. Classic poker rules applied, and whoever lost would have to play the pocky game, which involves two people taking a pocky into their mouth, and eating until their lips meet in the middle without the pocky falling out.

In the first round, Chizuru ended up getting a two pair of 6s and jacks, and Imai got a pair of 7s. Sasano ended up getting a full house of 10s and aces, making him the winner so far. Kibe got a pair of 3s, the worst out of all of us so far; while Shimae got a two pair of 9s and queens, putting her ahead of Chizuru. As for the rest of us, Kazuya got a pair of 7s, tying him with Imai; Shun's hand was slightly better with a pair of queens, Mami was better still with a pair of aces, while I got a two pair of queens and 9s, tying me with Shimae.

Me - Haha! Guess you lose, Kibe! 

I handed him one of the pocky sticks as I grinned evilly.

Me - Now... choose your victim.

Kibe looked around for a bit, and soon went for Shimae. An entertaining display ensued as the two got closer and closer, nibbling the pocky as they did, but alas, he dropped the pocky at the last moment.

Everyone - Oh...

Me - Wow... Just didn't have it in you, eh, bud? So much for the "love expert".

Kibe - SHUT UP!!

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