Chapter VII - The Puppetmaster's Folly

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November was now upon us, and this month would be special for one reason: The 13th day of this month is Mami's birthday. This birthday is also gonna be a special one, considering that she's gonna be turning 20 this year. As such, I've spent the last week and a half thinking up something special to get for her on this momentous milestone. This was made even more special due to the fact that this would be the first birthday she's had in which she's celebrated with a significant other other than her immediate family, that being myself. Not even Tarou nor Kazuya had such an honour. 

A few days before her birthday, I had gone to a high-end jeweler and bought her a very special pendant.

A few days before her birthday, I had gone to a high-end jeweler and bought her a very special pendant

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(A/N - Yes. Topaz comes in colours other than yellow. Blue just so happens to be one of them)

This pendant features topaz, her birthstone, with gold, silver, and diamond accents. If this doesn't personify my love for her, I don't know what will. 

As I was walking down the street leaving the store, the box containing the pendant hidden in my bag, I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Mami - Natsu!

I turned around to see Mami running up to me in a very excited sort of way. I really like seeing Mami in such an upbeat state.

Me - Hey Mami! You seem to be in a good mood today.

Mami - Indeed. There's actually something I want to ask you.

Me - Okay. What is it?

Mami - Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come over and have dinner with my family tonight.

As she said this, I felt a pit in my stomach as I was trying to process what she was saying. Mami herself was personally inviting me to have dinner with her parents, and if she's told me anything, it's that they don't exactly have a good track record of behaving cordially with any boys other than Hakuba. In any case, it seems odd that Mami would be willing to take these sorts of risks knowing how cautious she usually is.

Me - M-Mami... Are you sure about this? I mean, you told me yourself that your parents don't take kindly to other men. Shouldn't that already be a red flag?

Mami - Yeah, but... I've been doing some thinking recently. Specifically, with what you said to me when you treated me to parfaits the other day, and the day after when we went rock climbing with Shun and the others. With that in mind, I decided to give my parents another chance. I mean, it's been a few years since that whole Tarou incident, so with any luck, they've become more lax in that department. I asked them about our dinner this morning, and to my surprise, they actually said yes. So, already, they seem to be taking this really well. I tell you, this could really be a shining moment for us, wouldn't you think?

I was mildly surprised to hear that Mami's parents would approve of having dinner with someone they don't know as of yet knowing their track record. I would think that they would constantly be on their guard after what happened with Tarou, but as Mami said, her parents have probably cooled down a bit by now. I still have my doubts for this whole arrangement, but nevertheless, I'll just have to see what happens and hope for the best.

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